Baptists: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
by Jarrell Huffman
This sermon was preached at the sixteenth annual messenger body meeting of the churches
composing the Illinois State Baptist Association which met with the Temple Missionary
Baptist Church of Moline, Illinois, September 9, 1972.
The messengers voted to
have the message printed and distrihuted among the churches in the state of Illinois.
A special word of
thanks is due Brother Mark J. Maddox, professor of church history in the Illinois
Missionary Baptist Institute of Washington, Illinois, for his helpful suggestions
concerning the historical part of this message.
Credit is also due to
Brother Wayne Camp, president of the Illinois Missionary Baptist Institute, who read the
manuscript, gave helpful suggestions, and printed the booklet.
This booklet is sent
forth, not to make friends with apostates and liberal-minded Baptists, butto stir the
hearts of true Baptists everywhere who put truth above tradition and honor ahove
expediency. It is hoped that readers of the booklet will read without bias and prejudice.
If you a gree with the things said, or if you disagree with the contents, at least do not
turn a deaf ear to history or close your eyes to definite declarations in the Scriptures.
Uncle Remus wisely said, "Truth ain't never been hurt yet by people not believing
The author1
Text: Proverbs 22:28: "Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set." Jude 3: "Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
GLORIOUS HERITAGE. Through my mind's eye I see a long line of preachers and laymen who
through the preceding ages have held high the blood-stained banner of truth. I see them
hated by the established religions; I see them persecuted, imprisoned, and killed by their
enemies all the way from Christ, to Stephen, to the millions who died during the Dark
As Buell Kazee well
said, "Baptists are either unique or they are nothing." In times past the line
of demarcation between Baptists and the denominations of this world was pronounced. The
Methodists, Presbyterians, Catholics, and others knew where Baptists stood on issues;
today the line of separation is a muted and a mottled grey. Where the world ends and the
church begins is no longer clearly defined. Such a spirit and attitude is the spirit of
Balaamism in this Laodicean church age. This fact is tragic: the spirit of ecumenism has
deeply pervaded the ranks of the Baptists of this day.
I think no true Baptist
is blind to the fact that something is dreadfully wrong in Baptist life. Spurgeon remarked
in the late 1800's that, "We are going downhill at breakneck speed." Spurgeon
saw the breakdown in Baptist life in England years ago. This evil spread to the shores of
America. Today in 1972 we are suffering the dire effects of this moral and spiritual
I read Baptists of old
such as Gill, Spurgeon, Graves, Fuller, Pendleton, Broadus, Boyce, J.B. Moody, Francis
Wayland, W.A. Jarrel, J.B. Jeter, and others. I rejoice in their doctrinal stand on
matters that made Baptists differ from all other groups. Though the writings of these
great men adorn the shelves of many preachers' libraries, the doctrines they espoused,
wrote about, and taught unashamedly are not being sounded forth in clarion tones in these
days of widespread apostasy!
Baptists are much like
the city built around a spring. As the city grew and many houses were built, the spring
became boarded up and forgotten. Doctrines that have been identified with Baptists for
centuries have ceased to be preached in many pulpits across America.
To wave a "Baptist
flag" in this day of spiritual deadness can mean anything from Dan to Beersheba
doctrinally. People going by the name "Baptist" are practicing everything from
speaking in tongues to ordaining women to preach. AND TRUE BAPTISTS ARE MUCH TO BLAME FOR
History bears mute
evidence that people do not learn from the mistakes of others. As one author well said,
"We learn from history that we do not learn."
False doctrine is like
leaven. Beginning as a small thing, leaven permeates the lot. False doctrine supplants the
truth, not all at once, but gradually. And, if allowed to persist in a church or churches,
the doctrines once held precious will be neglected or considered out-of-date. Here is the
picture I desire you to see in this message: WHY ARE BAPTISTS WHERE THEY ARE TODAY? To
understand where we are today, we must first examine where we were yesterday. After we
have discovered where we were yesterday, and see where we are today, we will be in a good
position to see where we are apt to be tomorrow. Think carefully with me on this subject:
A. Their Origin
John the Baptist
prepared the material for Jesus to take and organize His church (Luke 1:17). These people
were saved and scripturally baptized (Matthew 3:1-8). From this prepared material Jesus
organized His first church (Matthew 4;17-22). Later, on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2), the
Holy Spirit empowered this church to go into all the world with the gospel message.
B. First Century (30--99)
John the Baptist was
beheaded by Herod; Christ was crucified; Stephen was stoned to death; all of the apostles,
excepting John, died the death of martyrs. John was banished to the isle of Patmos where
he wrote the Revelation (Revelation 1).
In this century (first)
the disciples were called CHRISTIANS (Acts 11:26). This was a name given them by their
enemies--a practice which was to be practiced in the centuries which followed.
At this point in
history the church at Jerusalem spread northward to Syria, westward to Asia Minor and
Galatia, and finally to Europe. Persecution resulted in these Christians leaving
Jerusalem. As they left they took the gospel with them (Acts 8:1-4). The apostle Paul was
a great instrument in the hands of Almighty God in this century. See Acts 13:1-28: 31.
