Sola Gratia
"1.THEORY STATED. The theory of Calvinists as to election is that God (not man) of his own purpose (in accordance with his will, and not from any obligation man, nor because of any will of man), has from eternity (the period of God's action, not in time in which man acts), determined to save (not has actually saved, but simply determined so to do, and to save, not merely to confer gospel or church privileges upon) a definite number of mankind (not the whole race, nor indefinitely merely some of them, nor indefinitely a certain proportionate part; but a definite number), as individuals (not the whole or part of the race, nor of a nation, nor of a church, nor of a class, as of believers or the pious; but individuals), not for or merit or work of theirs, nor of any value to him of them (not because of any for their good works, or their holiness, or excellence, or their faith, or their spiritual sanctification, although the choice is to a salvation attained through faith and sanctification; nor for their value to him, though their salvation tends greatly to the manifested glory of his grace); was but of his good pleasure (simply because he pleased so to choose)".
Founder and first president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Louisville); president of the Southern Baptist Convention 1872-1879, 1888. Boyce is regarded as one of the outstanding Baptist theologians of the nineteenth century.
(Taken from ABSTRACT OF SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY by J. P. Boyce, now out of print.)
What is Sola Gratia?
by Sam Hughey
The hallmark and
glory of Protestant theology is its commitment to sola gratia,or the assertion that we are
saved by grace alone. This is not limited to those who are Reformed in their
theology but also to those who are Arminian in their theology. No true evangelical
Christian will claim that their salvation did "not" come to them entirely by the
grace of God alone. However, many who support the Arminian position will also come
dangerously close to the heresy taught by the Roman Catholic Church and others in that the
grace of God "must" be coupled with something that "I" do in order for
me to be saved.
Prior to the Protestant Reformation, the Roman Catholic church
emphasized grace, but not grace alone. Roman Catholicism and other religious sects
teach that grace requires human cooperation and effort if one is to be saved at all. The
error taught among Arminians results from a confusion of Ephesians 2:8,9, et. al.
The false notion of "free will" also plays a large role in the development of
grace alone (but adding "my decision"). There really is little, if any,
difference between the Roman Catholic view and the Arminian view of salvation, so long as
the grace of God must have a cooperation by man of any kind for any reason.
As a former fundamental Baptist, I was constantly reminded that
our salvation is most definitely by the grace of God but the faith of Eph. 2:8 was
"mine". Now, in order for the man of 1 Cor. 2:14 to be saved, God must
first call; next, "I" must decide if "I" truly want to be saved (which
contradicts 1 Cor. 2:14); and then "I" must invite (or allow) God to come into
me and be my savior. This has trampled upon the grace of God and has made human
effort (cooperation) a necessary addition to grace in order to be saved.
Actually, holy scripture never teaches this. If anything of
human effort, whether it be physical, mental or otherwise, is added to the grace of God
then our salvation is not by the grace of God "alone". John 1:13 clearly
states that our salvation does "not" come by our heritage, physical ability or
mental agreement of any kind. The grace of God is the glory of God. Man must
never share this wonderful and glorious gift that can only come from our Lord
Himself. This is what makes grace truly "amazing grace" for why would He
save a sinner as I.
When Paul asked our Lord to be relieved of his "thorn in the
flesh", Jesus simply replied; "My grace is sufficient for you". Oh,
if we could only capture the mind of Paul when we attempt to capture the mind of
God. The grace of God is not only sufficient for our "thorns" but also for
our very salvation. In fact, without the grace of God, there would be no salvation
from God. Our so-called "free will", our vain attempts to obey rules and
our man-made religious activity will leave us in the same place where it all begins,
"spiritually dead" with no hope of salvation in spite of any and all our human
Amazing Grace lyrics by John Newton, 1779 Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, Through many dangers, toils, and snares, And when this flesh and heart shall fail, When we've been there ten thousand years, |
By Grace Alone lyrics by Rev. Paul Treick Thou art our God, and we Thy race By nature we depraved did dwell In love eternal Thou didst choose Incarnate did Thy Son appear-- The blood of Christ by grace supplied With all Thy saints we are preserved This hymn of thanks, oh Lord, we bring; |
Not That I Did Choose Thee lyrics by Josiah Conder, 1836 'Tis not that I did choose thee, For Lord, that could not be; This heart would still refuse thee, Hadst thou not chosen me. Thou from the sin that stained me Hast cleansed and set me free; Of old thou hast ordained me, That I would live in thee. 'Twas sovreign mercy called me And taught my op'ning mind; The world had else entralled me, To heav'nly glories blind. My heart owns none before thee, For thy rich grace I thirst; This knowing, If I love thee, Thou must have loved me first. |
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