Catechetical Instruction
by Archibald Alexander
Catechetical Instruction must
have been coeval with the human family. At first all knowledge was communicated
orally, and handed down by tradition. The first man delivered a stock of
important ideas to his children; and they again to theirs, with different
degrees of ability and fidelity. The most usual place of instruction was,
doubtless, for a long time, the domestic circle. Here the pious patriarch would
spend much time in dealing out to his listening children the lessons which he
had learned in his youth from his predecessors, and those which he had been
taught by his own experience. These instructions were properly of the nature of
catechizing, which may be defined to be the familiar communication of knowledge
orally. As long as this duty was faithfully performed by parents, the darkness
of ignorance and idolatry were prevented, but as soon as it fell into neglect,
error and vice must have been the consequence. Of Abraham, God certifies, “I
know that he will command his children, and his household after him, and they
shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment (Gen. 18:19).” And
God, by Moses, insisted more upon no duty than this, of domestic instruction in
the truths of religion. “And the words which I command thee shall be in thy
heart, and thou shalt teach them diligently to thy children, and shalt talk of
them when thou sittest in thy house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when
thou liest down and when thou risest up.” Again, “Only take heed to thyself, and
keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have
seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life; but teach
thy sons, and thy sons' sons (Deut. 4:9, 10; 6:7).”
To these precepts the Psalmist refers, when he says, “He established a testimony
in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers that
they should make them known to their children: that the generations to come
might know them, even the children which should be born, who should arise and
declare them to their children (Ps. 78:5, 6).”
The word catechize, is properly Greek, derived from the verb katecheo,
to instruct with the voice, which is found, in some of its parts, six or
seven times in the New Testament, but is commonly translated to instruct;
because in English, the word catechize has somehow acquired a narrower
signification than the original term, and conveys the idea of instruction by
question and answer; whereas, the word in Greek includes all manner of
elementary, oral instruction: and it would be desirable to bring back the word
to its original meaning. This, however, is of small moment. The passages in
which the original word is found, are the following: Luke 1:4; Acts 18:25; Acts
21:22, 24; Romans 2:18; 1 Corinthians 14:19; Galatians 4:6.
It appears therefore that this mode of instruction is fully recognized in the
sacred Scriptures. Indeed, if no other methods of inculcating divine truth were
resorted to, than delivering elaborate and continued discourses from the pulpit,
very little information would be gained by the young and the ignorant. Preaching
supposes and requires some preparatory knowledge in the hearers, to render it
useful in communicating religious knowledge. Elementary principles must be
acquired in some other way; and this was more especially the case before the
invention of printing, when books were very scarce, and few persons were able to
read. It seems that the apostles and first teachers of the Christian religion
were much occupied in giving religious instruction, from house to house; and we
know from undoubted authorities, that in the earliest times of the primitive
church, all who applied for admission into the church, from among the heathen,
and all the children of Christians, were carefully instructed by catechizing;
that is, by a course of familiar teaching, viva voce. To every church a class of
catechumens was attached and formed a kind of school, in which the first
principles of religion were inculcated, and certain formulas of Christian
doctrine, such as the early creeds, carefully committed to memory, together with
portions of the sacred Scriptures. In some places these schools for catechumens
became very famous, and were supplied with teachers of the highest character for
learning and piety; so that they were frequented by the lovers of sacred
literature from other countries. A celebrated institution of this sort
flourished for several ages at Alexandria, in Egypt in which Origen was
educated, and at which he became the most distinguished teacher. A large number
of the treatises written by the fathers, in different countries, and in
different centuries, were composed expressly for the instruction of the
catechumens. And until darkness overspread the church, and her unnatural pastors
deprived the people of the Scriptures, the church was, as it ever should be,
like a great school, where holy men of God devoted their time to the instruction
of the rising generation, and of converts from paganism.
In catechetical, or elementary instruction, the grand secret is, little at a
time and often repeated. Whoever would successfully instruct children and very
ignorant adults, should avoid the error of crowding too many things into their
minds at once. It is as preposterous a practice as it would be to attempt to
increase the activity, vigor, and size of the body, by cramming the stomach with
as much food as it could hold. Moreover, the truths first communicated should be
as simple as possible. Tender minds must not be fed with strong meat, but with
pure milk. To accommodate instruction to the state of advancement in knowledge,
and to the degree of development of the mental faculties, is certainly that part
of education which is most difficult, and at the same time the most important.
That historical facts should form the commencement of a course of religious
instruction, is indicated, first, by the method pursued in the Bible; and
secondly, by the predilection of all children for this species of knowledge. But
at a very early period, moral and doctrinal instruction of the most important
kind may be connected with the scriptural facts inculcated, and may always be
most advantageously engrafted on them. Doctrinal catechisms are, it is admitted,
not commonly understood well by children; but it can do them no harm to exercise
themselves in committing the words to memory; for it is universally admitted,
that to strengthen the memory, it must be frequently and vigorously exercised:
and will it not be much better to have it stored with words which contain the
most salutary truths, rather than those which may, by some association, prove
injurious on the recollection?
