Louisiana Negro
Among the young ministers of the state, none stand higher than Brother Brooks in point of thrift and intellectual attainment. He was born of Elder Charles and Mrs. Virginia Brooks in the village of Camp Parapet, Jefferson Parish, La., April 2, 1876. He attended the following schools: Short Street, Keller's, McDonough No. 24 and Leland University, New Orleans, La. Brother Brooks entered Leland in 1896 recently after his conversion and during the presidency of the noted preacher and scholar, Dr. Edward Cushing Mitchell. Conditions uncontrolable forced young Brooks out of school, but his faith did not falter, and when the opportunity came again he re-entered under the late Dr. R. W. Perkins. This time he remained at his post until he won with honor three diplomas--the College Preparatory 1907-08, Normal 1908-09, and the College Course, 1911-12.
After his conversion and notice of his call to the ministry, Brother Brooks was baptized into the membership of the Plymouth Rock Baptist Church by the late Elder David Young. In his church he held the following positions: teacher of Bible Class No. 2, Sunday-school secretary, president church choir, president B. Y. P. U., president Board of Trustees and church clerk.
He was called to ordination by the Progressive Baptist Church, Bishop J. L. Burrell, pastor, and was set apart by the following Elders: J. H. Flemings, E. D. Sims, A. Hubbs, John Marks, D. D., J. L. Burrell, D. D., G. W. Toney, J. M. Young, D. D., Jackson Acox and A. P. Orlage, April, 1911. Bishop Brooks has done good work during the short time he has been in the ministry, having filled creditably the following positions: Sunday-School Missionary First District Association 1907-08; Missionary First District Association, 1912-13; State Organizer of B. Y. P. U. Convention, 1911-12; now pastor Mt. Moriah Baptist Church; at present one of the state missionaries of Louisiana Baptist State Convention elected at the Monroe session July, 1913, and he holds at this time the position of Financial Agent of Leland University. Bishop Brooks being a well prepared young man of Louisiana Baptists, we predict for him a future filled with "good works" to the glory of God and the uplift of humanity.
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