An exposition upon the second epistle general of St. Peter...London: Bohn, 1848. Revised and corrected by James Sherman.
ADAMS, Thomas fl 1612-1653.
Works. Being the sum of his sermons, meditations, & other divine & moral
discourses with memoir by Joseph Angus, 3v...Edinburgh:Nichol, 1861-2.
Annotations upon the booke of Psalmes...London: Parson, 1639.
Annotations upon the first book of Moses called Genesis; compared with the
Greeke & Chaldee versions... London, Parson, 1639.
Communion of saints. A treatise of the fellowship that the faithful have with God, and his angels, and one with another in this present life... n.p., 1628. Bound with: An arrow against idolatrie, Taken out of the quiver of the Lord of Hosts.
AINSWORTH, Henry 1571-1623.
Solomons song of songs, in English metre... London, Parsons, 1639.
Lectures upon the whole Epistle of St. Paul to the Phillippians, delivered in St. Peter's church in Oxford... Edinburgh, Nichol, 1864.
[An Alarm to uncoverted sinners...whereunto are annexed Divers practical cases
of conscience judiciously resolv'd. s.1., s.n.]
(A) sure guide to heaven... London, Parkhurst, 1700.
ALLEINE, Richard.
Conquered, or a believers victory over the world. Laid upon in several sermons
on I John 5:4... London, 1668.
Heaven opened, or a brief and plain discovery of the riches of God's covenant of grace.
Title page missing.
ALLEINE, Richard.
Vindicie Pietatis: or a vindication of godliness...London, n.p., 1663.
Complete works... London, Reynolds, 1674.
Looking unto Jesus; a view of the everlasting gospel... London, Mottershed,
Prima: The first things, in reference to the middle and last things... London, Webb, 1659.
AMES, William 1576-1633.
Analytical exposition of both epistles of the Apostle Peter...London, Rothwell,
Marrow of sacred divinity... London, Griffin, 1642.
AMESIO, Guilielmo.
Lectiones in omnes Psalmos Davidis... London, Kembe, 1647. Bound with Vtriusque
epistolae divi petri apostoli.
Commentarie upon the Epistle of Saint Paule to Philemon... London, Jaggard, 1612.
(A) commentarie upon the fourth booke of Moses, called Numbers... London,
jaggard, 1618.
(A) chronicle of the Kings of England from the time of the Roman government unto the death of King James... London, Sawbridge, 1670.
BAKER, Sir Richard, Kt.
Meditations and disquisitions upon the first psalm; the penitential psalms; and
seven consolatory psalms... London, Higham, 1882.
Select works of John Bale...edited for the Parker society by the Rev. Henry Christmas... Cambridge, University Press, 1849.
BALL, John 1585-1640.
Treatise of faith, divided into two parts... London, Miller, 1632. 2nd ed.
Exposition of the first and second chapters of the latter Epistle of the Apostle Paul to Timothie... London, R.Y., 1632.
BATES, William.
Considerations of the existence of God, 2nd ed... London, Aylmer, 1677.
Harmony of the divine attributes... London, Seeley, 1825.
BATES, William.
Works, 2nd ed... London, 1723.
Hints & helps for ministers... abridged from "Reformed pastor."... Dublin, n.d.
BAXTER, Richard 1615-1691.
Poetical fragments... London, Pickering, 1821.
(The) reformed pastor; the duty of personal instruction and catechising... London, Buckland, 1766.
BAXTER, Richard 1615-1691.
(The) reformed pastor; the duty of personal instruction and catechising...
abridged and revised, NY, Am Tract Soc., 1829.
Reliquise baxterianae: or, Mr. Richard Baxter's narrative of the most memorable passage of his life & times...from his own original manuscript by Matthew Sylvester...London, Parkhurst, 1696.
BAXTER, Richard 1615-1691.
(The) saints everlasting rest...8th ed... London, Underhill, 1659.
(The) saints everlasting rest...11th ed...London, Tyton, 1677.
BAYNE, Paul.
(A) commentarie upon the first and second chapters of Saint Paul to the
Colossians... London, Badger, 1634.
(An) entire commentarie upon the whole epistle of the apostle Paul to the Ephesians... London, M.F., 1645.
BECON, Thomas 1512-1567.
Catechism...with other pieces written by him in the reign of King Edward the
6th ed. for the Parker society by Rev. John Ayre... Cambridge, University Press,
Early works...being the treatises published by him in the reign of King Henry VIII, ed. for the Parker society by Rev. John Ayre... Cambridge, University Press, 1843.
BECON, Thomas 1512-1567.
Prayers and other pieces...ed. for the Parker society by Rev. John Ayre...
Cambridge, University Press, 1844,
Commentary or exposition on...Amos. Delivered in XXI sermons in the parish church of Meysey Hampton in the diocesse of Glochester...London, Hauiland, 1629.
BERNARD, Richard.
Ruth's reconpence... Edinburgh, Nichol, 1865. (in STOCK, Richard. Commentary on
the prophecy of Malachi, 1865.)
The promises, or a treatise shewing how a godly Christian may support his heart with comfort. 1647.
Fellowship with God. Edin. Glen. 1671.
The sinners sanctuary. Edin. Swintown. 1670.
Works. Ed.4. Edinburgh. 1858.
Exposition upon the ten first chapters of the gospel of Jesus Christ. London, Hills, 1659.
BOLTON, Robert 1631-1672.
A discourse about the state of true happiness. ed.7. London, Legatt, 1638.
Last & learned worke of the foure last things, death, judgement, hell & heaven... London, Miller, 1632.
BOLTON, Robert 1631-1672.
Saints soule-exalting humiliation... London, Haviland, 1634.
Some general directions for a comfortable walking with God... London, Legatt, 1634.
BOLTON, Robert 1631-1672.
Same. London, Relig. Tract Soc., 1837.
Works... London, Miller, 1614.
BOYS, John
An exposition of the dominicall Epistles & Gospels used in our English liturgie.
Lond. Badger. 1638.
Plaine and pithy exposition of the second epistle to the Thessalonicans... London, Griffin, 1620.
BRIGHTMAN, Thomas 1562-1607.
The Revelation of St. John illustrated with an analysis and scholions. ed.4...
London, Cartwright, 1644.
Complete works. Ed. with a memoir, by Rev. A.B. Grosart. 6v. Edinburgh. Nichol. 1866-67.
An arke for all God's Noahs in a gloomy stormy day. Lond. Hancock. 1662.
An ark for all God's Noahs in a gloomy stormy day. Lond. Cripps. 1662.
Acceptable sacrifice; or, the excellency of a broken heart... London, Blackes,
Come & welcome to Jesus Christ; a plain & profitable dicourse on John VI, 37... London, Blackie, 1873.