Sometimes the having committed to memory such a system as the Shorter Catechism,
is of the utmost importance to an individual when his lot is cast where he has
no means of correct information; or in case the person should lose his sight or
hearing. We once noticed an exemplification of this in the case of a man of
strong mind, who had led a busy life, without much concern with books, and who
in his latter years was entirely blind. In conversation on the most important
topics of religion, in which he took a deep interest, he would continually recur
to the answers in the Shorter Catechism, which he had learned when young; and
which now seemed to serve as a guide to his thoughts in all his meditations. But
the true reason why so many children learn the Catechism without understanding
its meaning, is that no pains are taken to explain its doctrines, and to
illustrate them, in a way adapted to their capacity. Parents are, for the most
part, either incapable of giving such instruction or negligent in the
performance of this important duty. Most parents then stand in need of some
helps to enable them to explain the meaning of the Catechism; and such helps
have been amply provided, and should be in the hands of every Presbyterian
family. We have works of this description by Vincent, Flavel, Thompson, and
others of former days; and more recently an excellent exposition of the Shorter
Catechism by the Rev. Belfrage of Scotland; and still more recently we have a
set of Lectures on the Shorter Catechism from the pen of the venerable Doctor
Green, in two volumes, which we sincerely wish might be found in every family in
our church, as a work of sound theology, written in a correct and perspicuous
style. And while we are recommending expositions of this excellent little
compend, we would not omit to mention with high approbation, the Rev. Matthew
Henry's Scriptural Catechism, in which all the questions are derived from those
in the Shorter Catechism, and the answers throughout are in the very words of
Scripture. This in our opinion is an admirable work, and ought to be reprinted
and widely circulated. We are also free to recommend Fisher's Catechism, as a
valuable doctrinal work, which has been much used in Scotland, and by many
Presbyterians in this country. The Key to the Shorter Catechism, we also
approve, and from the testimony of those who have tried it, we are led to
believe, it may be made very useful in aiding children to understand the meaning
of words and phrases used in the Catechism.
The old Presbyterian custom of devoting the Sabbath evening, sacredly, to the
business of catechizing the children and domestics, in every family, ought to be
revived among us where it has fallen into disuse; no other means which have been
substituted for this, are likely to answer as good a purpose. Or, if public
services in the church are considered on the whole expedient, on this evening,
let an hour in the morning, or immediately after dinner be appropriated to this
important work. It is as useful to parents, as to children; and is the most
effectual method of inducing young persons to commit the Catechism well to
memory. And unless this is done, the religious instruction of servants and
domestics will be neglected. These family instructions should be conducted with
great gravity and kindness of manner; at such times, chiding and scolding should
be avoided; and the addresses to the consciences of delinquents should be made
with affectionate tenderness.
We do earnestly hope that attention to doctrinal instruction will not be
relinquished, nor diminished in our church. Hitherto, Presbyterians have been
distinguished above all people in the world, for a correct and thorough
knowledge of the tenets of their own church. No people on earth are so well
indoctrinated in the principles of religion, and in the proof of the doctrines
believed, as the Scotch, and their descendants in Ireland and America. Other
people far exceed them in metaphysical speculations, and in the knowledge of
other matters; but for sound religious knowledge, commend us to Scotch
Presbyterians of every sect.
The benefits of thorough instruction in the doctrines of religion cannot be
calculated. The truths thus received into the mind may prove ineffectual, in
some cases, to restrain from open sin; but even in these, the force of the truth
is often felt, and the person thus situated, is much more likely to be convinced
of the error of his ways than those transgressors whose minds are almost totally
destitute of the knowledge of the doctrines of religion. There is, moreover, an
unspeakable benefit from the possession of correct doctrinal information, when
the mind falls under serious impressions of religion; for then, truths which had
been early inculcated, and long forgotten, will revive in the memory, and serve
to guard the anxious mind from those enthusiastic errors into which ignorant
persons are so prone to fall when they are deeply exercised on the subject of
their salvation. Let not the members of the Presbyterian Church, therefore,
become remiss in that which has ever been her most honorable distinction; the
careful initiation of children into the doctrines of religion, contained in her
Catechisms; than which we believe, a sounder system of theoretical and practical
theology, cannot be found in any language.
It may appear rather extraordinary, that the Assembly of Divines at Westminster,
should have prepared two catechisms, as this seems rather calculated to distract
than edify the church. But the history of this matter is simply this. The Larger
Catechism was first composed by a committee of three members; Dr. Tuckney, Dr.
