Solus Christus
Christ Alone - Only Christ
by Sam Hughey
"When man will not accept the absolute and objective standard for salvation in "Christ Alone", he will create his own truth and his own subjective standard of morality and salvation. He will, in essence, become a god unto himself and will worship his own personal standard of righteousness".
(Author Anonymous)
"As the
evangelical faith becomes secularized its interests have been blurred with those of the
culture. The result is a loss of absolute values, permissive individualism, and a
substitution of wholeness for holiness, recovery for repentance, intuition for truth,
feeling for belief, chance for providence, and immediate gratification for enduring hope.
Christ and his cross have moved from the center of our vision." (Cambridge
Declaration 1996).
When Christs atonement is at the center of our theological
focus we are constrained to take seriously Gods holiness and our sinfulness.
However, when the evangelical view of Christ is reduced to little more than a Pelagian
model of propriety with Christ merely an example of goodness, then we have lost any
Biblical sense of redemption; and the church substitutes recovery in place of salvation.
The evangelical church constituency often approaches the church event as a
consumer looking for whatever it is that will meet their felt needs. The clerics have
themselves often promoted this mentality having forsaken the role of preacher, for that of
counselor or social worker. Jesus is the Answer has become nothing more than another
marketing slogan. But, for what is he the answer? With our Christology having been reduced
to marketing techniques, like the Campus Crusade for Christs I Found It! campaign of
the 70s what are we to do when the ad campaign fails? Jesus Saves - a sound
bite religion - a shallow theology for a shallow people!
The Christian church responds to the unbeliever as though they
are asking the right questions when in fact they are often oblivious to the true condition
of their souls. "Jesus came to save us from Gods wrath and to reconcile us to
our offended Creator." But how can the sinner turn to Christ and find salvation if he
or she is unaware of from what it is that Jesus is saving them? The fact is, God in Christ
is saving men from himself. He brings men into judgment and he alone can save them from
it. However, in an age of relativism, preaching to men about their condemnation under the
law of God seems spiritually archaic. The layman in the pew wants seven painless steps to
successful living, whether its Christianity or some other equally valid spiritual
solution. But, it is impossible to have any sort of proper Christology without an adequate
understanding of the Law of God; a law which condemns to hell all outside of the grace of
God. The Law always precedes grace. If there is no law which indicts there is no need of a
savior to exculpate.
A Biblical Christology must minimally include the substance of
the three Christological creeds of the church, namely the Nicene, Apostolic and Athanasius
creeds as well as the following doctrines:
Jesus is the only mediator between God and man and as such he is
Prophet, Priest, and King. He is savior and head of the church. It is through him alone
that from all eternity he ordained a people to be his very own through redemption,
calling, justification, sanctification and glorification. Jesus is the second person in
the Trinity being of one substance and equal with the Father and at the same time wholly
man thus the "
distinct natures of God and man were inseparably joined together
in one person, without conversion, composition, or confusion" (Westminster
It must exclude any view of Christ in which his substitutionary
work is not declared and faith in Christ and his work is not enjoined.
Salvation is accomplished only by the mediatorial work of the
historical Christ. It is his sinless life and substitutionary atonement which are solely
sufficient for our justification and reconciliation to the Father. It is anathema to add
to his work the twelve step program, the aerobics for Christ small group, mass marketing
for messiah, or whatever else might be in vogue. It is not Christ plus my counselors
coaching which delivers me from addictive behavior which justifies me before God, it is
Christ alone!
Hebrews 12 speaks of a great cloud of witnesses which testify to
both the purpose and direction of history. They foresaw the Lord Jesus Christ who would
provide salvation for them. These witnesses were reliable in their testimony regarding the
salvific character of God 2 Pet 116ff. Habakkuk wanted to know when God, who being good
and righteous, was going to deliver them from a pagan enemy (Hab 12). He learned to look
to God in faith (Hab 24) for a future day of deliverance (Hab 32,17ff) and in this he was
not disappointed. This faith is rooted in Christ who is its author and perfecter.
We are admonished to look to Christ alone for he is the mediator
of a new covenant of grace. He is Gods final word to man. There is no other means
where men might propitiate the wrath of God. Jesus alone satisfies the requirements of God
Almighty, because Jesus alone is the true expression of Gods love.
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