Question. What does
Catholic mean?
Answer. It means general or universal.
Q. What does Catholic Church mean?
A. It means general or universal church.
Q. Do Catholics claim to be the universal or only church?
A. They do.
Q. Do they claim to extend back to the days of the apostles?
A. They do.
Q. Do they claim a succession of Popes back to the days of the
A. They do.
Q. Are these claims true, and can they be proven by history?
A. They are not true, and cannot be proven by history.
Q. Does it not seem strange they would make such claims, if they
were not true?
A. Well, yes. And yet when we think of the wild claims they make,
and how they dupe their devotees, we need not be surprised. It would be safe to say that
they have sold tons of wood, represented as pieces of the real cross on which Christ hung.
It has not been long since the secular papers paraded the announcement. that they had on
exhibition the real head of John the Baptist, which was brought in the charger. What the
Catholics cant claim is not worth claiming. They even claim that the Apostle Peter
was a Pope in Rome, when there is not the slightest evidence that he was ever in Rome, and
he certainly was not a Pope, or anything which favored a Pope.
Q. What does the term bishop mean?
A. Bishop in the Scriptures is a translation of the Greek word
episcopos, and means an overseer or director. It is sometimes translated, overseer, and
sometimes, bishop. It has the same signification as the term, pastor. A New Testament
bishop was a pastor of a local church. In other words, a pastor of a Baptist church is
bishop of the church. There was no such thing known in the early history of the church, as
a Catholic or Protestant bishop, or cardinal, or anything beyond a pastor of a local
church; just like the Baptists have today.
Q. How many denominations claim a history back to the days of the
A. Two. The Baptists and Catholics. All others concede an origin
this side, hence the
fight lies between the Catholics and the Baptists.
Q. Can you give us some impartial history of the church in the
first centuries that we may decide whether they were Baptist churches or a Catholic
A. Yes. Guizot, the great French historian, tells us that in the
first (and largely so, in the fifth century), that there was no such thing as a separation
of the people and clergy. That the members of the church elected their officers and ruled
in all matters, and that by degrees the clergy separated themselves from the people. Here
are his words: There gradually became molded a form of doctrine, rules of
discipline, a body of magistrates; of magistrates called Presbuħeroi, or elders, who
afterward became priests; of Episcopoi. inspectors, or overseers, who became
bishops.Hist. of Civilization, p. 37.
Mosheim, the great German historian, in speaking of the church in
the first century, says: Let none, however, confound the bishop of this primitive
and golden period of the church with those of whom we read in the following ages; for,
though they were both distinguished by the same name, yet they differed in many respects.
A bishop during the first and second century, was a person who had the care of one
Christian assembly, which, at that time was, generally speaking, small enough to be
contained in a private house. In this assembly he acted, not so much with the authority of
a master as with the zeal and diligence of a faithful servant.Mosheims
Eccl. Hist. p. 39, Vol. 1.
Again: The churches, in those early times, were entirely
independent, none of them being subject to any foreign jurisdiction, but each governed by
its own self and its own laws.
Again: The sacrament of baptism was administered in this
century (first) without the public assemblies, and places appointed and prepared for the
purpose, and was performed by an immersion of the whole body in the bap-
tismal font.Mos. Eccl. Hist. p. 46, Vol. 1.
Q. Do all authentic histories agree with the above statements?
A. They do without exception.
Q. Is that what Baptists teach and practice?
A. It is. No Baptist could have stated it better.
Q. Do you mean to say these historians were not Baptists?
A. Yes. That is what I mean to say. They were not Baptists. and
had no connection in any way with the Baptists, but as impartial historians they wrote
these facts.
Q. In the face of these facts, how can the Catholics claim to
extend back through these centuries to the apostles?
A. I will let the Apostle Paul answer it. He says: Now the
Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith,
giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy;
having their conscience seared with a hot iron; forbidding to marry (as in case of
priests), etci Tim. 4:1,2.
Q. Can you tell us something about how and when the Catholic
Church had its origin?