Greatness of the soul, & unspeakable of the loss thereof; with the causes of the
losing it... London, Blackie, 1873.
(The) holy war... Edinburgh, Stevenson, n.d.
Jerusalem sinner saved or good news for the vilest of men... London, Religious
Tract Soc., 1886.
Justification by an imputed righteousness... London, Blackie, 1873.
(The) parable of the Pharisee and Publican... Aberdeen, King, n.d.
Pilgrim's progress... Edinburgh, Stevenson, n.d.
Pilgrim's progress... Tr. by Rev. W.J. White, n.p.n.d. (in Japanese).
(The) pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come. Edited for hte Hanserd Knollys society with an introductin by George Offor... London, Haddon, 1847.
Works. Being several discourses upon various divine subjects, ed. 2... London,
garnder, 1736. 2v.
Works, with an introduction to each treatise, notes, &
a sketch of his life, times, & contemporaries. 3v... London, Blackie, 1856.
BURGESS, Anthony.
Spirituall refinings; in two parts. Ed. 2. Lond. Streater. 1658.
True doctrine of justification asserted and vincdicated. Lond. Miller. 1651.
BURGESS, Anthony.
Vindicae legis. Lond. Young. 1646.
CXLV espository sermons upon the whole 17th chapter of the gospel according to St. John. Lond. Miller. 1656.
BURGESS, Daniel.
Characters of a Godly man. Lond. Parkhurst. 1691.
Foolish talking and jesting described and condemned. Lond. Bell. 1694.
BURGESS, Daniel.
The golden snuffers; Lond. Darby. 1697.
Hastiness unto anger described and disgraced. Lond. Robinson. 1698.
The doctrine of original sin, asserted and vindicated against the old and new
adveraries thereof, both Socinians, Papists, Arminians and Anabaptists. Lond.
Miller. 1659
An expository comment, doctrinal, controversal & practical upon the whole first chapter of the Second Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians. Lond. A.M. 1661.
BURGESSE, Anthony.
Scripture directory for church-officers and people. Lond. Miller. 1659.
Excellency of a gracious spirit...London, Dawlman, 1639. Bound with, "Moses, his self-denial."
BURROUGHS, Jeremiah 1599-1646.
Exposition with practical observations continued upon the eighth, ninth, and
tenth chapters of the prophesy of Hosea...London, Cale, 1650.
Exposition of the propesie of Hosea...London, Dawlman, 1643-51. 4 volumes, (#3 missing).
BURROUGHS, Jeremiah 1599-1646.
Gospel reconciliation...London, Cole, 1657.
Gospel conversation...London, Cole, 1653.
BURROUGHS, Jeremiah 1599-1646.
Gospel-worship...London, Cole, 1653.
Irenicum, to the lovers of truth and peace...London, Dawlman, 1653.
Jeremiah 1599-1646.
Moses, his choice. London, Ratcliffe, 1660.
Saints' happiness...Edinburgh, Nichol, 1867.
BURTON, William.
Certain questions and answers concerning the attribute of God...London,
Rivington, 1602.
Commentary upon the three first chapters of the first epistle general of St. Peter...London, Flesher, 1637.
BYFIELD, Nicholas 1579-1622.
Exposition upon the epistle to the Collossians...Edinburgh, Nichol, 1869.
(The) Marrow of the Oracles of God...London, Legatt, 1633. ed. 9.
CANNE, John.
Necessity of seperation from the church of England proved by the nonconformists
principles...London, Haddon, 1849. Edited by Charles Stovel.
Tentations: Their nature, anger, and cure...London, Bartlet, 1655.
A plaine and compendious exposition of Christ's sermon on the mount...London,
Man, 1627.
Commentary upon the Epistle of St. Paul written to the Colossians...Edin., Nichol, 1864. In Airay lecture upon the whole epistle of St. Paul.
Exposition with practical observation upon...the book of Job. Lond. 1647-66.
Exposition with practical observation upon...the book of Job.
CASE, Thomas.
Mount Pisgah. Lond. Milbourn. 1670.
Primitive Christianity. London. Chiswel. 1682.
CHARNOCK, Stephen.
Complete Works. Edinburgh. Nichol. 1864-66.
Discourses on Christ Crucified. Lond. Religious tract society. 1837.
Discourses upon the Existence and Attrubutes of God. Lond. Bohn. 1849.
Several Discourses upon the Existence and Attributes of God. 2v. Lond. Newman. 1682.
Practical works. 3v. Edinburgh. Nichol. 1864.
Practical discourse of prayer...London, R.T., 1657.
COLLINGES, Rev. John, D.D.
Several discourses concerning the actual providence of God. Lond. Parkhurst.
(A) cordial for a faining soule. Lond. Tomlins. 1652.
Five lessons for a Christian to learn. Lond. Rich. 1650.
(A) practical Commentary... London, S.I., 1656.
COTTON, John 1584-1652.
(The) way of life... London, Fawne, 1641.
Remains of Myles Coverdale, Bishop of Exeter... Cambridge, University Press, 1846.
(A) Spiritual and Most Precious Pearl... London, Tegg, n.d.
Writings and Translations... Cambridge, University Press, 1844.
CRISP, Samuel
c. 1704.
Christ made sin, exemplified in several scriptures, 1689.
Christ Alone Exalted, in the Perfection and Encouragement of the Saints. Lond. Bennett. 1832. 2 v.
CROOK, Samuel.
Divine Characters in Two Parts. Lond. Byfield. 1658.
(An) elegant an dlearned discourse of the light of nature, with several other treatises. Lond. Rothwell. 1654.
DERRING, Edward.
Prelections upon certain of the first chapters of the epistle to the Hebrews.
Lond. 1590.
Comfortable sermons upon the CXXIIII Psalme. Being thankful remembrances for God's wonderful deliverance of us from the late gunpowder-treason. Lond. Beale. 1635.
DOOLITTLE, Rev. Thomas.
Love to Christ, necessary to escape the curse at His coming. Lond. Religious
tract society. 1839.
Annotations upon all the books of the Old and New Testament. Lond. Legatt. 1651. 2 v.
DURANT, John. b. 1620.
(A) cluster of grapes taken out of the basket of the women of Canaan. Or,
counsel and comfort for beleeving soules...being the summe of certain sermons
preached upon Matthew 15. from verse 22 to verse 29. Lond. n.d.
Sips of sweetness; or, consolation for weak believers. ... Lond. Gilbertson. 1652.
DURHAM, Rev. James.
Christ crucified; pr, the marrow of the gospel evidently set forth in LXXII
sermons on the whole 53rd chapter of Isaiah. Ed. 4. Lond. Ward. 1723.
Clavis Cantici: or, an expositio of the song of Solomon. Lond. Newman. 1669.
DURHAM, James.
