JANUARY 20TH, 1788, TO JULY 1ST, 1888.
REV. E. K. LOVE, D. D.
[Copyright, 1888, by Rev. E. K. Love, Author.]
The Baptism of Rev. Andrew Bryan, his Wife, Hagar and Kate--The Organization
of the Church--The Persecution of Mr. Bryan--He Purchased his Liberty--The
Purchase of a Church Site in Yamacraw--The Organization of the Second
African and Ogeechee Baptist Churches--The Deed of First African Baptist
Church made to a Board of Trustees--A Copy of the Deed
The Church from 1818 to 1832--Not much is known of the Church from 1788 to
1818--The Great Trouble of 1832--Mr. Marshall Influenced by the Preaching of
Alexander Campbell--The Church is Expelled from the Sunsbury
Association--The Split of the Church
The Continuation of the Trouble--The Third African Baptist Church enters the
Association in 1833 with 155 Members--The First African Baptist Church
Retains her Identity--The First African Baptist Church Endeavors to come
under the Supervision of the White Baptist Church, but is Refused--The
Compromise and Settlement of the Trouble--The Organization of the Third
African Baptist Church--The Purchase of the Site at Franklin Square--Mr.
Marshall's Deposition from the Pastorate--His Restoration
Continuation of the Trouble--The Split and how it was Conducted--The Numbers
each Party had--The 155 Received Letters of Dismission and Organized the
Third African Baptist Church--The Third African Baptist Church Changed its
Name to First Bryan Baptist Church--Various Committees from the White
Baptist Church Labored with the Two Contending Parties--Appeals to the
Trustees, the Mayor, and other Strategies Resorted to
Rev. Mr. Marshall Re-instated--His Church back under the Supervision of the
White Baptist Church--The Committee from the White Baptist Church Insisted
upon it that Rev. Marshall should not be Pastor--They are Out-generaled by
him--Disaffection in the Third African Church
The First African Baptist Church Trying to Re-enter the Association--She
Finally Enters--Her Identity Traced from 1788 to 1838, a Period of Fifty
Years--She was Expelled as First African Baptist Church, 1832, and Restored
as First African Baptist Church, 1837
The New Site at Franklin Square--The Purchase--New Building--More about Rev.
Marshall--His Efforts to get Money to Build the Church Edifice--His Trip
North--His Death at Richmond, Va.--Rev. Campbell takes up the Work--He
Appoints a Building Committee and Completes the Church Edifice
Rev. George Leile--His Work in Savannah and Departure for Jamaica--His Work
in Jamaica--His Letters to Dr. Rippons
Rev. Andrew Bryan--His Baptism--His Troubles--His Pastorate--His Ministry
and Death
Rev. Andrew C. Marshall--His Conversion and Baptism--Contradiction in his
History--His Troubles--His Celebrity--His Great Influence--His Long
Pastorate, and Death
Rev. William J. Campbell--His Long and Useful Life--A King among his
People--His Ministry--Great Trouble--His Baptism--Called to the
Pastorate--His Troubles--The Commencement of the Trouble of 1877
The Trouble of 1877--The Cause--Its Fierceness--The Split--The Call of Rev.
Gibbons--The Death of Rev. Campbell, and the Final Settlement--Something
Concerning Mr. Campbell's Early Troubles
Rev. George Gibbons--His Call, Pastorate and Death
Rev. E. K. Love--His Call--Installation--Pastorate--His Sermons--The
Improvements of the Church under his Administration
Dr. Love's Administration--The Enlargement of the Church Edifice--The Manner
of Work--The Centennial Clubs and Civic Societies--What they did--The Return
of the Gibbons' Place Society--The Children's Church--Rev. Campbell's
The Societies of the Church--Their Membership--The Value of their Property and Condition
Rev. C. H. Lyons' Sermon and the Presentation of the Banner to the Church
Something about the Deacons
Deacon Adam Johnson--His Eventful Life
Deacons Adam Sheftall, Jack Simpson and Robert McNish
Deacons W. J. Campbell and J. M. Simms
Deacons Murry Monroe and Patrick A. Glenn
Deacons James Richard, Friday Gibbons and George Gibbons
Deacon C. L. DeLamotta
Deacon David McIntosh
Deacon F. M. Williams
Deacons Richard Baker and John Nesbit
Deacon Robert P. Young
Deacon Pompey H. Butler
Deacon Peter Williams
Deacon March Haynes
Deacon James H. Hooker
Deacon L. J. Pettigrew
Deacon Joseph H. Williams
Deacon John H. Brown
Deacon Willis Harris
Deacons John C. Habersham and Peter Houston
Deacon Moses L. Jackson
Deacons Alexander Rannair and R. H. Johnson
Deacon E. C. Johnson
Deacon F. J. Wright
Rev. James I. Sevorres
Mr. W. G. Clark
Brethren John E. Grant and C. H. Ebbs
Mrs. M. M. Monroe
CHAPTER XVIII. - [Warning! - Extremely LARGE file to load]
The Centennial Celebration of the Church--The Sermons, Papers, etc
Report of Special Committee on the Priority of the Church
The Welcome Address, by Dr. Love
The Introductory Sermon, by Rev. C. T. Walker
A Centennarian at the Celebration--Mrs. Mary Jackson
Baptist Doctrine, by Rev. S. A. McNeal
History of the Colored Baptists of Georgia, by Rev. G. H. Dwelle
Baptist Church History, by Rev. W. H. Tillman, Sr
The History of the Baptists, by Rev. Levi Thornton
The Wants of the Colored Ministry, by Rev. Dr. W. H. McIntosh
The Wants of the Colored Ministry, by Rev. Alexander Ellis
The Wants of the Colored Ministry, by Rev. W. G. Johnson
The Relation of the White and Colored Baptists, by Rev. T. J. Hornsby
The Relation of the White and Colored Baptists, by Rev. G. S. Johnson
The American Baptist Publication Society and its Work for the Colored People, by Rev. E. K. Love, D. D.
The American Baptist Publication Society and its Work for the Colored People, by Rev. N. W. Waterman
The Bible as Believed by Baptists, by Rev. J. C. Bryan
The Bible as Believed by Baptists, by Rev. G. M. Spratling
The Qualification and Dignity of the Ministry, by Rev. Charles H. Brightharp
The Duty of Baptists to Home Missions, by Rev. E. J. Fisher
The Evils of Intemperance, by Rev. S. D. Rosier
Are we Advancing as a Denomination? by Prof. M. P. McCrary
The Duty of the Pastor to the Church, by Rev. J. W. Dunjee
The Duty of the Church to the Pastor, by Prof. Isaiah Blocker
The Duty of the Church to the Pastor, by Deacon R. H. Thomas
What is our Duty to the Institutions of the Country? by Prof. H. L. Walker
The Importance of Pure Baptist Literature, by Rev. E. P. Johnson
The Work and Purity of the Church, by Rev. Henry Jackson
Money as a Factor in Christianizing the World, by Rev. W. R. Pettiford
Baptist Church Government, by Rev. J. L. Dart
A Letter from Dr. Tucker
The Act of Baptism, by Rev. J. H. Kilpatrick, D. D
No Royal Road to Church Prosperity, by Rev. J. H. Kilpatrick, D. D
The Duty of Parents to Sunday Schools, by Prof. James Ross
Conclusion, by the Author
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