A. Yes. In the language of historians quoted above: It was
developed by degrees. The first account we have of it is given by the Apostle Paul,
as follows: For I know this, that after my departing, shall grievous wolves enter in
among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking
perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.Acts 20:29, 30.
Again: For that day shall not come, except there come a
falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth
and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped: so that he, as
God, sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.2 Thcs.
2:3,4. This is the perfect picture of Rome, drawn by the pen of inspiration.
Q. When did this prophecy of Paul take effect?
A. Paul says: This mystery of iniquity had already
begun to work in his day, but it took visible shape in the third century; sufficient to
produce a rupture. It was in this century that pastors began to claim the authority of
ruling bishops. The pastor at Rome put himself forth as chief, or archbishop. This effort
at centralized power was approved by part of the church at Rome, and acknowledged in part
by other churches. However, a large per cent of the church at Rome protested against any
such claims to power on the part of the clergy, or any such tendency to centralization on
the part of the churches. The matter grew warm, one party pressing toward centralized
power, the other pleading for the simplicity of the worship of the fathers, with the
absolute independence of the churches. In, or about 250 A. D., there was a vacancy in the
pastorate at Rome. The centralizing party advocated the election of one Cornelius. a base,
designing character, who aspired to leadership, and rulership, over his brethren and the
churches of our Lord. The faithful, and sound in the faith of the church, remonstrated
against the election of such a marl as pastor or bishop of the church at Rome. But the
more they protested for Christs sake, the more solid and determined Cornelius and
his party became. Seeing nothing else left for them to do that would maintain the purity
of the faith, they put forth as their pastor, Novatian, a man of unquestioned piety and
soundness in the eyes of all except Cornelius and his party. They tried to besmirch his
character, but have utterly failed with all fair-minded people. Novatian, himself, did not
seek the place, and did not want to take it when tendered to him. But in order to maintain
the cause, he finally yielded. This brought about an open rupture in the church at Rome;
and a like rupture followed in many other churches in that section. Novatian and his
followers called themselves Calhari (the pure), but Cornelius and his followers called
them Novatians. The dominant party from this time on denominated themselves as the
Catholic Church. Being rid of the restraints of the other party, they plunged headlong
into centralization; and their progress was much more rapid. In the beginning of the next
century Constantine, at the head of the Civil Government, formed an alliance with this
Catholic party for political ends. This is the beginning of the union of church and state.
It was not long until a new trouble arose that hindered the climax of their purpose. A
rivalry arose between Rome and Byzantium (now Constantinople). Each of these cities wanted
to be the seat of governmentthe home of the would-be Pope. This rivalry kept matters
in check for some time, each party restraining the other. In this way neither could reach
the point of universal ruler. But when Phocas became Emperor of the East in 606 or 607 A.
D., he acknowledged Boniface III, Bishop of Rome, as Universal Bishop. Thus he became
Pope, the first Pope the world ever knew.
Q. What does pope mean?
A. It means father. It comes from the Greek word,
papasfather. He is popethe papaof the concern, therefore it is called
Q. Was the Popes rule supreme?
A. No. In a measure, one hundred and fifty years later be became
universal, temporal ruler. But the subjection of the East was with reluctance on their
part. In 862 A. D., Photius, a patriarch, stirred up quite a deal of mutiny in the Eastern
church. But after the death of their leader, communion was again restored. They continued
in the pales of the Western church until 1054 A. D., while in a state of revolt led by
patriarch Michael Cerularius they were formally ex-communicated by Pope Leo IX. From this
time the world has had two Catholic churchesthe Western or Roman Catholic, and the
Eastern or Greek Catholic. It might be well to mention the fact that the Eastern church is
now divided into three branches; one in Turkey with Constantinople as headquarters, one in
Greece and one in Russia. These have separate governments, and different rulers. Many
changes have taken place in both the Western and Eastern churches since their separation
in 1054 A. D. The Western church has abandoned immersion for baptism, and adopted
sprinkling in its stead. The Greek church still immerses. The above is a brief but
essentially accurate statement of the Catholic hierarchy which poses before the world with
such boasting claims of apostolic succession.
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