Commentarie upon the book of Revelation. Amsterdam. Fredericksz. 1660.
(An) exposition of the whole book of Job... Glasgow. Bryce. 1759.
(The) law unsealed; or a practical expositio of the ten commandments. ...
Edinburgh. Anderson. 1676.
Mystery of selfe-deceiving: or, a discourse and discovery of the deceitfulnesse of man's heart. Lond. Stansby. 1634.
DYKE, Daniel.
Sixe evangelical histories, of water turned into wine, the temple's purgation,
Christ & Nichodemus, John's last testimonie, Christ, and the woman of Samaria,
the ruler's sonnes healing. Lond. Milbourne. 163?
Good conscience, or, a treatise shewing the nature, meanes, markes, benefit, and necessitie thereof. Lond. Mythous. 1632.
DYKE Jeremiah.
Of quenching, and not quenching of the spirit. Lond. Paine. 1640.
(The) righteous mans tower. Or, the way to be safe in case of danger. Lond. Rothwell. 1639.
DYKE, Jeremiah.
(A) worthy communicant: or, a treatise shewing the due order of receiving the
sacrament of the Lord's supper. Lond. Macock. 1657.
Honey-combe of free justificatio by Christ alone. collected out of the meere authorities of scripture, and common and unanimous consent fo the faithful interpreters and dispensers of God's mysteries upon the same, especially as they expressed the excellency of free justification. Lond. Lancaster. 1642.
EDWARDS, Jonathan.
History of redemption, on a plan entirely original: exhibitin the gradual
discovery and accomplishment of the Divine purposes in the salvatio of man;
including a comprehensive view of church history, & the fulfillment of scripture
prophecies... with the life and experience of the author. Bungay. Morris. 1821.
Selections fr. the unpublished writings. Ed. fr. the original mss., with facsimilies & an introduction, by Rev. A.B. Grosart. n.p. 1865.
ELTON, Edward.
Exposition of the Epistles of Saint Paul to the Colossians, delivered in sundry
sermons. Lond. Kyngston. 1620.
Three excellent & pious treatises. viz. 1. the complaint of a sanctified sinner. 2. the triumph of a true chrisitan. 3. the great mystery of godliness opened. In Sunday sermons, upon the whole seventh, eight, & ninth chapters of the Epistle to the Romans. Lond. Meredith. 1653.
FEATLEY, Rev. Daniel.
Clavis mystica: a key opening divers difficult & mysterious texts of Holy
Scripture, handled in seventy sermons. Lond. Bourne. 1636.
The house of mourning: furnished with directions for, preparations to, meditations of, consolations at the hour of death... Lond. Dawson. 1660.
FENNER, William.
Christ's alarm to drowsie saints: or, Christ's epistle to his churches. Lond.
Rothwell. 1650.
(The) danger of deferring repentance, discovered in a sermon preached at Maidstone in Kent. Lond. Stafford. n.d.
FENNER, William.
(A) treatise of the affections; or, the soule's pulse. Whereby a christian may
know whether he is living or dying. Together with a lively description of their
nature, signes, and symptomes. Lond. Rothwell. 1642.
Works. Lond. Gilbertson. 1657.
FIRMAN, Giles.
Real Christian, or a treatise of effectual calling. Lond. Newman. 1670.
Navigation spiritualized; or, a new compass for seamen. Consisting of thirty-two points. Of pleasant observations, profitable applications, and serious reflections; all concluded with so many spiritual poems. Lond. Baynes. 1802.
FLAVEL, Rev. John.
Whole works. 6v. Lond. Baynes.1820.
(The) whole works. Ed.2. Lond Nicholson. 1761.
FORD, Simon.
(The) spirit of bondage and adoption: largely and practically handled, with
reference to the way and manner of working both those effects, and the proper
cases of conscience belonging to them both. Lond. Maxey. 1655.
Time and the end of time: or, two discourses. Lond. Calvert. 1670.
William. 1538-1589.
Defence of the sincere and true tanslations of the holy scriptures into the
English tongue, against the cavils of Gregory Martin. Ed. for the Parker Society
by Rev. C.H. Hartshorne. Camb. Univ. Press. 1843.
Stapleton's fortress overthrown. A rejoinder to Martiall's reply. A discovery of the dangerous rock of the Popish church commended by Sanders. Ed. for the Parker society by Rev. Richard Gibbings. Camb. University Press. 1848.
Thomas. 1608-1661.
(The) cause and cure of a wounded conscience; also, Triana; or, a three-fold
romanza, of Mariana, Paduana, and Sabina; ornithologie, or, the speech of birds;
and antheologia, or, the speech of flowers. Lond. Tegg. 1867.
Good thoughts in bad times; good thoughts in worse times; mixt contemplations in better times. Liverpool. Howell. 1863.
FULLER, Thomas.
History of the university of Cambridge, and of Waltham Abbey. With the appeal of
injured innocence. Lond. Tegg. 1840.
Joseph's party-coloured coat: a comment of I Cor. XI., with several sermons: And David's heinous sin, hearty repentance, heavy punishment: a poem. Ed. by William Nichols. Lond. Tegg.. 1867.
FULLER, Thomas.
Wit & wisdom. With a brief biography. Lond. Relig. tract soc. 1886.
Works of Henry Smith; including sermons, treaise, prayers, and poems. 2 v. Edinburgh. Nichol. 1866-1867.
GATAKER, M. Thomas. 1574-1654.
Certaine sermons first preached, and after published at several times. Lond.
Haviland. 1637.
Daemonologia Sacra; or, a treatise of Satan's temptations. Lond. Randel. 1677.
GILPIN, Richard.
Daemonologia sacra: or, a treatise of Satan's temptations. With memoir by the
Rev. Grosart. Edinburgh. Nichol. 1867.
Works... containing an exposition on the first, & part of the second chapter of the Epistle to the Ephesians, and sermons preached on several occasions. 3 v. Lond. J.D. 1681.
GOODWIN, Thomas.
Works... with general preface by J: C. Miller, D.D., & memoir by Robert Halley,
D.D. 12 v. Edinburgh. Nichol. 1861-66.
Christian directions shewing how to walk with God all the day long. Lond. Sprint. 1729.
GOUGE, Thomas.
Riches increds'd by giving to the poor: or, Surest & safest way of thriving,
with recommendatory prefaces by Dr. Owen, Dr. Manton, Dr. Bates, & Mr. Baxter.
Lond. Matthews. 1734.
(A) word to sinners and a word to saints. Lond. Parkhurst. 1674.
Workes. 2v. in 1. Lond. Beale. 1627.
Domesticall duties.
The whole armour of God.
Commentary on the whole epistle to the Hebrews, being the substance of thirty years' Wednesday's lectures at Blackfriars, London. 3v. Edinburgh. Nichol. 1866-1867.