In this first century
whole empires were moved by the ardent zeal of God's people. The Roman empire at first
tried to ignore the Lord's churches; in time she sought to exterminate every Christian
from the face of the earth. A blood bath ensued under the reign of a number of Caesars
such as Diocletian which claimed the lives of thousands of loyal saints.
C. Second Century (100-199)
In the second century
the true people of God took the gospel to greater extents. Many in this century are
nicknamed "Montanists" and "Tertullianists" after two of their main
leaders, Montanus and Tertullian.
The area concerned in
this century included Palestine, Syria, Asia Minor, Europe, etc. North Africa has hy this
time been at least partly evangelized.
D. Third Century (200-299)
In this century a very
prominent man comes on the scene in Rome. His name is Novatian. Following a schism in the
church at Rome, Cornelius is elected Pastor. Disturbed by the growing slackness, Novatian
leaves. With him go many dedicated Christians who also are disturbed. In time the
followers of Novatian are dubbed "Novatianists." Jarrel quotes Robinson who
says, "On the death of Bishop Fabian, Cornelius, a brother elder, and a vehement
partisan for taking in the multitude, was put in nomination. Novatian opposed him; but as
Cornelius carried his election and he saw no prospect of reformation, but, on the
contrary, a tide of immorality pouring into the church, he withdrew and a great many with
him... Great numbers followed his example, and all over the empire Puritan churches were
constituted, they were distinguished by a variety of names and a succession of them
continued until the Reformation" (Baptist Church Perpetuity, p. 87). Jarrel
also quotes J.M. Cramp who says, "...the Novatian churches were what are now called
Baptist churches, adhering to the apostolic and primitive practice" (Ibid., p. 88).
E. Fourth Century (300-399)
In the fourth century
the name "Donatist" comes to the forefront. Especially was this true in North
Africa. This name was given the true churches from their leader, Donatus. Of the Donatists
Jarrel quotes Armitage who says, "The Donatists agitation arose in north Africa, A.D.
311, in what are now known as the Barbary States; but it centered in Carthage, Numidia,
and the Mauritanias." (Ibid., p. 89). Kurtz says, "Like the Novatians, they
insisted on absolute purity in the church... they denounced the Catholics as
schismatics" (Ibid., p. 92). Schaff concurs: "Like the Montanists and
Novatianists they insisted on rigorous church discipline." (Ibid., p. 92).
F. Fifth Century (400-499)
In the fifth century we
find the churches of the Lord being called "Montanists," "Donatists"
and "Novatianists." These names, given them in the preceding centuries, are
carried through this time and beyond.
G. Sixth Century (500-499)
In the sixth century
the same groups are prominent. At this point in history the churches of the Lord are
thriving in North Africa, Europe, Asia, Syria, Palestine, and other regions.
H. Seventh Century (600-699)
The seventh century
introduces at least two new names: "Paulicians" (after Silvanus who emphasized
the epistles of Paul) and "Paterines." The Paulicians were situated in Armenia
and Italy. By 1000 A. D. the Paulicians were in England. Of the Paulicians Orchard says,
"It was about the year 653, that a new sect came into notice in the East, under the
name of Paulicians... " (Concise History of the Baptists, p. 127). Of their
locale and names Orchard says: "In Italy, they were called Paterini and Cathari. In
France, they were denominated Bulgarians, from the kingdom of emigration, also Publicans,
instead of Paulicians, and boni homines, good men; but were chiefly known by the term
Albigenses, from the town of Alby, in the Upper Languedoc" (Ibid., p. 138). Of their
beliefs W.A. Jarrel says, "In these churches of the Paulicians, the sacraments of
baptism and the Lord's Supper they held to be peculiar to the communion of the faithful;
i.e. restricted to believers" Jarrel, op. cit., p. 115). The term
"Paterines" is another name given to true churches of old. The name itself, says
Mezeray, "... a name which came from the glory they took in suffering patiently for
the truth" (Orchard, op. cit., p. 144).
I. Eighth Century (700-799)
The eighth century
produced no new names. The Paterines, Paulicians, and other forementioned groups persist.
J. Ninth Century (800-899)
The term
"Bogomiles" now appears in the ninth century. The true churches are still being
called Paterines, Paulicians, etc. The term "Cathari" (the pure) is a name of
derision given to these various groups who hold tenaciously to the doctrines of the faith.
K. Tenth Century (900-999)
A new name, and one that will endure for
centuries, appears in the tenth century--the "Albigenses." This name denotes
especially the churches of the Lord in southern France near the town of Albi. W.A. Jarrel
says of them: "Coming from Asia, where they were known as Paulicians, they crossed
the Balkan Peninsula and reached the Western empire. In the tenth and the eleventh
centuries, under the name Paulicians, but especially Albigenses, from the town of Albi in
Southern France, and Cathari--from their pure lives--they filled and moulded both France
and Italy, affecting in a less degree, other parts of Europe" (Jarrel, op. cit., p.
