The origin of the appellation "Old Landmarkism"Its present strength.
IntroductoryThe real questions at issue between the "Liberals" and the strict or "Old Landmark" Baptists Fundamental principles upon which the "strict" policy rests axiomatically stated.
Bishop Doggetts position touching a Christian churchThe apostles built churches by a divine modelNo organization should be called church unless conformed to that modelThe unmistakable features of that model1. Its origin divine2. Visible3. Its locality this earth.
The "ecclesia" of Christ a single congregationNot universal, national, or provincialWas independent of all other bodies Therefore alone authorized to preach the gospel, elect, ordain, choose, and dismiss its own officers, receive and disciple its own members, and administer the ordinances.
The divine and inalienable rights of a Christian churchAlone commissioned to preach the gospelTo ordain her officers To receive, discipline, and exclude membersTo administer her ordinances.
The Fifth Mark of the apostolic model churchA spiritual membership; i.e., professedly regenerate"Christ before the church, blood before water," the symbol of its faithThose religious organizations that admit infants and the unregenerate can not be Christian churches.
Christian immersion the act appointed for the profession of gospel faithThe twelve disciples at EphesusThe faith professed by a Catholic baptismCampbelliteEpiscopalianMethodistPresbyterianBaptistWhat is scriptural baptism?
The Lords Supper
A local church ordinance not denominational or socialIntercommunion between different religious bodies, having diverse organizations and diverse faiths, or, between "sister" churches, contrary both to the genius of scriptural church building and the symbolism of the ordinanceThe inconsistencies and evils of intercommunion among Baptists.
Objections and difficulties to non-intercommunion noticed1. Some pastors could not commune with the churches they serve, and administer the supper to2. "Paul communed with the church at Troas"Not establishedTestimony of Alford, BarnesThe false teachers whose doctrine Paul called "leaven," and commanded the church at Corinth to purge away from the Lords Supper, were members of Baptist churchesConclusion.
The inconsistencies and evils of intercommunion among Baptists.
For the maintenance of the inspiration of the prophets, as well as the divinity of Christ, the kingdom he set up must never be "broken to pieces," and the church he built must have never been prevailed against by violence or corruptionThe true statement of what "Landmarkers" mean by church succession, not "apostolic succession," nor the succession of any particular church or churches, etc.
What it is not, and what it is, to be an Old Landmark BaptistThe true mission of Old Landmark Baptists.
The current pleas of liberal "Baptists" considered: 1. That preaching is not an official duty2. That we do not recognize those societies as churches by accepting their ordinances3. That we do not recognize those ministers as scriptural ministers, by accepting their official acts4. That we do not indorse their erroneous doctrines and practices by affiliating with them.
How did Paul regard, and how did he teach the churches he planted, to regard teachers of false doctrine?How did he instruct the early Christians and churches to treat them?Associate with, or withdraw from, and avoid them?Can it be supposed that they invited them into their pulpits, and to the Lords Supper, though those teachers belong to the church at Jerusalem?
Does the history of the churches of Christ establish the fact, disputed by Affiliationists, that the ancient Baptists, by whatever name called, refused to affiliate with, or in any way recognize, Pedobaptist societies as scriptural churches, or their ministers as gospel ministers?The teachings of history.
How the "fathers" of New England Baptists regarded Pedobaptist societies and their ministers, from A. D. 1638 until 1776not as churches or brethren, but enemies and persecutors.
Were the fathers of Virginia Baptists "Old Landmarkers?"Did they, like too many of their descendants, receive, as valid, the immersions of Pedobaptists, and recognize them as evangelical churches?
What were the Landmarks set by the "fathers" of the Philadelphia Association, the oldest in AmericaDecisions concerning alien immersionThe testimony of the venerable Spencer H. ConeConclusion of the argument.
The inconsistencies of, and evils abetted by Baptists who practice inter-denominational affiliations.
Last words to my brethren.
A. A correction and explanation.
B. Pulpit recognition.
C. Old Landmarkism in Philadelphia.
D. Jesse Mercer, an Old Landmarker, 1811.
E. Kiffin, of England, in 1640.
F. Review of Objections to this Book.
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