GOUGE, William.
Exposition on the whole fifth chapter of St. John's gospell: also notes on other
choice places of scripture... Lond. Bartlett. 1640.
Guide to goe to God; or, an explanation of the perfect patterne of prayer, the Lords prayer. Ed.2. Lond. 1636.
GOUGE, Rev. William.
Saint's sacrifice: or, a commentary on Psalm CXVI. Which is a gratulatory Psalm,
for deliverance from deadly distress. Edinburgh. Nichol. 1868. (in Smith,
Samuel. David's blessed man. 1868.)
Workes. Lond. Welby. 1612.
Exposition of the prophet Ezekiel, with useful observations thereupon... Revised
& corrected by James Sherman... Ed. 3. Lond. Bohn. 1846.
Greenland missions, with biographical sketches of some of the principal
converts. Dublin. Religious tract society. 1831.
Meditations upon the parable of the prodigal son, being serveral sermons on the fifteenth chapter of St. Luke. Lond. Parkhurst. 1684.
GROSSE, Alexander.
(The) happines of enjoying, & making a true & speedy use of Christ. Setting
forth, first, the fulnes of Christ. Secondly, the danger of neglecting Christ &
the opportunity of grace. Thirdly, the Lord Jesus the soules last refuge. All
tending to the making of Christ most amiable & glorious in the eyes & most
joyous & pleasant, sweet and satisfactory to the soules of all beleeving
christians. Lond. Brudenell. 1647.
(The) christian in complete armour; a treatise of the saints' war against the Devil... with a biographical introduction, by Rev. J.C. Ryle. 2v. Lond. Blackie. n.d.
GURNALL, William.
Christian in complete armour, or, a treatise of the saints war against the
Devil... 2v. Smith. 1655.
An exposition by way of supplement, on the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth chapters of the prophecy of Amos. Lond. Mortlock. 1661.
Practical and polemical commentary; or, exposition upon the third and fourth
chapters of the latter epistle of St. Paul to Timothy. ... Lond. Tyler. 1658
First general epistle of St. John the apostle unfolded and applied. Edinburgh. Nichol. 1865.
HARDY, Nathanael.
Justice triumphing, or, the spoilers spoiled. Laid forth in a gratulatory sermon
for the miraculous discovery of, and our glorious delivery from the barbarous
powder-plot: preached at Paul's, Nov. 5, 1646. Lond. Webb. 1848.
Judas, his miserie. A sermon preached at the universitie of Oxford. Lond. Bartlet. 1653.
HARRIS, Robert.
(A) treatise of the new covenant: delivered sermon-wise upon, Exechiel 11. verse
19, 20. Lond. Bartlet. 1632.
(The) way to true happiness. Delivered in XXIV sermons upon the beatitudes. Also, a treatise of the new covenant; set forth sermon-wise, on Exechiel the XI. by the same author. Lond. Bartlet. 1632.
HENRY, Matthew.
Exposition of the New Testament...with preface by the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon. 10v.
Lond. Jack. n.d.
An exposition of the prophetical books of the old testament, viz, the books from Isaiah to Malachi. Lond. Lawrence. 1712.
HENRY, Matthew.
Pleasantness of a religious life: recommended to the consideration of all,
particularly of young people. Glasgow. Chalmers. 1825.
(The) works of the Rev. John Howe, M.A. as published during his life comprising the whole of the two fold volumes, edit. 1734. With a life of the author. 3v. Lond. Tegg. 1848.
HEYWOOD, Oliver.
Sure mercies of David. Lond. Parkhurst. 1672.
(The) sure mercies of David: or, a second part of heart-treasure. Lond. Parkhurst. 1672.
HEYWOOD, Oliver.
Whole works... including some tracts extremely scarce, and others from
unpublished manuscripts; with memoirs of his life. 5v. Lond. Vint. 1825-27.
All the sermons. Hereunto are annexed of the same authors, 1. the preachers plea. 2. An answer to Poish rime. 3. The doctrine of the beginning of Christ, in forme of a catechisme. 4. An helpe unto devotion. Lond. Legatt. 1614.
Workes. Lond. Stansby. pref. 1620.
CVIII lectures upon the fourth of John. Preached, at Ashby-Delazovch in Leicester-shire. Lond. Miller. 1632.
CLII lectures upon Psalme LI. Lond. Miller. 1635.
Doctrine of fasting, and prayer, and humiliation for sinne. Delivered in Sunday sermons at the fast appointed by publike authority, in the yeare 1625. Lond. Brewster. 1636.
HOOKER, Thomas. 1586-1647.
Comment upon Christ's last prayer in the seventeenth of John. Wherein is opened,
the union beleevers have with god and Christ, and the glorious priviledges
thereof. Lond. Cole. 1656.
(The) poore doubting christian drawne to Christ. Wherein the maine letts and hindrances which keeps men from comming to Christ are discovered. Ed.4. Lond. Dawlman. 1637.
HOOKER, Thomas.
Saints dignitie, and duty. Together with the danger of ignorance and hardness.
Lond. Eglesfield. 1651.
Soule's exaltation. A treatise containing the soules union with Christ, on I. Cor. 6:17. The soules benefit from union with Christ, on I. Cor. 1:30. The soules justification, on II Cor. 5:21. Lond. Haviland. 1638.
HOOKER, Thomas.
Soules implantation. A treatise containing, the broken heart, on Esay 57:15, The
preparation of the heart, on Luke 1:17, the soules ingrassing into Christ, on
Mal. 3:1. Spiritual love and joy, on Gal. 5:22. Lond. Young. 1637.
Soules preparation for Christ. Or, a treatise of contrition wherein is discovered how God breakes the heart, and wounds the soule, in the conversion of a sinner to himself. Lond. Allot. 1635.
HORTON, Rev. Thomas.
Choice & practical expositions on four select Psalms: viz, the fourth Psalm in
eight sermons, the forty-second Psalm, in ten sermons, the fifty-first Psalm, in
twenty sermons, the sixty-third Psalm, in seven sermons. Lond. Maxwell. 1675.
Forty six sermons upon the whole eighth chapter of the Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Romans. Lond. Maxwell. 1674.
HORTON, Rev. Thomas.
One hundred sermons upon several texts; fifty upon the old testament, & fifty
upon the new. Lond. Parkhurst. 1679.
(An) analytical exposition of the whole first book of Moses called Genesis, & of twenty three chapters of his second book called Exodus. 1672.
Brief exposition on the small prophets. 3v. Lond. Smith 1854-5.
v.1. Hosea, Joel, & Amos.
v.2. Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habbakkuk, & Zephaniah.
v.3. Haggai, Zechariah, & Malachi.
