Louisiana Negro
The subject of this sketch is the son of the late Bishop G. C. Lewis and Mrs. Sallie Lewis. He was born in Lincoln Parish March 8, 1872. When young Lewis was 9 years old his father died. The mother and children were cared for the next five years by Brother Lewis' grandparents, Elder Richard Johnson and his wife, Mahalia. Bishop Lewis entered school when very young, but conditions were such that he could not remain.
At the early age of 14 he took charge of his mother's business, and managed it like a man for the following eight years, until she married the second time. This brother was converted and notified of his call at the early age of 16. He joined the Liberty Hill Baptist Church, of which he is now a member (1913). Shortly after joining the church he was elected Sunday-school teacher, Mr. D. S. Hollis being superintendent, During his twelve years of service in this school he won the admiration and esteem of all.
He courted and married one of North Louisiana's girls, Miss Della Hill. Their union has been blessed by some of the best and most God-fearing children in the state. In 1901 Bishop Lewis was elected Missionary of the Liberty Hill Sunday-School Association, and in 1902 he was ordained to the gospel ministry. When the Association wanted a competent and energetic missionary in 1903, Brother Lewis was elected as that man. These positions he filled both with credit to himself and denomination.
His usefulness as a pastor began in 1904 with his call to Gethsemane Baptist Church, Wise, La., a church of a very small membership. After about five months of successful service he resigned and accepted Providence Baptist Church, Hico, La., and in September of the same year he was called to the pastorate of Pleasant Groove Baptist Church, Unionville, La. He is now (1912) Vice Moderator of Liberty Hill Association and pastor of the following churches: Macedonia No. 2, Chodrant, La.; Lane Chapel, Downsville, La.; Gumspring, Farmersville, La., and St. John, Lillie, La. Elder Lewis, though young in the ministry, is one of our most successful pastors.
Feeling keenly the need of knowing more, he entered Coleman College, Gibsland, La., January, 1906. He has not only been in training here himself, but has moved his entire family to Gibsland, bought a home adjacent to the college that his family with him might drink of the educational waters. He was a successful theological student here under the writer, at one time, generally leading his classes. President Coleman, faculty and student body esteem him highly. President Coleman said of him: "He is a born preacher, a profound thinker and he believes in preaching the gospel to the people―just what they need to make them better and not what they want to make them feel good in their sins." Bro. Lewis believes in an applied education, an education that is known and then expressed in terms of real service. His interest is alive in the communities in which he preaches, doing all in the matter of helping the schools of his church communities. He says: "Save the children." The writer has known Bishop Lewis as a student personally and takes pleasure in saying that for veracity and Christian integrity he has but few equals and no superiors in the Louisiana ministry.
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