From Bishop to Pope
"In the beginning of the fifth century, Vigilantius, a learned and eminent presbyter
of a Christian church, took up his pen to oppose the growing superstitions. His book,
which unfortunately is now lost, was directed against the institution of monks, the
celibacy of the clergy, praying for the dead, and the martyrs, adoring their relics,
celebrating their vigils, and lighting up candles to them after the manner of the pagans.
Jerome, esteemed as a great luminary of the Catholic church, who was a most zealous
advocate for all the superstitious rites, undertook the task of refuting Vigilantius, whom
he politely styles `a blasphemous heretic,' comparing him to Hydra, to Cerberus, the
Centaurs, and considers him only as the organ of the demon. He, however, furnishes us with
all the particular articles of heresy, in the words of Vigilantius himself, which are as
honors paid to the rotten bones and dust of the saints and martyrs, by adoring, kissing,
wrapping them up in silk and vessels of gold, lodging them in their churches, and lighting
up wax candles before them, after the manner of the heathens, were the ensigns of
idolatry. That the celibacy of the clergy was a heresy, and their vows of chastity the
seminary of lewdness. That to pray for the dead, or to desire the prayers of the dead, was
superstitious; for that the souls of the departed saints and martyrs were at rest in some
particular place, whence they could not remove themselves at pleasure, so as to be present
everywhere to the prayers of their votaries. That the sepulchers of the martyrs ought not
to be worshiped nor their fasts and vigils to be observed; and lastly, that the signs and
wonders said to be wrought by their relics and at their sepulchers, served to no good end
or purpose of religion." -- Jones' Church History, p.169.
In Asia
and Europe there were considerably over one hundred bishops presiding over as many cities
and districts, each one being subject to the presiding bishop over the respective district
either eastern or western, according to their situation, Constantinople in the East, and
Rome for the West. Besides the rivalry and clamor for power in religious controversy
between these two popes, or bishops, many of the lesser dignitaries also assumed powers
over others, and many queer and unscriptural doctrines arose, thus hastening the falling
after Constantine, emperor of the Roman empire, had embraced Christianity, the bishop of
Rome, being located near the throne of the emperor, naturally was received into favor as
the presiding prelate over other bishops. The bishop of Rome was soon placed at the head
of the clerical order, as superior bishop, and he maintained his claim of superiority by
immense splendor and magnificence. His authority had, before the close of the fourth
century, a formidable rival in the bishop of Constantinople, who at a council in that city
was elevated to bishop of second clerical rank.
were several sects in the fourth century outside of the Roman church. Orchard says,
"It must not be forgotten that there were churches more or less extensive throughout
Africa, besides the Donatists, and known as Manicheans, Montanists, Novationists, and
others, whose morals were far more excellent than even St. Augustine's (of the Roman
church), but all these were heretics in his view, and objects of his most virulent
animosity."-- Baptist History, p. 97.
author continues, "The innumerable Christians of the East, who were not in communion
with either the Greek or the Roman churches, may be divided into two classes. The first
consists of such as in ages past dissented from the Greek church, and formed similar
hierarchies, which yet subsist independent of one another, as well as of the Grecian and
Roman communities. The second class consists of those who never were of any hierarchy, and
who have always retained their original freedom. The number of such orientals is very
great, for they lived dispersed all over Syria, Arabia, Egypt, Persia, Nubia, Ethiopia,
India, Tartary, and other eastern countries. `It is remarkable,' says Robinson, `that
although they differ, as Europeans do, on speculative points of divinity, yet they all
administered baptism by immersion, and there is no instance to the contrary.'" --
Idem, p. 112.
Messalians or Euchites (the one a Hebrew term, the other a Greek, and signifying a praying
people) had in Greece a very early existence . . . These people, like all other
nonconformists, are reproached and branded with heresy. . . . The morality of this people
was severe and captivating to the simple, but their discipline and worship are both
reproached. . . . They were often named from the country they inhabited. . . . Some were
called after the names of their teachers. . . . The term Euchites among the Greeks was a
general name for Dissenters, as the Waldensees was in the Latin church, and Nonconformists
in England. This large body of Dissenters were resident in the empire from the first
establishment of Christianity, till its destruction in the thirteenth century." --
Idem, p. 113.
these Dissenters, under various man-called names, was the Church of God, still upholding
the true faith, still observing the Sabbath, with the Law of God, as well as the Faith of
Jesus, unadulterated.
Of the
Sabbath and first-day in this century of the church, Coleman says:
last day of the week was strictly kept in connection with that of the first day for a long
time after the overthrow of the temple and its worship. Down even to the fifth century the
observance of the Jewish Sabbath was continued in the Christian church, but with a rigor
and solemnity gradually diminishing." Ancient Christianity Exemplified, chap.
26, sec. 2.
of course, applied to the sects, and the Roman church especially; but, as further proof
will show, the true church, did not forsake the Sabbath, nor observe it with a lessened
continues: "During the early ages of the church, it (the first day) was never
entitled `the Sabbath,' this word being confined to the seventh day of the week, the
Jewish Sabbath, which, as we have already said, continued to be observed for several
centuries by the converts to Christianity." -- Idem, chap. 26, sec. 2.
fact is made still clearer by the following language, in which this historian admits
Sunday to be nothing but a human ordinance:
law or precept appears to have been given by Christ or the institution of the Lord's day
[by which Coleman refers to Sunday in error], or the substitution of the first for the
seventh day of the week." -- Idem.
observance of the Lord's day was ordered while yet the Sabbath of the Jews was continued;
nor was the latter superseded until the former had acquired the same solemnity and
importance which belonged, at first, to that great day which God originally ordained and
. . .
But in time, after the Lord's day was fully established [in the Roman Catholic church],
the observance of the Sabbath of the Jews was gradually discontinued, and was finally
denounced as heretical [by the popish church]." -- Idem.
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