124). That they were Baptists is evident: "In church government the Albigenses were
Baptists... Their bards or pastors were every one of them heads of their churches, but
they acted on nothing without the consent of the people and the clergy... Their ritual and
ecclesiastical organization were exceedingly simple" (Ibid., pp. 127, 128).
L. Eleventh Century (1000-1099)
In the eleventh century no new name
specifically appears on the scene. The churches of the Lord are being called Paterines,
Paulicians, Bulgarians, Albigenses, etc. See Orchard's Concise History of the Baptists,
p. 138.
M. Twelfth Century (1100-1199)
Two new names appear in the twelfth century-
the Petrobrussians and the Arnoldists. The Petrobrussians took their name from
Peter de Bruis. They were located in southern France. W.A. Jarrel says, "Historians
agree that the Pctrobrussians appeared in the South of France about 1104" (Ibid., p.
140). At the death of Peter de Bruis, he was succeeded by one of his associates, Henry of
Lausanne. Many true churches were known from this point as "Henricians." The
Arnoldists were located in Italy. The name "Arnoldists"came from their leader,
Arnold of Brescia who was martyred in 1155 by the Catholics. The Petrobrussians,
Henricians, and Arnoldists were throughly Baptistic.
Another prominent name is noted in this century
the Waldenses. These ancient Baptists were located in the Alps of Ita1y and France.
They are usually associated with the "Piedmont Valley. " Another name given to
these brethren was "Vaudois." For their beliefs see W.A. Jarrel's Baptist
Church Perpetuity, pp. 159-181.
N. Thirteenth Century (1200-1299)
A new name is worthy of
note in the thirteenth century the Lollards. Walter Lollard was a Waldensian
"bard" or pastor. Thus, the Lollards were the same in belief as the Waldenses.
Q. Fourteenth Century (1300-1399)
One prominent disciple
of the Lord who lived in the fourteenth century was named John Wickliffe (1324). He
resided in England. The various names already mentioned Paterines, Paulicians,
Waldenses, etc. are still applied in this century.
P. Fifteenth Century (1400-1499)
In the fifteenth
century two prominent men in history, John Huss and Jerome of Prague, cross the stage of
history. Many of the Lord's churches are now called "Hussites" after John Huss.
The general name "Anabaptist" (re-baptizer) now begins to appear, designating
those who adhered to the truth.
Q. Sixteenth Century (1500-1599)
The Lord's churches in
the sixteenth century were called "Anabaptists" and "Waldenses." In
certain locales the names "Mennonites" and "Picards" are applied to
true churches. Let it be noted that the Mennonites of that era were Baptists, unlike the
present-day Mennonites. For facts concerning the Anabaptists see W.A. Jarrel's Baptist
Church Perpetuity, pp. 182-215).
R. Seventeenth Century (1600-1699)
For the first time in history the word
"Baptist" appears as specifically denominating the churches of the Lord. At this
point the prefix "ana" begins to be dropped from "Anabaptist." From
this point onward the Lord's churches are known as "Baptists."
S. Eighteenth Century (1700-1799)
By this time the term
"Baptist" is known the world over. In some locales, however, the older names
still persist. The "Baptists" are the same in belief as the Montanists,
Novatianists, Paulicians, Paterines, Waldenses, and Anabaptists of the preceding ages.
T. Nineteenth Century (1800-1899)
By the nineteenth
century Baptists have evangelized the world. From England and Wales in preceding centuries
they came to the new world (some as entire churches). The Baptist churches in early
America sounded forth the same gospel message which those in England preached, and soon
all the way back to Christ.
U. Twentieth Century (1900-present)
In this century true
churches of the Lord are the "Baptists. " However, not all Baptists are true
Baptists. Many who wear this good name do not believe nor practice the truths which have
always characterized the true churches of the Lord.
By belief and practice
these groups previously mentioned were Baptistic. The various names given -- from
"Christians" to "Anabaptists"--were usually given by their enemies in
derision. Other names came from the prominent leaders among them.
Some of these groups
gave rise to other groups. At times many of these groups existed in different parts of the
world contemporaneously. In the same century true churches may have been known as
Albigenses, Waldenses, Paulicians, Paterines, etc.
Terms such as
"Cathari" (pure), acephali (headless), and Anabaptist (re-baptizer) were general
names applied to all of these groups at certain times in history. Their enemies duhbed
them the "pure" because of their strict belief in a separated life; they were
called "headless" because they recognized no earthly head such as the Pope; they
were given the name "Anabaptist" because they always re-baptized those who came
to them from unscriptural churches (Catholic or Protestant).
All of these groups agreed in five major points:
1. They demanded regeneration before baptism.
2. They baptized believers only.
3. They believed in equality in church membership.
4. They believed in separation of church and state.
5. They believed the Bihle to be the only rule of faith and practice.
Able historians, not
Baptists, have made statements which confirm the assertions of Baptists that Baptist
churches can trace their existence from the present back to Christ and the apostles. Hear
the following:
MOSHEIM (Lutheran):
'Before the rise of Luther and Calvin, there lay secreted in almost all the countries of
Europe persons who adhered tenaciously to the principles of modern Dutch Baptists" (Baptist
Church Perpetuity, W.A. Jarrel, p. 311).
