Louisiana Negro
Eighteen hundred fifty-one (1851) was the year during which the birth of Brother Roberts occurred at Cheneyville, La. The above date shows that early educational opportunities were few or none, but he was blessed with a deal of determination and began pushing upward. After making the most of advantages coming to him from the public schools of his parish, he entered Leland University and remained there for some time under a line of the schools first Presidents, Drs. Traver and Gregory, Professor Barker and others.
Bishop Roberts was converted in 1869, and afterwards was baptized into the membership of the Edgefield Baptist Church by Elder Thomas Blackman. After realizing and making known his call to the ministry in 1870, he was ordained to preach Christ in 1875 by the following Bishops: Dr. A. M. Newman, Dr. Nelson (white), Dr. Taylor Frierson, G. W. Walker, Holland Patent, of New York; H. R. Curtis (white), and deacons from First Baptist Church, Jefferson, La., and the Baptist Church, Jordanville. La. Since his ordination Elder Roberts has been one of the most progressive pastors in the state, having successfully pastored the following churches: St. Joseph, Haasville, La.; Second Union, Bunkie, La.; St. John, Lamourie, La.; True Vine, Alexandria, La.; Union Chapel, Lloyd, La.; Edgefield, Cheyneville, La., and Beulah Lacompt, La.
In connection with his large amount of church work, he has done a deal of school work, and has held and now holds positions of trust and honor in the state. Much pioneer work was done by him as a public school teacher. He helped build Central Louisiana Academy, and singly and alone with his three churches founded and built up the Cheyneville Academy, one of the best schools in the state. Too much credit cannot be given these loyal churches and their great leader.
What this veteran preacher has done with three churches some entire associations fail to do with 30 and 40 churches. Unity and loyalty always spell success. Let us doff our hats to them, my brethren, and LET THEM BY. This tireless worker was for eight years Moderator of the Eighth District Association. At this writing he is President of Cheyneville Academy, and for more than fourteen years has been a member of the Trustee Board of Leland University. Of the above-named churches he built up five and organized two. Leland has recognized and acknowledged this successful labor by conferring upon Elder Roberts the honorary degree, D. D.
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