Question. What
does Episcopal mean?
Answer. It comes from the Greek Word episcopos,
which is translated bishop; therefore, it appertains to the bishopric.
Q. What does Episcopal church mean.
A. It means a church governed by bishops.
Q. Is it a state church?
A. It is.
Q. What is a state church?
A. It is a church supported by civil government, and which has
exclusive rights in the government.
Q. With what state or government is the Episcopal church
A. With England. It is the state church of England; and while the
colonies of America were under the control of England, it was the state church here. But
when this became a free country. her power as a state church ceased, and religious liberty
was enthroned.
Q. Can there be religious liberty in a country where there is a
state church?
A. No. There may be religious toleration, but not religious
liberty. The privileges of other churches are by permission and not by legal right. A
state church always has it in its power to persecute other churches, and I am sorry to say
that in too many instances this power has been exercised.
Q. Who is the head of the Episcopal Church?
A. The King of England.
Q. What denomination did it come out of?
A. It is an offspring of the Roman Catholicsa daughter of
this prolific trunk.
Q. Where did it have its beginning?
A. In England.
Q. When was it born?
A. The causes which resulted in the formation of this body of
people began to operate about 1527.
Q. Who was the founder of it?
A. Henry the Eighth, King of England.
Q. Was he a good man?
A. No. I should say he was a very wicked man.
Q. Will you give some reasons why you think so?
A. Yes. It was he who burned William Tyndale, one of the most
godly and learned Christians of his day. He also was married six times. One of his wives
died in wedlock, and one survived him at death, two he abandoned by divorce, and two he
ruthlessly murdered.
Q. Was he an ardent Catholic?
A. He was. It was he, as a Catholic, who burned Dissenters, and
wrote a reply to Martin Luther defending the seven sacraments of the Romish church, for
which the Pope of Rome conferred upon him the title of Defender of the Faith.
Q. Can you give some reasons why, and the circumstances connected
with his leaving the Catholics and forming the Episcopal Church?
A. Yes. He became heir to the throne of England by the death of
his brother, Arthur, in 1502. At the age of 12, one year later, he was betrothed to
Catharine of Aragon, his brothers widow. She was his senior by several years, and
when her beauty, by reason of age, began to fade, he became dissatisfied with her. She had
no son to heir the throne, and her age precluding all hope, the people must turn in mind
to an objectionable daughter as their prospective ruler. This created an unrest among the
people. King Henry took advantage of this, feeling that he would have the support of the
people in divorcing his wife and marrying a younger woman, by whom a son might come to the
throne. In the meantime he had become infatuated with a beautiful young woman by the name
of Anne Boleyn, with whom he also became criminally intimate. He sought divorce at the
hands of the Pope, but the Pope was not in such a hurry as was the King, and waived the
matter so as to create delaythe very thing Henry did not want. At length his
unlawful cohabitation with Anne Boleyn was about to result in an open disgrace in the
birth of a child. The delayed proceedings of the Pope would not answer the purposes of his
adulterous life, and he could wait no longer. So the oniy thing left was to sever
connection with the Pope and appeal to the legal powers. This he did, and was divorced
from Catherine and married Anne Boleyn in 1533. Bishop Cranmer came to his relief and put
his indorsement on the divorce, or rather (leclared the marriage of Henry and Catherine to
have been null from the beginning. The Pope, however, declared Cranmer s action
illegal, and cited Henry to trial. Henry refused to appear before the Pope, and the
English parliament met under Thomas Cromwells guidance, and passed
an act entirely abolishing the papal authority within the realm, giving the King, as on
former occasion,
power to call the act into operation when he pleased. It then settled the
succession (to the throne) on the issue of Anne Boleyn, to the exclusion of that of
Catherine. Simultaneous with this act of parliament, the Pope declared the marriage
of Henry and Catherine legal, refusing Henry a divorce. On the next day henry called
into operation the act abolishing the Popes authority. Being free from the
Popes authority they formed certain articles of faith, first the Bloody Six
Articles, and later the Thirty-nine Articles, established a body of
ruling bishops, and, Henry declaring himself supreme head of the church,
launched forth as a state church.
This is a brief statement of the rise of the Protestant Episcopal
Q. Was Catherine, the wife whom Henry divorced, a bad woman?
A. No. Some of the best authorities say her personal character
was unimpeached, and her disposition sweet.
Q. What became of Anne Boleyn, his second wife?
A. It was not long after her first heir was born until his
affection for her ceased, as in the case of Catherine. Henry had her executed
(murdered). The next day after her execution he married Jane Seymore. She died in giving
birth to Edward the Sixth. He next married Anne of Cleves. He soon became tired of her,
because she was not as attractive as he desired, and divorced her. He then married
Catherine Howard. In a few months he became tired of her and had her executed (murdered).
He then married Catherine Parr, who survived him. Henrys record was a record of
blood. He even had Thomas Cromwell, who pulled him through his difficulties with the Pope,
Q. Do you mean to say that this bloody adulterer was the founder
of the Episcopal Church, and was acknowledged as its supreme head, all through this dark
A. Yes. That is a fact. It is with reluctance that T pen these
facts. But it is a plain statement of unvarnished historical facts.
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