Exposition of the book of Job: being the sum of CCCXVI lectures, preached in the city of Edinburgh. Lond. Smith. 1669.
Forty-five sermons upon the CXXX psalm. Edinburgh. Hart. 1691.
Heaven upon earth; or, Jesus the best friend of man. Lond. Nelson. 1847.
Invisibles, realities, demonstrated in the holy life & triumphant death of Mr.
John Janeway. Lond. Parkhurst. 1673.
Saints' encouragement to diligence in Christ's service; with motives and means to christian activity. Lond. Religious tract society. n.d.
Exposition upon the epistle of Jude... Edinburgh. Nichol. 1863.
Exposition of the epistle of Jude, together with many large & useful deductions. Lately delivered in XL lectures... Lond. Maxey. 1652.
JESSE, Henry.
(The) exceeding riches of grace advanced by the spirit of grace, in an empty
nothing creature, viz. Mris. Sarah Wight, lately hopeles and restles, her soule
dwelling far from peace or hopes thereof. Now hopefull, & joyfull in the Lord,
that hath caused light to shine out of darknes that in & by this earthly vessell,
holds forth his own eternal love, & the glorious grace of Jesus Christ, to the
chiefest of sinners. Ed.2. Lond. Simmons. 1647.
Lectures upon Ionas, delivered at Yorke in the year of our Lord 1594. Lond. Humfrey Lownes. 1618.
KING, John.
Lectures upon Jonah. Delivered at York, in the year of our Lord 1594. Edinburgh.
Nichol. 1864.
Lectures upon the twentieth chapter of Exodus, and certaine other places of scripture. Harrison. 1577.
LEIGH, Edward. 1602-1671.
Foelix consortium; or, a fit of conjuncture of religion & learning. Lond. Adams.
(A) treatise of the divine promises. Lond. Miller. 1657.
LEIGH, Edward& Leigh,
Select & choice observations concerning all the Roman & Greek emperors... Ed. 3.
enl. Lond. Williams. 1670.
Christ's communion with his church militant. Lond. Rothwell. 1650.
Divine discovery of sincerity, according to its proper and peculiar nature: very
profitable for all sorts of persons to peruse. Lond. Rothwell.
Grace: the truth & growth, & different degrees thereof. Lond. Rothwell. 1657.
LOVE, Christopher.
(The) naturall mans case stated: or, an exact map of the little world man,
considered in both his capacities, either in the state of nature or grace. Lond.
Cotes. 1652.
On grace. n.p. n.d. (title page missing)
LOVE, Christopher.
Penitent pardoned. A treatise wherein is handled the duty of confession of sin,
& the privilege of the pardon of sin. Lond. Rothwell. 1657.
Remains. Containing his last sixteen sermons, six letters in prison, & his prophecy; in which weakness & strength in grace, areabley defined: with a sketch of his life, & notes on the accomplishment of his predictions, from Cromwell's time, to the present awful crisis. Bungay. Brightly. 1807.
LOVE, Christopher.
(The) souls cordiall, in two treatises. 1. Teaching how to be eased of the guilt
of sin. 2. Discovering advantages by Christs ascension. Lond. Brooke. 1653.
Christs temptation and transfiguration practically explained and improved in several sermons. Lond. 1685.
MANTON, Rev. Thomas.
Complete works. With memoir of the author by Rev. William Harris, D.D., & an
essay by Rev. J.C. Ryle. 22v. Lond. Nisbet. 1870.
One hundred and ninety sermons on the hundred and nineteenth psalm... to which is prefixed the life of the author by William Harris, D.D. Ed. 3. 3v. Lond. Brown. 1845.
MANTON, Rev. Thomas.
Practical commentary or an exposition with notes on the epistle of St. Jude.
Delivered in sundry lectures, at Stoke-Newington, in Middlesex. Ed.2. Lond.
Fawn. 1662.
Practical exposition of the Lord's prayer. Lond. Robinson. 1684.
Sermons. Lond. Aylmer. 1678.
Sermons. 5v. Lond. Var. pub. var. dates.
MANTON, Rev. Thomas.
Sermons on the second chapter of the 2d epistle to the Thessalonians, containing
the description, rise, growth, and fall of antichrist. With divers cautions and
arguments to establish christians against the apostacy of the church of Rome.
Lond. Robinson. 1679.
Several discourses tending to promote peace & holiness among christians. To which are added three other distinct sermons. Lond. Robinson. 1685.
Commentary or exposition upon the prophecy of Obadiah. Edinburgh. Nichol. 1865.
Commentary or exposition upon the prophecy of Habakkuk. Edinburgh. Nichol. 1865. (in Marbury, Edward. Commentary or exposition upon the prophecy of Obadiah. 1865.)
MARVELL, Andrew.
No better than we should be; or, Travels in search of consistency. Lond. Bulman.
Essays to do good; addressed to all Christians, whether in public or private capacities. Lond. Dennett. 1807.
MATHER, Cotton.
Student & preacher; or, directions for a candidate of the ministry... Lond.
Hindmarsh. 1789.
Remarkable providences illustrative of the earlier days of American colonisation. Lond. Smith. 1856.
MEAD, Matthew.
(The) almost Christian discovered: or the false professor tried and cast. Being
the substance of seven sermons. Ed.10. Lond. Parkhurst. 1694.
(A) name in heaven. The truest ground of joy, on Luke X. 20., and the power of grace in weaning the heart from the world on Psalm CXXXI. 1., set forth in two discourses. Lond. Westminster. 1770.
MEAD, Matthew.
Young man's remembrancer, and youths best choice: being a call to young persons,
in two anniversary discourses from Eccles. xxi.I. Lond. Marshall. 1718.
(The) apostacy of the latter days. Lond. Man. 1655.
MEDE, Joseph.
Discourses on divers texts of Scripture. Ed.2. Lond. Clark. 1648.
Works. Lond. Norton. 1672.
MILTON, John. 1608-1674.
Paradise regained; Samson Agonistes & the minor English poems. Lond. Religous
tract society. 1886.
Poetical works. With life, critical dissertation, and explanatory notes, by Rev. george Gilfillan. 2v. Edinburgh. Nichol. 1853.
MUFFET, Peter.
Commentary on the whole book of Proverbs. Edinburgh. Nichol. 1868.
Contains also:
Cotton, John
Brief exposition with practical observations upon the whole book of
Ecclesiastes, and Brief exposition of the whole book of Canticles; or,
Song of Solomon.
An antidote against Arminianism: or, a treatise to enervate and confute all the five points thereof. Ed.3. Plymouth. Bennett. 1819.
NESS, Christopher.
(A) Christians walk & work on earth, until he attain to Heaven... Lond. Newman.
Compleat history & mystery of the Old & New Testament, logically discust & theologically improved. 4v. in 2. Lond. Snowden. 1696.
