committed to historic Baptist & Reformed beliefs







Reformed Seminaries/Schools



Abstract of Principles
"When the original charter of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary was adopted in 1858 it contained the following statement which continues as a part of the 'fundamental laws.'

"Every professor of the institution shall be a member of a regular Baptist church; and all persons accepting professorships in this seminary shall be considered, by such acceptance, as engaging to teach in accordance with, and not contrary to, the Abstract of Principles hereinafter laid down, a departure from which principles on his part shall be considered grounds for his resignation or removal by the Trustees, to wit:"

The Baptist Faith and Message
The Baptist Faith and Message is the confession of faith most widely held by congregations in friendly cooperation with the Southern Baptist Convention. The SBC adopted the Baptist Faith and Message for the first time in 1925, with a new version approved in 1963. An amendment on "The Family" was added to the Baptist Faith and Message in 1998.

One Faith, One Task, One Sacred Trust: A Covenant Between Our Seminaries and Our Churches
"This is a critical moment in the history of the Southern Baptist Convention -- and of our seminaries. The six seminaries serving this denomination bear a precious and perishable responsibility on behalf of our churches, for we are entrusted with those who will be their ministers, pastors, preachers, and servants.

"Looking to the dawn of the twenty-first century, we hereby restate and reaffirm our commitment to the churches we serve, to the convictions those churches hold and honor, and to the charge we have received on their behalf."



The purpose of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary is to educate, through several degree programs, God's servants to biblically1 evangelize and congregationalize2 the world, with special focus on the Midwest/Great Plains region of America.

1The Seminary's statement of faith, The Baptist Faith and Message (1963), says of the Bible, "It has God for its author, salvation for its end, and truth, without any mixture of error, for its matter." The Southern Baptist Convention has defined and affirmed this commitment to biblical inerrancy through both the findings of the Peace Committee Report (1987) and the Report of the President's Theological Study Committee (1993). Should the Seminary countenance teaching contrary to these clarifying documents, this would constitute disloyalty to its purpose statement.

2The Seminary maintains, consistent with Convention resolution and agency policy, that, while a wonderful range of strategic and effectual ministry is open to both men and women, the pastor of a biblical congregation must be male.



At Beeson we frequently say that "above all else, we want our students to be men and women of God." The new Divinity School chapel, redolent with symbols of the faith and decorated with beautiful Christian art, stands at the center of Divinity Hall. Its cross-shaped form reminds us of the centrality of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Its prominence and location at the heart of our building bears witness to the fact that Beeson is not merely a graduate school for the study of theology, but rather a living community of faith and learning whose highest purpose is "to know God and to enjoy Him forever."



We nurture persons -- for God, for learning, forever.

The mission of Samford University is to nurture persons, offering learning experiences and relationships in a Christian community, so that each participant may develop personal empowerment, academic and career competency, social and civic responsibility, and ethical and spiritual strength; and continuously to improve the effectiveness of the community.



Since the Bible is absolutely and finally authoritative as the inerrant Word of God, it is the basis for the total curriculum. Students are equipped with the necessary skills to understand and teach the Scriptures, developing above all a burning desire to know and do the will of God as revealed in the Old and New Testaments, for the essence of Reformed theology is a willingness to constantly conform all of life to the Word of God.

The seminary recognizes that there are evangelical and Reformed brothers and sisters in Christ within various denominations and Christian organizations who hold views concerning doctrine, missions, and evangelism different from its own distinctives. While committed to fulfilling its purpose and distinctives in these areas, the seminary resolves to maintain openness to and appreciation for Christians in differing denominations and organizations in a loving spirit, thus contributing to the purity and the unity of the Christian community and witness.



Complete an MA from home

The purpose of the MA/Distance degree is to provide a more convenient accredited master’s degree for graduate level theological education. The curriculum is based on the Master of Arts (Religion) degree (MAR) and is equivalent to the two-year residential version. It is the next logical step in the series of extension and off-campus programs expanded by RTS over the past two decades. External education courses have been an important part of these offerings for many years. MA/Distance is an experimental, pilot program to test the practice of a largely distance program with a concise on-campus supplement. Careful program evaluation will be for the benefit of RTS and other institutions of theological and ministerial education.



KNOX THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY combines quality academics with the passion of our chancellor, Dr. James D. Kennedy, and the faculty: commitment to the sovereignty of God, the inerrancy of His Word, the Great Commission, and the Cultural Mandate.



This prospectus sets forth a Reformed Baptist view of the foundations of theological training. The prospectus then lays out the practical method used by the Reformed Baptist Church of Grand Rapids in implementing those principles. If you are curious about pastoral and theological training in a Reformed Baptist context, this prospectus is for your reading.

Please read the Prospectus:  HERE

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