Louisiana Negro
Bishop Brown was born of Mr. Abram and Mrs. Adline Brown, at Vernon, La., Jackson Parish, November, 1865. He inherited love for knowledge and found himself the happy possessor of energy and push in the struggle to win out in life's battle. At an early age he married Miss Laura Thompson.
In 1885, Elder Brown was converted and baptized into the membership of the County Line Baptist Church by Bishop H. P. Pierce. His faithfulness to duty caused his church to esteem him highly. He served this church one year as deacon, during which time he was impressed of his call by the Spirit to preach. He was ordained by the following: H. P. Pierce, C. H. Harvey. C. H. Wilson, G. B. Washington. He was ordained to take charge of the Mt. Hebron Baptist Church, Boatner, La., which he served one year with credit. In 1894, he accepted a call to the County Line Baptist Church, of which he was a member. Here he erected a good house of worship during these six years of service at this place; he taught both by precept and example. He accepted the pastorate of the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, Clay, La.
Feeling more keenly his need for further study, he moved to Ruston and entered the Ruston Normal School under Professor S. A. Williams. While at school he was elected pastor of Olive Grove Baptist Church. He was the prime mover in the organization of St. Peter Baptist Church. He has pastored with credit the following churches: Hopewell Baptist Church, Dubach, La.; Hopewell Union Baptist Church, Bernice, La. Here he erected a $600 edifice as proof of his ability as a builder. Salem Baptist Church, which he pastored eight years; Fellowship Baptist Church, Simsboro, La., where he served six years, built a nice house of worship and received many into the membership of the church.
He finished the Normal Course in 1907 at Ruston Normal School under Professor I. S. Powell, B. A., with honors. Bishop Brown has held the following positions: Moderator Liberty Hill Association several years, Vice Moderator Liberty Hill Baptist Association, Member Executive Board Louisiana Baptist State Convention six years, District State Missionary two years and President State Sunday-School Convention.
Temporally as well as spiritually, Brother Brown believes in improving his business. As evidence of this fact, he possesses a nice six-room cottage at Ruston, and also a nice house and lot at Burnice. He is blessed with an energetic wife who figures prominently in his success. She holds the position of President of the Woman's Home Mission Society of Liberty Hill Association. Elder Brown has wrought well thus far, and with the continued support of his co-laborers in Sunday-school and District work his future achievements will be greater than his past accomplishments.
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