ZWINGLI (Reformer):
"The institution of Anabaptism is no novelty, but for thirteen hundred years past has
caused great disturbance in the church, and has such a strength that the attempt to
contend against it in this age appeared for a time futile" (Ibid., pp. 302-303).
NEWTON (philosopher:
"The modern Baptists formerly called Anabaptists are the only people that never
symbolyzed with the papacy" (Ibid. p. 313).
RIDPATH (Methodist):
"I should not readily admit that there were Baptist churches as far back as A.D. 100,
although without doubt there were Baptists then, as all Christians were then
Baptists" (Ibid., p. 59).
(Dutch Reformed): "We have already seen that the Baptists--those who in former times
were named Anabaptists, and in later times Mennonites--were originally Waldenses, the men
who in the history of the church, in time so far back, have obtained a vell-deserved
renown. In consequence, the Baptists may be regarded as being from of old the only
religious denomination that have continued from the times of the Apostles, as a Christian
society who have kept the evangelical faith pure through all the ages hitherto"
(Ibid., p. 315).
(Church of Christ): "... from the apostolic age, to the present time, the sentiments
of Baptists, and the practice of baptism have had a continued chain of advocates, and
public monuments of their existence in every century can be produced" (Macalla-Campbell
Debate, pp. 378-379).
(Catholic): "If the truth of religion were to be judged of by the readiness and
cheerfulness which a man of any sect shows in suffering, then the opinions and persuasions
of no sect can be truer or surer than those of the Anabaptists; since there have been none
for these twelve hundred years past that have been more grievously punished" (Concise
History of the Baptists, Orchard, p. 364). Hossius also said, "The Anabaptists
are a pernicious sect, of which kind the Waldensian brethren seem to have been. Nor is
this heresy a modern thing -- for it existed in the time of Austin" (Baptist
Church Perpetuity, Jarrel, p. 308).
These quotations could
be multiplied, but this is unnecessary. The enemies of Baptists have made statements which
verify the antiquity of Baptists.
God's true people,
beginning with the crucifixion of Christ and followed by the slaying of James and Stephen,
the martyring of the apostles, and on through the fifty million plus who died in the
horror of the Dark Ages, have ever been hated by governments, especially those dominated
by the state church. This persecution which began in the first century has continued
through all of the succeeding centuries. Although little persecution is known in this
present century, there continues to be some in countries such as Russia.
In the ninth century
the Empress Theodora put to death over 100,000 Paulicians (832-846 A. D.). Of this Orchard
says, "After confiscating the goods and property of one hundred thousand of these
people, the owners to that number were put to death in the most barbarous manner, and made
to expire slowly under a variety of the most exquisite tortures" (Orchard, op. cit.,
p. 137).
In the thirteenth century over one million of
the Albigenses were slain in France (Ibid., p. 330). Historians say that over fifty
million of God's true people died during the cruel Dark Ages. The reader should avail
himself of books such as Fox's Book of Martyrs, The Churches in the Valley of Piedmont and
others. The blood of the saints flowed freely in almost all of the countries of Europe.
And in the main this was religious persecution--created by the unholy union of church and
God sent John the
Baptist to prepare the material for Jesus to take and establish His church. These were
saved and scripturally baptized people (Matthew 3:1-8). In time Jesus sent out the twelve
and the seventy (Matthew 10; Luke 10). Later, because of persecution, the church at
Jerusalem scattered. Those who were scattered took the Word and established churches. From
this dispersion the church in Antioch (Syria) was established. See Acts 8. Later, after
being converted, Saul was sent out from this church at Antioch (Acts 13:1, 2).
Paul's missionary tours
make up the greater part of the book of Acts (chapters 13-28). Through the efforts of this
man the gospel was taken to Asia Minor, Galatia, and Europe.
Those who followed Paul
in the succeeding centuries maintained his spirit of zeal and love for the truth. The
Montanists, Donatists, Novatians, Waldenses, Paulicians, and others were mission-minded.
Of the Donatists Jones asserts: "There was scarcely a city or town in Africa (north)
in which there was not a Donatist church" (Ibid., p. 89). Of the Paulicians Orchard
says, "Without any funds or public societies to countenance or support the arduous
under-taking, otherwise, than their respective churches, the Paulicians fearlessly
penetrated the most barbarous parts of Europe, and went single-handed, and single-eyed, to
the conflict with every grade of character" (Ihid., p. 139). Of the Waldenses Jarrel
says: "So widely had the sect been scattered that it was said a traveler from Antwerp
to Rome could sleep every night in the house of one of their brethren" (Baptist
Church Perpetuity, Jarrel, p. 296).
From Rome the gospel
was taken to England and Wales. Of the Welsh Baptists it has been said: "In 1737,
thirty members of a Baptist church in Wales with their minister, came to Pennsylvatia and
organized the Welsh Tract church'" (Ibid., p. 399). Thus, from Wales the gospel came
to America.
