Louisiana Negro
The minister whose name appears above was born in South Carolina in 1852 a slave and of slave parents. Elder Carolina Fuller and Mrs. Patsy Fuller. He was sold and brought to Louisiana in 1857. An old colored lady, Mrs. Lizzie Brooks, advised him in 1867 to get a book, assuring him if he would she would teach him. True to her promise she taught him his first letters, and from that time he was able to see the need of education and became very anxious to know more and more. He heard of Mr. Wm. Brown and Mr. M. V. B. Brown, who were teaching a night school and Sunday-school about four miles away, but because he meant business four miles was no distance for him to walk and bow at the feet of these two Gamaliels. Here with Blue-back Speller in hand he received much of his educational foundation, upon which his phenomenal success now stands.
He courted and married Miss Harriet Johnson. Their union has been blessed with fourteen children―ten boys and four girls. In his endeavor to give his children some education, Christian home training and some land he was compelled to deprive himself of further study in the school room. Being pushful he studied at home by the light of the old-time tallow candle and pine-knot, and made his way to the front
Elder and Sister Fuller feel grateful to God for giving them so many smart children with whom they worked and paid for more than 800 acres of Louisiana's best land. Bishop Fuller was converted and baptized into the membership of the Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, Kingston, La., in 1882. Shortly after he was notified of his call to preach the everlasting gospel of God's dear Son. After making this fact known, his church voted him license to preach wherever Providence might direct. A very short while after Elder Carolina Fuller, pastor of the above-named church, was called to his reward in Heaven. Bishop Fuller was elected to succeed his father to the pastorate, and June 1, 1887, he was ordained by the following Elders: C. S. Shelton, Charley Boykin, S. S. Fuller and Nathaniel Oliver. He has pastored this church successfully from that day to this (1913).
He has held and now holds some of the highest positions in the gift of his brethren, being at this time shepherd of some of the state's best churches; and at the death of Bishop Gant his brethren lifted him to the Moderator's chair of the Northwest Association No. 2. He presides over this body with credit, having succeeded himself many times. Brother Fuller has made a record as a Christian, a husband and leader.
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