Louisiana Negro
In the town of Houma, La., there was born of Mrs. Saraphine and Bishop T. L. Welch the young doctor of whom we now write. He became a student at an early age. After finishing his course in Houma Academy, he began the study of medicine at Flint Medical College, New Orleans, La., and at the early age of 25 years graduated M. D. with honors in 1907.
Dr. Welch sought and found the Lord early in 1898, and was baptized into membership of the New Zion Baptist Church, Houma, La. Although he had the unstinted support of a good father, yet he proved his pluck by hustling part of his way through school and working during his vacations at the United States Custom House, New Orleans, La. Notwithstanding he has only been practicing the short period of four years (at this writing), he has held his own in the science of Medicine at New Iberia, La., where he is administering and healing the sick.
Dr. Welch is both a physician and lecturer.
The writer was privileged to enjoy one of his great lectures on Tuberculosis delivered before the Louisiana Baptist State Convention in session at Shreveport La.
The Baptists of the state are justly proud of this young man, and although the greater part of his medical road lies before him, from work already well done, it is easy to predict that success will be his as he shall count more mile stones in medicine.
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