Let this section be
concluded with this statement by W.W. Everts: "I am much interested in your question
about missions and the Anabaptists. They were the most determined colporteurs and
missionaries throughout Europe" (Ibid., p. 190).
The early churches of
the Lord believed in training schools for preachers and laymen. Jesus was rightly called
the Master Teacher. Paul taught for some two years in the school of Tyrannus (Acts 19). Of
the Albigenses in France is said: "In a short time the Albigenses had congregations
and schools and charitable institutions of their own" (History of the Baptists,
J.T. Christian, p. 63). Of these eary Baptists Orchard says, "There was scarcely a
man or woman among them, who was not far better read in the Bible, than the doctors of the
church (Catholic)" (Concise History of the Baptists, Orchard, p. 266). Of
the Waldenses it is recorded: "In 1229 they had spread themselves in great number
throughout all Italy. They had ten schools in Valcomonica alone" (Ibid., g. 273).
The English Baptists
had their schools. The early American Baptists had their institutions of higher learning.
Brown University, Georgetown, Wake Forest, Furman, Croser, Newton, and the University of
Chicago are just a few that were at one time strict Baptist schools. Many of these at the
present have been sadly affected by the inroads of modernism.
The point is this:
Baptists have always believed in Bible training. In 1230 Reinerus, a monk, said this of
the ancient Waldenses: "The heretics (Waldenses) have more schools than the
theologians and more auditors... They have translated the Old and New Testaments into
other tongues. I myself have seen and heard a clownish layman who could repeat the whole
of the book of Job by heart and many who were perfectly acquainted with the whole of the
New Testament" (Jarrel, op. cit., pp. 261, 262).
True Baptists of today
have their schools where the Bible is taught in its purity. This is as it should be.
Baptists of yesterday
were busy for God. The long line of martyrs and faithful saints testifies to the fact that
God has had his true people in all preceding ages since Christ. For the fruits of Baptists
in the past see Baptist Church Perpetuity by W.A. Jarrel, pp. 465-471. THESE WERE
True Baptists are
humbled when they survey the long line of martyrs who died rather than compromise one
particle of truth. The heritage is a blessed one. Yet, this age has produced generations
who know nothing and care nothing for the sufferings of the forefathers. This attitude has
been produced by the neglect of teaching and preaching truth.
The breakdown in Baptist life began years ago.
The truths held dynamically at first came to be held formally. Spurgeon declared of the
situation in England in the late 1800's: "We are going downhill at breakneck
In part I the author
has emphasized that these ancient people--the Montanists, Donatists, Novatians,
Paulicians. Waldenses, Anabaptists, etc.--were Baptistic in belief and practice. Yet,
within these groups there were those who were not so orthodox. In the later centuries the
majority of these groups had un-Baptistic practices. Within the Mennonites, Waldenses, and
others were some who practiced heretical doctrines. Orchard said of the Waldenses in the
17th century: "But at this period those circumstances and changes did take place
among this people..." (Orchard. op. cit., p. 291). He also says, "As in the
early, so among these modern Baptists, two classes are found, at a later period
distinguished by the terms of rigid and moderate. The former class observe, with the most
religious accuracy, veneration and precision, the ancient doctrine, discipline, and
precepts of the purer Baptists. The latter are more conformed to Protestant churches"
(Ibid., p. 368). All of this means that in time many of the Waldenses, Mennonites and
others became heretical and un-Baptistic. Applying this thought to the present-day
situation we find that many Baptists (so-called) are strictly un-Baptistic. Many call
themselves "Protestant" and are leaders in the ecumenical movement.
The Protestant
Reformation of the 16th century had a dire effect on the Lord's true churches. It is true
that Luther, Calvin, and others did seek honestly to reform the Catholic church. They
embraced many Bible truths. Yet, instead of aligning themselves with the Baptists of that
day, they in turn began to persecute the Baptists as the Catholics before them had done.
Let no true Baptist think for one moment that Baptists had their origin in the
This breakdown in
orthodoxy actually began in Germany in the early 1800's. This liberalism and modernism
spread to England. From England this evil spread to the shores of America.
Where are Baptists on
this important issue? Many are recognizing alien baptism, especially alien immersion.
Others are practicing what is commonly known as "Christian baptism"-- that
anyone's baptism is good so long as it is immersion. Those who are even more modernistic
have begun to have special confirmation services for babies. The spirit of ecumenism has
made great inroads into Baptist ranks. This fact is evidenced in the perversion of the
ordinance of baptism.
Lord's Supper
Many present-day
"Baptists" have abandoned "close" or "closed" communion to
escape the stigma of the doctrine. The appeal of ecumenism to bring all beliefs together
has deeply pervaded the thinking of many Baptists.
