Louisiana Negro
From 1804 to 1914
WM. HICKS, B. A., D. D.,
Author of "Bible Thoughts, With Questions and Answers,"
and "Things Necessary for the Preacher, Deacon
and Layman to Know."
With a Biographical Introduction by
Bishop W. B. Purvis
Pelican, La., May I, 1909.
Rev. Wm. Hicks, E. D., Shreveport, La.:
Dear Brother―In reply to your communication, we take pleasure in saying that we approve of the task (of writing the History of Louisiana Negro Baptists), which you are undertaking, and any help we can give you in the way of data, etc., we shall gladly do so.
Done by order of Louisiana Baptist State Executive Board in session at Opelousas, La., May 5th, 1909.
REV. A. E. FLOOD, President.
W. B. PURVIS, Corresponding Secretary.
Delhi, La., December 24, 1909.
Rev. Wm. Hicks, D. D., Shreveport, La.:
Dear Brother in the Lord, your very timely message by mail has been received and read carefully. In response I must say that your idea meets my hearty approval. Louisiana Baptists deserve a history of their work. The old leaders made history but were unable to put it in print. So I think it is the work of you young men to put it in print. I shall do what I can to help you. I shall let you have my cut and sketch of my life as early as possible. With love and best wishes to yourself and family, wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, I am,
Yours in Christ,
President Louisiana Baptist State Convention.
Belle Alliance, La., January 20, 1909.
Rev. Wm. Hicks, Shreveport, La.:
Dear Brother―Your letter bearing date of the twelfth instant is received and has been read with a deal of satisfaction. The work you are about to undertake is beyond doubt a much-needed one, and is worthy or the man undertaking it. I am sure you will find a rich field of interesting material from which to make up your forthcoming volume. There is no doubt that your book will be hailed with great delight by the progressive Baptists all over the state, and will find a ready market. I hope that you will be granted abundant life and health to complete the arduous task..........It is a much-needed work, and it appears that you are the man for it. The brethren will appreciate its worth. It will accomplish a wonderful amount of good in stimulating and putting new life in the brotherhood of the state. It will be a source of information revealing facts that cannot be found from any other source. I hope that you will continue the work to an honorable and successful conclusion.
Yours in Christian service,
To the Negro Baptist Pioneer Preachers of Louisiana (many of whom having preached the Gospel in log cabins with dirt floors, thereby laying the foundation upon which our brick and stone church houses of today STAND) is this volume with our abiding gratitude dedicated.
The Author.
? This work is the property of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. It may be used freely by individuals for research, teaching and personal use as long as this statement of availability is included in the text.
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