Arrowsmith, and the Rev. Mr Newcomen; though there is good reason to believe
that the first named had the chief hand in the composition. The work was highly
approved, but was thought to be too long to be generally committed to memory by
children, the committee was therefore directed to prepare a catechism containing
the same truths, in a more condensed form. The Shorter Catechism is therefore an
abridgement of the Larger, and by comparison it will be found to contain the
substance of the Larger, expressed with more brevity, but containing, for the
most part, the very language of the original. It was formerly a frequent thing
for young persons of both sexes, in our church, to commit to memory, accurately,
the whole of the Larger Catechism. Whether this practice is continued in many of
the Presbyterian congregations, under care of the General Assembly, our
information is not sufficient to enable us to declare; but we cannot but believe
that young persons who have accomplished this object, have acquired a treasure
which may be to them of more value than thousands of silver and gold. One thus
armed with the panoply of divine truth, will not be liable to be “carried about
with every wind of doctrine,” and every wild spirit of enthusiasm which may be
abroad in the world; and when he reads religious books, or hears discourses from
the pulpit, he will not only be capable of understanding them better than
others, but will carry about with him a test, by which he can make trial of the
correctness of what he hears or reads, and thus be in a situation to obey the
apostle's exhortation, “Prove all things, hold fast that which is good.”
We cannot be contented to let the opportunity pass of bestowing merited
commendation on those denominations of Scotch Presbyterians who are not in
communion with the General Assembly, for their indefatigable industry and care
in giving doctrinal instruction to their children. In this respect, it must be
acknowledged, they greatly excel all other denominations of Christians in our
country. Among them, we have reason to believe, there has been no falling off in
attention to the Catechisms; and few instances ever occur of the members of
these churches being seduced by the insidious arts of the propagators of error
and infidelity.
The question may occur to some, To whom does it belong to give catechetical
instruction? We answer, to all who are capable of teaching anything of divine
truth correctly. But, especially, it is the duty of parents, guardians, masters,
school-masters, elders and ministers. All who can be enlisted in the service
should be engaged to teach those more ignorant than themselves. And we feel
constrained to give our testimony strongly in favor of Sunday Schools, in which
so many persons are employed, so beneficially to themselves and others, in
giving instruction out of the Bible. When this is called a new institution, it
surely is not meant that any new instruction is given; or that there is anything
new in the manner of communicating religious knowledge. The whole novelty of the
thing consists in the success of the attempt to engage such a multitude of
teachers in giving lessons, and such a multitude of scholars in learning them.
But we would respectfully ask, whether parents, and ministers, and elders, have
not become more remiss in catechizing since the introduction of Sunday School?
In order to render the public catechizing of children profitable, the pastor of
the flock must manifest a deep and lively interest in the exercise. If he should
appear indifferent, and attend on catechetical exercise in a formal or careless
manner, no great good can be expected to arise from such meetings; but if he
will take pains to arrange all the circumstances of such exercises, so as to
render them interesting to old and young; if he will propose special subjects of
inquiry, refer to proper books, and converse freely with his people on this
topic, a spirit of investigation will be excited, religious knowledge will be
pursued with diligence and alacrity, and catechizing will be found to be the
most effectual means of diffusing correct information on the doctrines of
If common schools were what they ought to be, seminaries in which Christian
doctrine was carefully taught, then our schoolmasters would all be catechists,
and the children would be trained in the knowledge of God, and their duty. The
business of catechizing youth seems also to be one of the appropriate duties of
the eldership; for surely these officers ought not to be restricted to mere
matters of order and government. As leaders of the people, they should go before
them in religious instruction; and it would be an expedient, as it is a common
arrangement, to have each parish so divided into districts, that every elder
would have a little charge of his own to look after, the families within which
he might frequently visit, and where he might frequently collect and catechize
the youth. If ruling elders are commonly incompetent to perform such a work as
this, they are unfit for the office which they hold, and can be of little
service in the church in other respects. It is now becoming matter of common
complaint, that our ruling elders are not generally sensible of the important
duties which belong to their office, and are not well qualified to perform them.
But how can this evil be remedied? We answer, that the effectual remedy will be
found in an increased attention to instruction in the doctrines of the church,
by which means many will acquire a taste and thirst for religious knowledge; and
whenever this occurs, there will be rapid progress in the acquisition of such a
fund of sound theology, as will qualify them to communicate instruction to the
young and ignorant. In the mean time, let every pastor meet with the elders of
his church, once in the week, for the express purpose of discussing questions
which relate to the duties belonging to their office: and thus those who are
really desirous of executing their office in a faithful and intelligent manner,
will become better and better prepared for their important work every year.