Church Question
The majority of
Baptists by name in this age have fallen prey to the "universal-invisible"
church theory. Augustine in the early centuries this side of Christ promoted the
"universal idea" of the church; Luther in the 16th century espoused the
"invisible" idea. Since then the majority of denominations have accepted this
erroneous idea. It is inevitable that Baptists would be affected. On the basis of this
liberal thinking, it is no wonder that some Baptists have had joint services with the
Catholics and others. If the universal-invisible theory is correct, it does make no
difference what one believes on many issues. How tragic that Baptists have allowed
themselves to be caught in this carefully laid trap of Satan!
Church and State
The Baptists in history
were univocal in their attestation that the church should be separate from the state in
every aspect. Yet, today some Baptist schools receive state aid. Others are seeking such.
Only a few in this indifferent age care enough to raise their voices in protest against
this grave error. History has proved conclusively that the union of church and state has
been a curse. America will certainly be no exception!
The poet wrote these words:
"Millions there have never heard,
Millions here have never cared."
Per capita we give pennies to missions, whereas we give dollars to non-essentials such as candy, cold drinks, chewing gum, etc. Our forefathers put us to shame on mission work. If any people on earth should be mission-minded, Baptists should be. Considering the glorious heritage which is ours, pondering carefully the commission to the churches, and viewing the lost bound for hell, Missionary Baptists should be the most mission-minded people on earth.
Associated Work
The Scriptures
certainly teach that churches of the Lord associated together. But this association or
fellowship was always on a voluntary basis. The churches lost none of their autonomy by
associating. True churches today should associate. The Bible gives no warrant for
Yet, there is a trend
toward centralization. Anytime there is organization, this danger is present. For this
reason the Lord Himself warned in unequivocal tones of the dangers of Nicolaitanism
(overlordship). See Matthew 20:20-28; Revelation 2:6, 15; III John 9.
The Southern Baptists
of today have a highly organized machine. In 1934 W.W. Barnes warned of this trend in his
hook entitled "The Southern Baptist Convention--A Study in the Development of
Ecclesiology. Vast changes have taken place since this book was written. In many cases
Southern Baptists (SBC) have been taught to worship a program. To many of them the sign
"SBC" is a magic term. Anything under this umbrella is orthodox; anything
outside is taboo.
There are also some
within the ranks of Missionary Baptists who think that the term "ABA" possesses
some magical power. Condemning the SBC for their error, they follow suit and commit the
same error. Some have ignorantly concluded or have been deluded into thinking that
anything that labels itself "ABA" is straight doctrinally and that anything not
under this label is heretical. Such is sheer nonsense and is a step toward
Denominationalism which has always been a curse to the Lord's churches!
This author seeks not
to be misunderstood. I am a Missionary Baptist and have never been anything else. I choose
to be in the fellowship of churches which compose the American Baptist Association. I
honestly believe that the churches composing this association have more truth than any
group of Baptists on earth. Yet, I do not worship the ABA or any program of the ABA. I
refuse to close my eyes to what is going on and hide my head in the sand as the ostrich.
If error presents itself, I sin if I pretend it does not exist. If certain within the
ranks of the ABA practice error, it is wrong. Association with the ABA does not make
anything scriptural.
The tendency is always
away from the authority of the local church. And when one gets away from the local church
he is too far. The Lord gave the commission to the church as an institution, not to some
group of men, committee, or association. For one, I refuse to be beguiled into believing
that everything practiced under some label is scriptural.
Doctrines of Grace
This is a sore spot
with many brethren. By the term "doctrines of grace" I refer to the system of
theology which makes salvation all of grace. These doctrines include election,
predestination, foreordination, effectual calling, perseverance of the saints, and others.
For the most part these have been relegated to the background. Yet Paul, the greatest
expositor on these doctrines, the ancient Waldenses, the Particular Baptists of England,
and the early American Baptists all believed and preached these doctrines unashamedly! The
Confessions of Faith prove this conclusively.
Men such as John Gill,
Charles Spurgeon, J.R. Graves, J.M. Pendleton, J.P. Boyce, W.A. Jarrel, A.H. Strong, J.B.
Moody, and many other Baptists of old believed and contended for these doctrines. Baptists
of today like to refer back to these great men of old. They buy their books. Yet, for the
most part, Baptists of today do not agree with these men on their stand on these
There are Baptists
today who do not even believe the confession of faith the church where they hold
membership adopted when it was organized. Instead of explaining these articles (Baptist
Way-Book, Bogard, p. 51--articles VII, VIII, IX), they either ignore them or explain them
away. Some Baptists today blatantly say that the doctrines of "election" and
"predestination" are "dangerous." Others, to play on the sympathy and
emotions of their hearers, label them "hardshell" and "fatalistic."
These are the Devil's tactics. Thus Satan has many people running scared on these precious
Extremists on both
sides have confused these doctrines and robbed God's people of many blessings. And
remember: Any doctrine Satan puts a lot of emphasis on to confuse or imitate is sure to be
Ignoring doctrines is
just as bad as adding to the word of God. To ignore a doctrine will inevitably cause one
to create other doctrines to explain away some he chooses not to accept.