NEWMAN, Samuel.
(A) concordance to the Holy Scriptures with the various readings both of text &
margin, in a more exact method than hath hiterto been extant. Lond. Shaw. 1889.
An exposition with notes, unfolded and applied, on John XVII. Delivered in sermons, preached weekly, on the Lord's day, to the congregation I Taunton, Magdalene. Edinburgh. Nichol. 1867.
OTES, Samuel.
(An) exposition of the generall epistle of Saint Jude. Lond. Purslow. 1633.
(A) plaine exposition upon the whole 8,9,10,11, chapters of the epistle of St. Paul to the Romans. Lond. Man. 1618.
PARR, Elnathan.
Workes. ed.4. Lond. Griffin. 1651.
(The) heart's ease, or a remedy against all troubles. A consolatory discourse, particularly directed to those who have lost their friends & dear relations. To which is added two papers printd in the time of the plague, 1665. Lond. Pickering. 1847.
PEMBLE, William.
Salomons recantation and repentence: or, the book of Ecclesiastes briefly abnd
fully explained. Lond. Bartlet. n.d.
Vindiciae gratiae. A plea for grace more especially the grace of faith: wherein, amongst other matters of great use, the maine sinewes of Arminius doctrine are cut asunder. Ed.2. Lond. H.L. for I. Bartlett. 1629.
PEMBLE, William.
(The) workes. Ed.3. Lond. Cotes. 1635.
Commentarie or exposition upon the five first chapters of the epistle to the Galations... Lond. Legatt. 1617.
POLHIL, Edward.
Armatura Dei: or, a preparation for suffering in an evil day: showing how
christians are to bear sufferings, and what graces are requisite thereunto:
suited for all good christians in this present time. Lond. Hatchard. 1824.
Christus in Corde: or, the mystical union between Christ and believers, considered in its resemblances, bonds, seals, privileges, and marks. Lond. Justins. 1788.
POLHIL, Edward.
Divine will considered in its eternal decrees, and holy execution of them. Lond.
Eversden. 1673.
Synopsis criticorum aliorumque sacrae scripturae interpretum et commentatorum. 5v. Ribbies. 1624.
POOLE, Matthew.
Dialogue between a popish priest & an English protestant... New ed. Lond.
Baisler. 1840.
Nullity of the Romish faith; or, a blow at the root of the Romish church, being an examination of that fundamental doctrine of the church of Rome concerning the churches infallibility, and of all those several methods which their most famous and approved writers used for the defence thereof. Lond. Boulter. 1679.
POWELL, Gabriel. 1576-1611.
(The) resolved Christian. n.d. (title page missing)
(The) breast-plate of faith and love. A treatise wherin the ground and exercise of faith and love, as they are set upon Christ their object, and as they are expressed in good works, is explained. Ed.5. Lond. Bourne. 1634.
Doctrine of the saints' infirmities. Lond. Okes. 1636.
Four Godly & learned treatises. n.d. (no title page)
Golden scepter held forth to the humble. With the churches dignitie by her
marriage. And the churches dutie in her carriage. Lond. Bourne. 1638.
(The) new covenant, or, the saints portion. A treatise unfolding the all-sufficience, of God, mans uprightness, and the covenant of grace. Delivered in fourteen sermons upon Genesis 17.1.2. Whereunto are adjoyned foure sermons upon Eccles.9. Ed.8. Lond. Bourne. 1634.
Remaines of that reverend & learned divine, John Preston. Containing three
excellent treatises, namely, Judas' repentence, the saints spiritual strength,
Paul's conversion. Lond. Crooke. 1634.
(The) saints qualification: or, a treatise (1) of humiliation, in ten sermons, (2) of sanctification, in nine sermons. Whereunto is added a treatise of communion with Christ in the Sacrament, in three sermons. Ed.3. Lond. Bourne. 1637.
PRIME, John.
An exposition, and observations upon Saint Paul to the Galatians. Oxford.
Barnes. 1587.
Prophecy of Obadiah opened & applied. In sundry sermons. Edinburgh. Nichol. 1864. (in King, John. Lectures on Jonah. 1864).
REYNER, Edward.
Precepts for christian practice: or, the new creature. Ed.11. enl. Lond. Clark.
Rules for the government of the tongue: together with directions in six particular cases... Lond. Newberry. 1656.
REYNOLDS, Rev. Edward.
Commentary on the book of Ecclesiastes. Lond. Mathews. 1811.
An explication of the hundreth and tenth psalme; wherein the several heads of christian religion therein contained; touching the exaltation of Christ, the scepter of his kingdome, the character of his subjects, his priesthoods, victories, sufferings, and resurrection, are largely explained and applied. Lond. Kyngston. 1635.
Israels prayer in time of trouble with Gods gracious answer thereunto: or, an
explication of the 14th chapter of the prophet Hosea. Lond. Newcomb. 1649.
Three treatises of the vanity of the creature, the sinfulness of sinne, the life of Christ. Lond. Kyngston. 1632.
REYNOLDS, Rev. Edward.
Whole works of the right Rev. Edward Reynolds, lord bishop of Norwich; now first
collectd with his funeral sermon, by B. Reveley, one of his lordships chaplains.
To which is prefixed a memoir of the life of the author, by Alexander Chalmers.
6v. Lond. Holdsworth. 1826.
Works. Lond. Newcomb. 1679.
Christ all end in all, or, several significant similitudes by which the Lord
Jesus Christ is described in the holy scriptures. Lond. Rothwell. 1656.
Davids cost. Wherein every one, who is desirous to serve God aright, may see what it must cost him. n.d. (title page torn)
ROGERS, Daniel.
Naaman, the syrian. Lond. 1642.
Doctrine of faith, wherein are practically handled twelve principal points, which explains the nature and use of it. Lond. Dawson. 1638.
(A) godly & fruitful exposition upon all the first Epistle of Peter. Lond.
Field. 1650.
ROGERS, Nehemiah.
(The) fast friend: or, a friend at mid-night. Set forth in an exposition on that
parable Luke 11, 5-11. Lond. Sawbridge. 1658.
(The) figg-lefs figg-tree: or, the doome of barren and unfruitful profession lay'd open in an exposition upon that parable: A certain man had a figg-tree planted in his vineyar, etc. Luke 13. 6,7,8,9,10. Lond. Sawbridge. 1659.
ROGERS, Nehemiah.
Penitent citizen, or, Mary Magdalens conversion. In an exposition on that
parable, Luke 7:40,41. There was a certain creditor which had two debtors, etc.
Lond. Brewster. 1640.
(The) rich fool: Set forth in an exposition on that parable Luke 12:16-22. Lond. Sawbridge. 1662.
ROGERS, Nehemiah.
