The Divine Inspiration of the Bible
A. W. Pink
Christianity is the
religion of a Book. Christianity is based upon the impregnable rock of Holy Scripture. The
starting point of all doctrinal discussion must be the Bible. Upon the foundation of the
Divine inspiration of the Bible stands or falls the entire edifice of Christian truth. -
"If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" (Ps. 11:3).
Surrender the dogma of verbal inspiration and you are left like a rudderless ship on a
stormy sea-at the mercy of every wind that blows. Deny that the Bible is, without any
qualifications, the very Word of God, and you are left without any ultimate standard of
measurement and without any supreme authority. It is useless to discuss any doctrine
taught by the Bible until you are prepared to acknowledge, unreservedly, that the Bible is
the final court of appeal. Grant that the Bible is a Divine revelation and communication
of God's own mind and will to men, and you have a fixed starting point from which advance
can be made into the domain of truth. Grant that the Bible is (in its original
manuscripts) inerrant and infallible and you reach the place where study of its contents
is both practicable and profitable.
It is impossible to over-estimate the importance of the
doctrine of the Divine inspiration of Scripture. This is the strategic center of Christian
theology, and must be defended at all costs. It is the point at which our satanic enemy is
constantly hurling his hellish battalions. Here it was he made his first attack. In Eden
he asked, "Yea, hath God said?" and today he is pursuing the same
tactics. Throughout the ages the Bible has been the central object of his assaults. Every
available weapon in the devil's arsenal has been employed in his determined and ceaseless
efforts to destroy the temple of God's truth. In the first days of the Christian era the
attack of the enemy was made openly - the bonfire being the chief instrument of
destruction - but, in these "last days" the assault is made in a more subtle
manner and comes from a more unexpected quarter. The Divine origin of the Scriptures is
now disputed in the name of "Scholarship" and "Science," and that,
too, by those who profess to be friends and champions of the Bible. Much of the learning
and theological activity of the hour, are concentrated in the attempt to discredit and
destroy the authenticity and authority of God's Word, the result being that thousands of
nominal Christians are plunged into a sea of doubt. Many of those who are paid to stand in
our pulpits and defend the Truth of God are now the very ones who are engaged in sowing
the seeds of unbelief and destroying the faith of those to whom they minister. But these
modern methods will prove no more successful in their efforts to destroy the Bible than
did those employed in the opening centuries of the Christian era. As well might the birds
attempt to demolish the granite rock of Gibraltar by pecking at it with their beaks -
"For ever, O Lord, Thy Word is settled in heaven" (Ps. 119:89).
Now the Bible does not fear investigation. Instead of
fearing it, the Bible courts and challenges consideration and examination. The more widely
it is known, the more closely it is read, the more carefully it is studied, the more
unreservedly will it be received as the Word of God. Christians are not a company of
enthusiastic fanatics. They are not lovers of myths. They are not anxious to believe a
delusion. They do not desire their lives to be molded by an empty superstition. They do
not wish to mistake hallucination for inspiration. If they are wrong, they wish to be set
right. If they are deceived, they want to be disillusioned. If they are mistaken, they
desire to be corrected.
The first question which the thoughtful reader of the Bible
has to answer is, What importance and value am I to attach to the contents of the
Scriptures? Were the writers of the Bible so many fanatics moved by oracular frenzy? Were
they merely poetically inspired and intellectually elevated? or, were they, as they
claimed to be, and as the Scriptures affirm they were, moved by the Holy Spirit to act as
the voice of God to a sinful world? Were the writers of the Bible inspired by God in a
manner no other men were in any other age of the world? Were they invested and endowed
with the power to disclose mysteries and point men upward and onward to that which
otherwise would have been an impenetrable future? One can readily appreciate the fact that
the answer to these questions is of supreme importance. If the Bible is not inspired in
the strictest sense of the word then it is worthless, for it claims to be God's Word, and
if its claims are spurious then its statements are unreliable and its contents are
untrustworthy. If, on the other hand, it can be shown to the satisfaction of every
impartial inquirer that the Bible is the Word of God, inerrant and infallible, then we
have a starting point from which we can advance to the conquest of all truth.
A book that claims to be a Divine revelation - a
claim which, as we shall see, is substantiated by the most convincing credentials - cannot
be rejected or even neglected without grave peril to the soul. True wisdom cannot refuse
to examine it with care and impartiality. If the claims of the Bible be well founded then
the prayerful and diligent study of the Scriptures becomes of paramount importance: they
have a claim upon our notice and time which nothing else has, and beside them everything
in this world loses its luster and sinks into utter insignificance. If the Bible be the Word
of God then it infinitely transcends in value all the writings of men, and in exact
ratio to its immeasurable superiority to human productions such is our responsibility and
duty to give it the most reverent and serious consideration. As a Divine revelation the
Bible ought to be studied, yet, this is the only subject on which human curiosity does not
desire information. Into every other sphere man pushes his investigations, but the Book of
books is neglected, and this, not only by the ignorant, and illiterate, but by the wise of
this world as well. The cultured dilettante will boast of his acquaintance with the sages
of Greece and Rome, yet, will know little or nothing of Moses and the prophets, Christ and
His Apostles. But the general neglect of the Bible verifies the Scriptures and affords
additional proof of their authenticity. The contempt with which the Bible is treated
demonstrates that human nature is exactly what God's Word represents it to be - fallen and
depraved - and is unmistakable evidence that the carnal mind is enmity against God.
If the Bible is the Word of God; if it stands on an
infinitely exalted plane, all alone; if it immeasurable transcends all the greatest
productions of human genius; then, we should naturally expect to find that it has unique
credentials, that there are internal marks which prove it to be the handiwork of God, that
there is conclusive evidence to show that its Author is superhuman, Divine. That these
expectations are realized we shall now endeavor to show; that there is no reason whatever
for any one to doubt the Divine inspiration of the Scriptures is the purpose of this book
to demonstrate. As we examine the natural world we find innumerable proofs of the
existence of a Personal Creator, and the same God who has manifested Himself thro' His
works has also revealed His wisdom and will thro' His Word. The God of creation and the
God of written revelation are One, and there are irrefutable arguments to show that the
Almighty who made the heavens and the earth is also the Author of the Bible.
We shall now submit to the critical attention of the reader
a few of the lines of demonstration which argue for the Divine inspiration of the
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