Spurgeon hit the nail
on the head when he said: "The doctrine of grace has been put by in the lumber
chamber. It is acknowledged to be true, for it is confessed in most creeds... It is put
among the relics of the past. It is considered to be a respectable sort of retired officer
who is not expected to see any more active service" (Spurgeon on the Five Points, p.
80). There are many present day Baptists who become infuriated when anyone mentions the
word "election." To them it is like waving a red flag before an angered bull.
Others refuse to even discuss the matter. They know the doctrines are in the Bible, but
choose to neglect them. Yet these same brethren would condemn anyone who would dare
suggest that the book of Revelation be ignored!
These doctrines of
grace give all the glory to God and humble man. They are comforting doctrines, in that
they demand faith in God. They are not doctrines that harden one to sinners. Rather, they
create in the heart a love for God and a love for His mercy and grace. They create a sane
evangelism which will be discussed in the next section.
Reader, do not let
Satan rob you of the truth of these doctrines. I challenge you to study for yourself. Read
what God has to say. Read what great Baptists of old had to say. Just to make you think,
how long has it been, preacher, since you preached a sermon on "Divine
Election!" How long has it been, church member since you heard a sermon preached on
"Predestination?" Your answer will prove where Baptists are today.
Let the reader read
this with an open mind and an unprejudiced heart. Baptists through the ages have been able
to disagree as brethren. Baptists have always been able to disagree on the rapture
question and other questions with out breaking fellowship. Why not concerning these
Let us not take a
supercilious attitude that "my position is right and all others are wrong."
Let's be men enough and Baptistic enough to allow the other fellow his opinion without
branding him a heretic.
It is this writer's
sincere prayer that every Missionary Baptist will avail himself of a copy of Pillars of
Orthodoxy edited by Ben M. Bogard, and read the sermon entited "Divine Decrees"
by J. P. Boyce (whom Bogard called a pillar of orthodoxy). Boyce not only defines the
meaning of "predestination," but shows also that it is a very profitable
It is one thing to
declare a man wrong on a doctrine. It is entirely something else to prove it.
Baptists are where they
are today in evengelism because of where they are on the doctrines of grace (previous
part). Because these doctrines of grace have been ignored in modern-day preaching, modern
and unscriptural methods of evangelism have crept in.
The "Billy
Graham" type of evangelism which calls for sinners to make a "decision" for
Christ may suit some Baptists but here is one that is not suited to it. I have nothing
personally against Mr. Graham. I'm sure that some who walk the aisles under his preaching
are saved. Whatever truth he speaks is certainly to be blessed of God.
But Billy Graham is not
a Baptist. He wears the name (when it suits his purpose), but wouldn't know a real Baptist
if he met one head on! He stands for nothing which Baptists have always accounted
important--authority in baptism, closed communion, the local church, etc. He hobnobs with
modernists and infidels. And so Mr. Graham is like many others of this day who wear the
name "Baptist" but are thoroughly un-Baptistic.
There are also the
hyper-evangelistic methods espoused by John R. Rice, Jack Hyles, and others. I am not
condemning these men for the souls they do reach. But, I certainly question the methods
promoted by them.
This whole business of
modern evangelization has put the emphasis on "nickles and numbers. " Many
preachers and church members have been taught that the sermon is a failure if no
"decisions" are made, if the offering is small, or if the attendance is down.
How unlike our Baptist forefathers who put the emphasis on spiritual things.
THE GOSPEL! Some Baptists have been known to give away goldfish or trading stamps to boost
their attendance. Others have reportedly turned baloons loose with prizes within. These
Spurgeon spoke of these
tactics when he said: "Many such preachers give much heat, but little light."
Some preachers think that loud talking, antics behind the pulpit, climbing on top of the
piano stool, telling dead dog stories, frothing at the mouth, and any other tactics to
touch the heartstrings of someone in the audience is preaching. Who said so! The Lord said
to be "fools for Christ's sake," but He did not mean to make a fool of oneself
and the gospel!
To many preachers of
today the invitation is the most important part of the sermon. Some preachers preach
twenty minutes and give an invitation for thirty. Now, this is not to condemn a long
invitation if God is saving souls or lives are being dedicated. But to drag out an
invitation merely to coerce someone down the aisle without the wooing of the Holy Spirit
is not right. THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE SERMON IS THE SERMON! The gospel is the power
of God unto salvation, not the theatrics of some preacher.
J.B. Jeter, Baptist of
old, comments on the revivals of years gone by. He states that the greatest revivals have
corne when God's Word was preached in its purity. Not only this, preachers who preached
the doctrines of grace (previous part) have been the most successful. Hear him:
"Great revivals have accompanied the heroic preaching of the doctrines of grace,
predestination, election, and that whole lofty mountain range of doctrines upon which
Jehovah sits enthroned, sovereign in grace as in all things else. God honors the preaching
that honors him. There is entirely too much milk-sop preaching nowadays, trying to cajole
sinners to enter upon a truce with their Maker, quit sinning, and join the church. The
situation does not call for a truce but for surrender. Let us bring out the heavy
artillery of heaven, and thunder away at this stuckup age as Whitefield, Edwards,
Spurgeon, and Paul did, and there will be many slain of the Lord raised up to walk in
newness of life" (Baptist Principles Reset, J. B. Jeter, p. 247).