(A) strange vineyard in Palestina: in an exposition of Isaiah's parabolical song
of the beloved discovered: to which God's vineyard in this our land is
paralleled. Edinburgh. Nichol. 1867. (in Burrough, Jeremiah. Saint's happiness.
Samuells encounter with Saul. I Sam. chap. 15 from verse 13 to ver. 30. Lond. Griffin. 1620.
ROGERS, Richard.
Whole book of Judges. Lond. 1615.
(A) pretious book of heavenly meditations, called, a private talk of the soul of God. Lond. R.H. 1640. In later life Rogers recanted his Puritanism and joined forces with the opposition.
Trial and triumph of faith. Edin. Collins. 1845.
Sparkles of glory; or, some beams of the morning star: wherein are many discoveries as to truth and peace, to the establishment and pure enlargement of a christian in spirit and truth. Lond. Huntington. 1811.
(A) brief, and plain commentary, with notes: Not more useful, than seasonable,
upon the whole prophecie of Malachy. Lond. Meredith. 1650.
An exposition with notes upon the first epistle to the Thessalonians. Lond. Stansby. 1619.
SCLATOR, Rev. William.
Exposition with notes upon the first epistle to the Thessalonians. Lond. Stansby.
Christians daily walk in holy security and peace. Lond. Overton. 1633.
SCUDDER, Rev. Henry.
(The) Christian's daily walk in holy security and peace. With an introductory
essay, by Thomas Chalmers, D.D. Ed.2. Glasgow. 1834.
Anatomy of secret sins, presumptous sins, sins of dominion, and uprightness, wherein divers weighty cases are resolved in relation to all those particulars: delivered in divers sermons. Aberdeen. Chalmers. 1818.
SEDGWICK, Rev. Obadiah.
Bowels of tender mercy sealed in the everlasting covenant. Lond. Mottershed.
Christ's counsel to his languishing church of Sardis. Or, the dying or decaying christian, with the means and helps of his recovery and strengthening. Lond. Fawn. 1640.
SEDGWICK, Obadiah.
(The) doubting believer; or, a treatise containing 1. The nature. 2. The kinds.
3. The springs. 4. The remedies of remedies of doubtings incident to weak
believers. Lond. Bowtell. 1653.
(The) fountain opened: & the water of life flowing forth, for the refreshing of thristy sinner... In several sermons preached on Isa. 55, 1,2,3. Lond. Printed by T.R... for Adoniram Byfield. 1657.
SEDGWICK, Obadiah.
(The) humbled sinner resolved what he should do to be saved. Or, faith in the
Lord Jesus Christ the only way of salvation for sensible sinners. Lond. Byfield.
(The) parable of theprodigal, containing the riotous prodigal, or the sinners aversion from God. Returning prodigal, or the penitents conversion to God. Prodigal's acceptation, or favorable entertainment with God. Lond. Maxwel. 1658.
SIBBES, Richard.
Bowels opened, or a discovery of the neere & deere love, union & communion
betwixt Christ & the church, & consequently Him & every beleeving soul.
Delivered in divers sermons on the fourth, fifth & sixth chapter of the
Canticles. Lond. Edwards. 1639.
Complete works. Ed. with a memoir by Rev. A.B. Grosart. 7v. Edinburgh. Nichol. 1862-64.
SIBBES, Richard.
Saints cordials, as they were delivered in sundry sermons. Lond. Dolman. 1629.
(A) learned commentary or exposition upon the first chapter of the second Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians. Being the substance of many sermons formerly preached at Grayes-Inne, London. Lond. F.L. 1655.
SMITH, Henry.
God's arrow against Atheism. Lond. Tegg. n.d.
Sermons. Lond. Kyngston. 1611.
STEELE, Richard.
Antidote against distractions. n.p. n.d.
(The) husbandman's calling. Lond. Relig. tract soc. 1841.
STOCK, Richard.
Commentary upon the prophecy of Malachi... whereunto is added an exercitation
upon the same prophecy, by Samuel Torshell. Edinburgh. Nichol. 1865.
Stock of divine knowledge. Being a lively description of the divine nature... The first, shewing us what God is: the second, what we ought to be. Lond. Nevil. 1641.
STRONG, William
(The) worm that dyeth not, or, hell torments, in the certainty and eternity of
them, plainly discovered in several sermons, preached on Mark chap. the 9th and
the 48th v. Lond. T.R. 1672.
Works. 5v. Edinburgh. Nichol. 1868.
Door of salvation opened by the key of regeneration: or, a treatise containing
the nature, necessity, marks and means of regeneration; as also the duty of the
regenerate. Ed.2. Lond. Parkhurst. 1664.
(The) door of salvation opened by the key of regeneration... Lond. Parkhurst. 1660.
SYDENHAM, Humphrey.
Royall passing-bell: or, Davids summons to the grave. (A) sermon preached in the
Parish-church of Orchard Portman in Sommerset. At the funeral of the most
hopeful, and truely noble, Sir Hugh Portman... Lond. Stansby. 1630.
Case and cure of deserted soule. Or, a treatise concerning the nature, kinds, degrees, symptomes, causes, cure of, and mistakes about spiritual desertions. Lond. Badger. 1641.
SYMONDS, Joseph.
No title page. Chapters on salvation.
Sermons wherein is made a foure-fold discovery; viz. of Ecclesiastical selfe-seeking. A wifemans carriage in evill times. The benefit of christian patience. The right nature and temper of the spirit of the gospel. Lond. Crooke. 1642.
TAYLOR, Rev. Thomas.
Christ revealed; or, the old testament explained... Lond. Dawlman. 1635.
Christs victorie over the dragon: or, Satan's downfall.... In a plain and pithy exposition of the twelfth chapter of St. John's Revelation. Lond. Dawlman. 1633.
TAYLOR, Thomas.
Commentary upon the epistle of St. Paul written to Titus. Lond. A.K. 1658.
Exposition of Christ's temptations, or Christ's combate & conquest: being the lyon of th tribe of Judah, vanquishing the roaring lyon, assaulting him in three most fierce & hellish temptations. Lond. Printed for A.K.& R.I. & are to be sold by Elisha Wallis at the Golden Horse-shooe. 1659.
TAYLOR, Rev. Thomas.
Three treatises: the pearle of the gospell, the pilgrims profession: and a
glasse for gentlewomen to dresse themselves by. ... Lond. Bartlet. 1633.
Works. Lond. T.R. 1653.
TOPSELL, Edward.
(The) reward of religion. Delivered in sundrie lectures upon the booke of Ruth.
Lond. Stansby. 1613.
Times Lamentation: or, an exposition on the prophet Joel, in sundry sermons or meditations. Lond. Bollifant. 1599.
TORSHELL, Samuell.
