the Only Subjects of Baptism.
Pedobaptists are not agreed as to
the reasons for baptizing infants. Some baptize them because they are holy and
worthy to receive it, and others because they are sinful and need its influence.
Some derive their right to the ordinance from household baptisms, and others
from the Abrahamic covenant and circumcision. Many, admitting that it is not of
divine authority, practice it because it is a beautiful, appropriate, and useful
ceremony. We must notice some of these pleas for the rite.
Before entering on an examination
of the baptized households, we must offer a few general remarks. First, then,
all families do not contain children, and particularly young children. In every
neighborhood, houses may be found in which there are no infants. To base a
positive Christian institution on the possibility or probability?for certainty
there cannot be?that there were little children in the three or four
families of whose baptism we read in the Scriptures, and that these children
were baptized, is quite adventurous. Statute law is specific and positive, not
inferential, and surely leaves no place fur conjecture. Moreover, families are
frequently spoken of in distinction from infants or without regard to them. If
it is affirmed that a man has an intelligent or a pious family, nobody concludes
that he has no infants in his household, or that they are intelligent or pious.
The remark is naturally and universally supposed to refer to that part of the
family of whom intelligence or piety may be reasonably predicated. The person
who should infer from the statement that the family contained infants, and that
they were distinguished for their knowledge or godliness, would prove himself to
be a sophist, or something more unfortunate.
How would the baptism of
households be understood by the primitive Christians? The command was to baptize
disciples, and all the early baptisms, if household baptisms be excepted, were
in harmony with the command. How natural, then, was it for them to understand by
household baptisms the baptism of such members of the families as were capable
of complying with the prescribed conditions of the ordinance?such as had been
instructed, and, under the influence of instruction, had repented and believed
the gospel. They could hardly have imagined that these baptisms set aside the
divine law of baptism and disregarded the example of the apostles, given under
circumstances of so great solemnity in Jerusalem and Caesarea. Surely nothing
short of inspired testimony could have convinced them that household baptisms
differed so widely from baptisms administered by the apostles under the
immediate guidance of the Holy Spirit, and on occasions of the most profound
Let us now examine the household
baptisms in detail, that we may see what light they shed on infant baptism. We
have an account of the baptism of four households in the New Testament?those
of Cornelius, Stephanas, the Jailer, and Lydia. We will notice them in the order
in which we have named them.
The baptism of the family of
Cornelius, the Roman centurion, is not definitely mentioned; but the fact is
unquestionable. By divine direction, lie sent to Joppa for Peter, to learn what
he ought to do. Cornelius waited for the apostle in Caesarea, and "called
together his kinsmen and near friends" to hear him. Peter preached to them
the gospel. It was the first sermon delivered to the Gentiles, and God
accompanied it with an extraordinary demonstration of his favor. "The Holy
Ghost fell on all them which heard the word," and they spake "with
tongues and did magnify God;" and the apostle "commanded them to be
baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus." That the family of Cornelius were
all included among the converts, there is no ground to question. They would
surely have been called with his other kindred to hear so important a message,
under circumstances of such thrilling interest; especially as we are informed
that the centurion "feared God, with all his house." This
household baptism offers no support to infant baptism, but is in perfect harmony
with the law of baptism and the apostolic practice on the day of Pentecost.
Cornelius was the head of a family that reverenced the true God, heard the
gospel, received the gift of the Holy Ghost, glorified God, and were baptized in
the name of Jesus. We are decidedly in favor of the baptism of all such
households (Acts 10:2, 24, 44, 46-48).
"I baptized," said
Paul, "the household of Stephanas" (1 Cor. 1:16). The apostle visited
Corinth about A. D. 54 or 55, where he remained "a year and six months,
teaching the word of God among them" (Acts 18:11). During this time, he
baptized Stephanas and his family. In the year A. D. 59, or thereabouts, he
wrote his first letter to "the church of God" in that city. In the
epistle he makes special reference to the house of Stephanas. "I beseech
you, brethren," said he, "(ye know the house of Stephanas, that it is
the first fruits of Achaia, and that they have addicted themselves to the
ministry of the saints,) that ye submit yourselves unto such," &c. (1
Cor. 16:15, 16). Several points are worthy of notice in this text. The family of
Stephanas were "the first fruits of Achaia." This term is applied to
the regenerate. "Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that
we should be a kind of first fruits of his creatures" (Jam. 1:18. See,
also, Rev. 14:4). The word is never used, so far as we know, to denote
unconscious or unregenerate infants. This family, in four or five years after
their baptism, devoted "themselves to the ministry of the saints,"
whether in preaching the word or supplying the wants of the poor, we do not
know. It was a benevolent, noble service, commended by the Spirit of
inspiration. If they were infants baptized by Paul, four or five years
previously, they were the most precocious children that we have read of. Nor is
this all. The apostle besought the Corinthian saints, renowned throughout the
world for their spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 1:7), to "submit" themselves
"unto such" as "the house of Stephanas." They were not only
the benefactors of the church, but fitted to bear rule in it. They were not
infants, not children; nor were they at the time of their baptism. It ought in
fairness to be conceded that the baptism of the house of Stephanas yields no
support to infant baptism, but lends its full weight to the exclusive baptism of
We must now notice the baptism of
the household of the Philippian jailer, recorded in Acts 16:24-34. Paul,
divinely guided, passed for the first time into Europe, and commenced his
ministrations at a Roman post called Philippi. Here several persons were
converted and baptized, and a great persecution was commenced against Paul and
Silas. They were arrested, scourged, and committed to the hands of the jailer,
under strict charge to keep them safely. He cast them into the dungeon and made
their feet fast in the stocks. They were delivered from their bondage by divine
interposition, and the jailer was saved from suicide by the friendly counsel of
Paul. We shall notice the narrative only so far as it relates to the point under
discussion. The jailer brought Paul and Silas into his house, and "they
spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house"
(v. 32). We might infer, from the excitement and importance of the
occasion, that all the jailer?s family were present; but there is no room left
for conjecture. The historian tells us positively that the word was preached
"to all that were in the house." What was the result of this
instruction? The jailer, in the "same hour of the night, . . . was
baptized, he and all his, straightway" (v. 33). That there might be
no possible plea for infant baptism found in this narrative, the inspired writer
adds: "He (the jailer) brought them (Paul and Silas) into his house, . . .