The question has often been agitated whether it would not be expedient to have
an order of catechists, whose duty it should be to attend to this whole concern;
and the idea has been favorably entertained by some in the Presbyterian church.
But to us it appears, that such an office would be worse than useless: for, if
the catechist be taken from among the members of the church, where he is
expected to officiate, and this must be the case if every church is supplied
with one or more, then why not constitute him at once a ruling elder? Surely the
mere name of catechist would not qualify him to give instruction; and if he is
qualified, would he not be as able to teach, if called by the name elder as
catechist? And if the office is judged to be expedient, because we cannot obtain
well qualified elders, how can it be supposed that competent catechists could be
found? The idea of some, however, is, that to perform the duties of catechizing
well, requires much more time than men can commonly afford from their own
business; and therefore, proper persons should be employed at a reasonable
salary, to devote their whole time to this important branch of instruction. Now
all this is very reasonable, and brings us to the very point mentioned before,
viz. that schools, among Christians, should have it as their chief object, to
bring up children in the knowledge of divine things; and the proper catechists
of the church would be the teachers of these schools. If it be said, that
school-masters are often incompetent to perform this part of their duty; we
reply, that the same thing would be true if they were called catechists; or if
other persons were sought for, in the present state of the church, there would
exist the same difficulty in obtaining them as there is now in finding well
qualified school-masters. The truth is, the church should take pains to train
men for this very office; and the parents should set a much higher value on it,
than they have been accustomed to do; and the office ought to be rendered more
respectable, and more desirable than it is at present.
It may, perhaps, be thought by some, that the prevalence of Sunday schools
renders it unnecessary for church officers to concern themselves with the
instruction of the youth under their charge. If, indeed, the schools of this
description within the parish are under the special superintendence and tuition
of the Pastor and Elders, there is no good reason why catechetical instruction
should not be given in a Sunday school as well as anywhere else. Catechizing is
an exercise peculiarly suited to the Sabbath, and if the officers of any church
should agree to conduct this part of the instruction in these valuable
institutions, it would certainly be an improvement on the plan on which they are
commonly conducted. But when, as is commonly the case, these schools are made up
of children of different denominations, and are under the direction of persons
not connected with any one church, their existence and prosperity, while it will
greatly facilitate pastoral labors, ought not to be considered as a substitute
for catechizing. We are afraid, however, that some pastors, as well as many
parents, have become remiss in this part of their duty, from the mistaken idea,
that their labors in this field are now superseded. This mistake should be
carefully counteracted; and while the benefits of Sunday school are gratefully
acknowledged, the instruction of our youth in the Catechisms of our own church
should be pursued with increasing diligence.
The old Presbyterian plan of conducting catechizing did not confine this method
of instruction to children and youth, but extended it to all persons except the
officers of the church. And certainly one of the chief hindrances to the success
of catechetical instruction has been that it commonly terminates too soon. When
children have arrived at the age of twelve or fourteen years, they take up the
opinion that they are too big and too old to repeat the catechism; in
consequence of which, until the institution of Bible classes, our youth received
no appropriate instruction, in many congregations, in that period of their lives
which of all others is most important for improvement in knowledge. While we are
strong advocates for catechetical instruction, we are at the same time warm
friends to the method of instruction pursued in Bible classes; and we should be
pleased to see both these methods of instruction extended to all ages and
conditions of men; for who is there that has not something yet to learn? And
what upon earth is so worthy of time and pains as the knowledge of God's word,
and the doctrines of his wonderful love and grace? Every man who contributes to
the increase of this kind of learning by his writings, should be deemed more a
public benefactor than he who invents the most useful machine. Let all, then,
whom God has entrusted with so excellent a talent as that of writing well on
theology, take heed that they do not hide it in a napkin or bury it in the
earth; for never was there a time when there was a greater need of good books
and tracts to counteract the floods of error which are issuing from a thousand
sources; and never was there a period when the effect of good writing was so
extensive. By means of the improvements in printing, and the facilities of
conveyance in our day, opportunity is afforded of circulating opinions
throughout the land; and if religious men sleep, there is no doubt that the
enemy will sow his tares plentifully. Let the friends of truth, therefore, be
watchful and wise, and ever on the alert, in seizing opportunities of
enlightening the world with the pure doctrines of the word of God.
Archibald Alexander (1772-1851) Dr. Alexander served the Presbyterian church in
several capacities (having been licensed at age 19 in 1794) before being
installed as the first professor at Princeton Seminary in 1812. He strongly
affected two generations of ministers in the 40 years he taught there. He was
the author of many books, and a frequent contributor to the Princeton Review. He
has several articles in the set of Presbyterian tracts published throughout the
mid 19th Century. “It was his rare fortune to maintain an unsullied reputation
for superior piety, wisdom, benevolence and consistency throughout a ministry of
nearly sixty years.”
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