Commenting on the
proper way to preach these doctrines of grace, Jeter says: "In some quarters there
has grown up a strong and hindering prejudice against the preaching of 'dry doctrine.' The
trouble does not lie in the doctrine, but in the dry preaching of it. Dry preachers have
turned the very bread of heaven into stones, and not a few have found no better use for
the stones after they are made than to cast at their theological adversaries. Much of the
doctrinal preaching is not only distastefully dry, but distressingly gritty. We can
scarcely wonder that hungry souls turn away from a ministry which preaches predestination
without pathos, election without grace, baptism without its sublime spiritual meaning,
communion without sensibility, and all duty without beauty" (Ibid., pp. 244, 245).
Thus, the spiritual
state of Baptist churches in general is deplorable in this age of apathy and spiritual
deadness. Many gasp from one big day to another, presenting the gospel, not as the power
of God unto salvation, but as a partial failure, trying to please the dead works of men
instead of God.
A careful look into the
past has revealed where Baptists were yesterday. A careful investigation of the present
reveals where most Baptists are today. By following this same line of thinking, one can be
reason ably sure where most Baptists will be tomorrow.
Judges 16:20 says of
Samson who had his locks snipped in Delilah's lap: "... he wist (knew) not that the
Lord was departed." He arose to fight and ward off his enemies, but his power was
gone. His flirtation with Delilah and the world had brought his sad decline.
In I Kings 1:4 the
story is given of David in his last days as king. The young maiden was brought in to
comfort him, "... but the king knew her not (was unaware of her presence)." Here
was a man who in his prime had slain his tens of thousands by the power of God. Here was
the sweet singer of Israel, the slayer of Goliath, and the greatest of Israel's kings--the
man after God's own heart. Yet, in this hour of weakness, he was totally unaware of his
Will Baptists never
learn that the trend of this world-system is downward? Will they never learn that Baptists
are either unique or nothing?
To make things more
specific, the church at Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22), graphically pictures this last
segment of the one church age which began with Christ. Of this luke-warm church it is
said, "Because thou sayest I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of
nothing (their idea): and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and
blind, and naked (God's idea)."
No better words could
be given to describe the state of apthy and indifference which exists in the Lord's
churches today. Many have abundant finances. They have constructed beautiful edifices:
they have comfort and ease; they have made use of the latest modes of travel and have
availed themselves of the latest teaching techniques. THEY HAVE ORGANIZATION BU'T FOR THE
Laodiceanism is the age
of the exaltation of the laity. It is what the people think. It is reasoning without
"thus saith the Lord." Laodiceanism has two extremes. One extreme finds churches
asleep with no mission program, no supported ministry, no plans for evangelization. The
other extreme is hyper-activity --much noise and heat, but little spiritual unction and
light. What both extremes need to realize is this warning of God: "Not by might, nor
by power, but by my SPIRIT, saith the Lord of hosts" (Zechariah 4:6).
If every true Baptist
will be honest with himself, he will have to admit that there is something dreadfully
wrong in Baptist life at the present time!
More and more Baptists (by name) will be swept head-long into the ecumenical movement.
Modernism and liberalism will continue to make inroads into Baptist churches, seminaries, and pulpits.
Open communion and alien baptism will continue to infect Baptist churches to the extent that many will cease to be true churches.
The universal-invisible church idea will grow within Baptist ranks, with only the small minority of Baptists believing in the local-visible idea of the Lord's church.
Centralization will grow, even among fundamental Baptist groups. This curse will be made to prosper by little men espousing great ideas and aspiring to positions of power. Many, avowing their Headquarters to be in Heaven, will like more of a showing on earth.
Certain Bible doctrines such as election and predestination, which are so odious to many, will continue to be hated and neglected. Since many are too proud to ever admit they could have been wrong on these issues, they will fight them rather than bow to God and His Word.
The hyper-evangelism craze will increase. Many Baptists, instead of using the Bible program of reaching sinners one by one, will plunge ahead in adopting the world's ideas to get "decisions."
In closing this message concerning Baptists, let this writer give some exhortations to
those who are faithfully trying to serve God:
Remove not the ancient landmarks which thy fathers have set (Prov. 22:28).
Contend earnestly for the faith once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 3).
Stand fast in the faith (I Cor. 16:13).
Put on the whole armor of God to meet Satan successfully (Eph. 6:11).
Though few contend for the faith, be one of them (Luke 18: 8).
Continue to evangelize, baptize, and teach the all things which Jesus commanded (Matthew 28:20).
Go into all the world with the gospel (Mark 16:15).
Remember those precious words of Jesus in Matthew 16:18, that He will never let His institution (church) fail for He promised: "... the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. "
Until He comes, brethren, let us who love the truth and the heritage of the Baptists remember the wise words of the writer of Proverbs: "Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set."
1 This booklet was originally published in 1972. Pastor Jarrel Huffman went home to be with the Lord in early 1997.
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