and rejoiced, believing in God, with all his house" (v. 34).
It is incomprehensible to us that any man of intelligence and candor should
doubt that the jailer?s family were converts to Christianity. There is
precisely the same evidence of their conversion that there is of his. Did he
hear the word of the Lord? So did they. Did he believe in Christ? So did they.
Was he baptized? So were they. The whole narrative corresponds with the
apostolic commission and practice in Jerusalem and Caesarea. The order observed
was instruction, faith, baptism. The ingenious reasoner who can derive authority
for infant baptism from this narrative can find it anywhere.
Only the baptism of Lydia?s
household remains to be considered (Acts 16:14, 15): "A certain woman named
Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, which worshipped God, heard
us; whose heart the Lord opened, that she attended unto the things which were
spoken of Paul. And when she was baptized, and her household," &c. Were
there infants in Lydia?s family? The burden of proof lies on the advocates of
pedobaptism, who would derive authority for their practice from this passage. We
have shown incontrovertibly, as it seems to us, that in three baptized
households there were no children, or that they were not included among the
baptized. Does not this fact create a strong presumption that there were none in
Lydia?s house? We will perform, however, a work of supererogation. While we
cannot positively prove that Lydia had no infant children, we can show the
extreme improbability that she had any. She was a dealer in purple goods, of the
city of Thyatira, in the province of Asia, several hundred miles distant from
Philippi. She was probably an adventurer, with no permanent home. She, it is
likely, had no husband. She said to Paul and Silas, "Come into my house
and abide." If she had a husband, he seems to have been of no importance in
the family. If she were married, there is no proof that she had children; and if
she had children, there is no evidence that they were infants or minors. Her
family probably consisted of the servants and helpers in her mercantile shop.
When Paul and Silas were released from prison, and forced hastily to leave the
city, they "entered into the house of Lydia; and when they had seen the
brethren, they comforted them and departed" (v. 40). Who were these
brethren in Lydia?s house? They were not infants or young children, but
persons capable of receiving religious consolation and encouragement. If there
were nothing to bias the mind, it would be almost impossible to avoid the
conclusion that the brethren referred to were Lydia?s baptized household. If
infant baptism has no better foundation than the probability that there were
infants in the family of Lydia, and that they were baptized, it ought to be
Let us test the strength of the
argument drawn from the baptism of households in support of infant baptism by a
parallel case. There were believing as well as baptized households. Of the
nobleman of Cana it is said: "Himself believed, and his whole house"
(John 4:53). We read: "Crispus the chief ruler of the synagogue, believed
on the Lord, with all his house" (Acts 18:8). What would we think of the
acumen of a logician who should reason after this manner: We read in the
Scriptures of believing families; infants are found in most families; therefore,
in the apostolic times, infants believed the gospel. The conclusion is a
manifest absurdity, and consequently nobody reasons in that way; but the
argument is quite as logical and the inference quite as conclusive as that which
attempts to deduce infant baptism from the baptism of households.
The argument in favor of infant
baptism derived from household baptisms proves quite too much for those who
employ it. If families are to be baptized on the faith of their parents, why
should the baptisms be limited to infants? Are not adult children, as well as
servants, as often found in families as infants? If families are to he baptized,
why not baptize the whole of them? By what authority the ordinance limited to
infants and little children? The jailer "was baptized?he and all his."
If family connection is a plea for baptism, why should it not avail for
adults as well as infants?
Perhaps it will be said that
faith is required of adults, in order to their baptism. Certainly it is, of
those who act on their own responsibility; but households, according to the
Pedobaptist theory, are baptized on the faith and by the authority of the
parents. If households are to be baptized in virtue of their relation to their
pious heads, why should any portion of the family be excluded from the
privilege? The Israelites were required to circumcise all the males in their
families, free and bond, at the age of eight days; but if, from any cause, the
rite was neglected, it was proper to perform it at any period of life (Gen.
17:13; Josh. 5:8). Circumcision was a family institution, and all its male
members were entitled to its benefits. Baptism is supposed by the advocates of
the infant rite to be a substitute for circumcision. By what plea, then, do they
limit the baptism of households to the baptism of infants? That is not household
baptism. It is the baptism of a part, usually a small part, and that, too, the
least important part, of the family; and the discrimination, so far as we can
discern, is arbitrarily made.
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