Louisiana Negro
Elder Hill is a great church builder, because God has used him to preach men and women out of darkness into light, and he is a church house builder, because through his leadership and management beautiful church edifices have been erected. Our brother was born of Mr. Warner and Mrs. Angeline Hill in Franklin Parish, La., March 10, 1870. His parents were Alabamians from Sumpter County near Gainsville, being sold into Louisiana before the war. Bishop Hill's father was an unusually bright slave, serving his young master as secretary and Negro driver until freedom came. He then began to accumulate property and help in the establishment of public schools for his race. Being a leader of his people during those dark and perilous times, he was elected to the State Legislature.
But this father who was bent on educating his son was called to his reward when Elder Hill was but 12 years of age. His prop having gone, young Hill began at once to apply himself, to study as best he could, taking lessons from any one able to teach who would come his way. In church work he was apt and studious, doing with a will whatever his hands found to do. After his conversion and baptism in 1889 he was added to the True Vine Baptist Church, Bishop H. R. Flynn, pastor, Delhi, La. Realizing his call to preach, an insatiable appetite for Bible reading seized him, and he read the Bible through twice. Since his ordination by the Tenth District Association, fifteen churches have honored him with calls. He served as President of the Sunday-School Association and District Missionary for three years. After Elder Wm. Hamilton went to his reward, the Zion Travelers Baptist Church, Monroe, La., called him to its pastorate. Since entering upon this work he has spent five years in the Tenth District High School, graduating therefrom with honors. For more than eight years he has pastored this church successfully, and enjoys the esteem and confidence of both races at Monroe and his brethren throughout the state.
He succeeded the lamented Bishop A. B. Flood to the Moderatorship of the Tenth District Association. He has filled this office creditably, taking up the work where Brother Flood left off and carrying it on toward perfection. During his short term of office more than $3,000 were raised and a debt of 15 years' standing against the District School liquidated. Brother Hill is among the youngest District Moderators of the state. His work places him among the highest ministerial stars of the state.
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