object of this treatise is not so much to give the history of the great national religious
sects as it is to give a history of the true religion, tracing it down through the ages,
century after century by its doctrine as practiced and taught in the Old Testament, by
Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and others, and then extended with minor changes down through
the New Testament to the present time, as set forth by Christ, (Hebrew-Yahshua) and His
apostles, all of whom were Jews.
(Yahshua) said "the gates of hell would not prevail against it." Therefore that
same religion established at Pentecost, (Acts 2nd chapter), that three thousand Jews
embraced, was never stamped out, but continued amidst the most severe persecution from
Rome, and is spreading over the entire world today.
has been but little interest manifest in the history of religion of the past because, most
historians leave the history of the true faith with the death of the apostles, and then
trace what they call Christianity down through the "Dark Ages" as it emanated
from Rome after being polluted with the teaching and practice of "Sun
worshipers" of the East, through the historical "Council of Nice," 321
A.D., presided over by King Constantine of Rome.
hundred years have passed since the days of Christ, and the world still awaits a record of
the Church of the wilderness, Revelation, twelfth chapter. Hundreds of histories have been
palmed off on the people as narratives of the true people, but with few exceptions the
writers leave the true church entering into the wilderness at the beginning of the Dark
Ages, and for this same period of time minutely sketch the sects of the great apostasy.
It must
be admitted that something is wrong, when out of nineteen centuries of church history,
thirteen of them are given to the history of these apostate bodies.
present writing is not a work to cater to any one, but is a history of the assemblies of
God down through the ages, through over twelve hundred years of persecutions and
bloodshed, even unto the present time. It narrates from histories and ancient records the
course of these certain people of God, who, down through the course of time, have upheld
the doctrine of the Scriptures, and kept the light of divine truth burning when all the
world around them was in gross darkness known, and mentioned repeatedly by historians as
"The Dark Ages."
It must
be conceded that a history of the true religion must contain authentic quotations from
noted historians of the past concerning these people who were found upholding the
scriptural truth and teaching the same doctrine taught in the holy Bible, and carried to
much of the known world following the crucifixion and ascension of our beloved Messiah,
who is soon to return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Revelation 11:15.
people deviating from the teaching of the scriptures, be they ever so sincere, cannot be
the people of the true religion composing the "Assemblies of Elohim," mentioned
repeatedly in the New Testament as "The Church of God," and in the Old Testament
as "The daughter of Jerusalem" and "The daughter of Zion."
This is
the people who through trials and severe persecution have brought the Holy Bible and its
precious truths down through the "Dark Ages" pure and unadulterated placing them
now within our reach in this enlightened twentieth century.
cannot help from praising our wonderful Creator for such men and women as this history
reveals unto us who lived in the age when it required the lives of the faithful to be true
to our Heavenly Father. We cannot be thankful enough for those who were true in the face
of death, and rather than deny the faith, died as true martyrs. How firm we should be to
dig deep and get the hidden truths long cherished by these faithful martyrs, who lived and
died that we might have the unadulterated gospel truth as a guide for our souls.
the above explanation of our motive, we now present unto the reader the history of the
saints and the martyrs of Jesus (Yahshua), trusting that what little we may say will be
the means of leading him deeper into the truth for which the saints have died.
-- The
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