(The) hypocrite discovered & cured. The definition, the kindes, the subject, the
symptoms of hypocrisie. The prognosticks, the causes, the cure, of hypocrisie.
Lond. Bellamy. 1644.
(The) balm of gilead for the wounds of England; applied in a sermon. Camb. Rothwel. 1659.
TUCKNEY, Rev. Anthony.
Forty sermons upon several occasions. Lond. Robinson. 1676.
Compleat history of the most remarkable providences both of judgment & mercy which have hapened in this present age. Lond. Dunton. 1697.
Riches of Gods love unto the vessells of mercy, consistent with his absolute
hatred or reprobation of the vessells of wrath or an answer unto a book entitled
Gods love unto mankind, manifested by disproving his absolute decree for their
damnation. Oxford. L.L. 1653.
Commentarie upon the lamentations of Jeremy. Lond. Man. 1637.
Cure of distractions in attending upon God: in several sermons preached from I
Cor. 7:35. Lond. Aylmer. 1695.
Discourse on prayer... Lond. Parkhurst. 1674.
VINCENT, Nathanael.
(A) present for such as have been sick and are recoverd; Or, a discourse
concerning the good which comes out of the evil of affliction. Being several
sermons, preached after his being raised froma bed of languishing. Lond.
Parkhurst. 1693.
(The) true touchstone which shews both grace and nature; or, a discourse concerning self-examination, by which both saints and sinners may come to know themselves. Whereunto are added sundry meditations relating to the Lord's Supper. Lond. Richardson. 1681.
VINCENT, Thomas.
(The) true christians love of the unseen Christ: or, a discourse chiefly tending
to excite and promote the decaying love of Christ in the hearts of christians.
Lond. Sprint. 1701.
(A) treatise of the institution, right administration, and receiving of the sacrament of the Lord's supper. Delivered in XX sermons at St. Lawrence-Jury, London. Lond. Underhill. 1657.
WALKER, George.
God made visible in his works, or, a treatise of the externall workes of God.
First, in generall, out of the words of the psamlist, Psal. 135.6. Secondly, in
particular of the creation, out of the words of Moses, Genesis, chap. 1. and 2.
Thirdly, of God's actuall providence. Lond. Bartlet. 1641.
Au'tapkeia; or the art of divine contentment. Ed.12. Lond. Smith. 1670.
WATSON, Rev. Thomas.
Discourses on important and interesting subjects, being the select works. 2v.
Glasgow. Blackie. 1829.
(A) divine cordial: Or, the transcendent privilege of those that love God and are savingly called. Lond. Parkhurst. 1619.
WATSON, Thomas.
Heaven taken by storm: or, the holy violence of a christian is to put forth the
pursuit after glory. Lond. Parkhurst. 1669.
Plea for the Godly, wherein is shown the excellency of a righteous person. Lond. Hamilton. 1838.
WATSON, Thomas.
Religion our true interest: or practical notes upon the third chapter of
Malachy, the sixteen, seventeen, & eighteen verses. Lond. Astwood. 1682.
(The) new birth: or, a treatise of regeneration, delivered in certaine sermons. Lond. Kyngston. 1619.
WHITAKER, William. 1548-1595.
(A) disputation on Holy Scripture, against the Papist, especially Bellarmine &
Stapleton. By William Whitaker, D.D. Tr. & ed. for the Parker Society by Rev.
William Fitzgerald. Camb. Univ. press. 1849.
(A) right godly and learned exposition upon the whole book of psalms: Wherein is set forth the true division, sence, and doctrine contained in every psalm: for the great furtherance and necessarie instruction of every christian reader. Newly and faithfully set forth by a godly minister and preacher of the word of God. Lond. Man. 1586.
Works. Lond. Haviland. 1624.
Works. Containing an exposition upon the whole booke of Davids Psalmes, Salamons proverbs, the canticles, & part of the 8th chapter of St. Pauls epistle to the Romans. Lond. Haviland. 1624.
WILLET, Andrew. 1562-1621.
Catholicon, that is, a generall preservative or remedie against the Pseudocat
Ho-like religion, gathered out of the Catholike epistle of S. Iude... with a
preface seruing as a preparatiue to the Catholicon, and a dyet prescribed after.
n.p. Legat. 1614. (in his Harmonie upon the first booke of Samuel. 1614.)
Harmonie upon the first booke of Samuel... The divers readings compared, doubtfull questions explained... wherein aboue fowre hundred theologicall questions are handled, with great breuitie... n.p. Legge. 1614.
Harmonie upon the second booke of Samuel... The diverss readings compared
doubtfull questions explained... wherein neere fowre hundred theologicall
questions are handled, with great breuitie... n.p. Lond. 1614. (in his Harmonie
upon the first book of Samuel. 1614).
Hexapla: that is, a six-fold commentarie upon the most divine Epistle of the Holy Apostle St. Paul to the Romanes. Cambridge. Legge. 1611.
WILLET, Andrew.
Hexapla in Genesin, that is, a six-fold commentary upon Genesis. Lond. Creede.
Hexapla in Exodum: that is, a six-fold commentary upon the second booke of Moses called Exodus. Lond. Kyngston. 1608.
WILLET, Andrew.
Hexapla in Leviticum, that is, a sixfold commentarie upon the third booke of
Moses, called Leviticus. Lond. Matthewes. 1631.
Hexapla in Danielem: that is, a sixfold commentarie upon the most divine prophesie of Daniel. Camb. Legge. 1610.
WILLET, Rev. Andrew.
Synopsis Papismi; or, a general view of the papacy: with confutations of Romish
errors from the scriptures, fathers, councils. 10v. Lond. Society office. 1852.
(The) bloudy tenent of persecution for cause of conscience discussed; and Mr. Cotton's letter examined and answered. Ed. for the Hanserd Knollys Soc. by E.B. Underhill. Lond. Haddon. 1848.
WINSLOW, Rev. Octavius.
Soul depths and soul heights; an exposition of the hundred and thirtieth psalm.
Lond. Shaw. pref. 1874.
Zacheus converted, in which the mysteries of the doctrine of conversion are sweetly laid open & applied for the establishment of the weakest. Lond. Bellamy. 1631.
WILSON, Thomas.
(A) christian dictionary. Opening the significations of the chiefe words
dispersed generally through holy scripture of the old and new testament, rending
to increase christian knowledge. Lond. Cotes. n.d.
Commentary on the most divine Epistle of St. Paul to the Roman. Ed.3. Lond. Cotes. 1653.
WILSON, Thomas.
Complete christian dictionary: wherein the signification & several acceptations
of all the words mentioned in the Holy Scriptures of the Old & New Testament,
are fully opened, expressed, explained. Lond. Williams. 1678.
Sermons upon a part of the first chap. of the Gospel of St. John. Lond. H.L. 1609.