Church Membership.
The conditions of membership in a
New Testament church are determined by the nature of the church, its purpose,
character, and functions.
Our Lord Jesus Christ became
incarnate that he might redeem man and his dwelling-place from the dominion of
Satan and establish a kingdom in which the will of God should be done on earth
as it is in heaven.
The approach of the kingdom was
formally and officially announced by John the Baptist, the divinely appointed
herald, who bade the people prepare for the coming Messiah. The religious and
civil authorities rejected the counsel of God against themselves, refused to be
baptized by John, and finally put him to death (Luke 7:30). It was apparent that
the same fate was reserved for Jesus. In view of this, he withdrew from the
metropolis, gathered a band of followers in Galilee, to whom he no revealed
himself by his words, his works, and his life that they saw that he was the Son
of God, the manifestation of the Father, and they accepted and acknowledged him
as such. When this was accomplished, he made known to them that he was about to
establish a church composed of those to whom the Son had been divinely revealed
by the Father; that to this church the keys of the kingdom would be entrusted;1
that the way to the throne was by death on the cross; and that those who are to
follow him must partake of his death and life (Matthew 16:13-28).
We have now to do with the first
of these great truths?the church. Its name (ecclesia) indicates
that its note is selection and separation; its members are chosen and
sanctified. This is explicitly stated by our Lord: "if ye were of the
world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I
have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you" (John
15:19). Peter, to whom, as the representative and spokesman of the apostles,
Christ declared his purpose to build a church, interprets his words as meaning
what I have indicated. He describes the church as "an elect race, a holy
nation, its members as living stones built on the living stone, a spiritual
house to offer up spiritual sacrifices" (1 Pet. 2:5-10).
Holiness is everywhere ascribed to the church, as righteousness is to
the kingdom, and these characteristics are never interchanged. The members of
the church are both holy and righteous, but the distinguishing characteristic of
the church is holiness; its members are "the saints."
In that wonderful chapter, the
seventeenth of John?s Gospel, which might be entitled the report which Christ
makes to the Father of his earthly work, he describes the nature of that eternal
life which he gives to all whom the Father has given him. It culminates in that
divine unity which finds expression in the words, "I pray that they all may
be one; as thou, Father, in me and I in thee, that they also may be in
us"?words that are often interpreted to mean the union of Christians in
an external organization. They have an infinitely deeper meaning. It is unity of
which Christ speaks?that unity in the Father and the Son which has been
produced by the manifestation of the divine nature to the men given to Christ
out of the world (v. 6). It is frequently said that the prayer of Christ is as
yet unanswered. Can we conceive of such a thing?that the prayer of God?s
Son, uttered at such a time, should be unanswered? It was answered; it is
answered; and it is because of that answer that there has been any recognition
in the world of the claims of Christ?"that the world may believe that
thou didst send me." What are called the evidences of Christianity have
done very little in inducing men to submit to Christ. It is when men see Christ
in the Christian, the glory which the Father gave to Christ and which Christ
gave to his disciples, as he says?"the glory which thou gayest me I have
given them, that they may be one as we are one"?it is then that men are
won to the Saviour.
To the same purport are those
wonderful words of Peter, addressing those who have obtained an equally precious
faith with us: "To whom he has given exceeding great and precious promises,
that through these ye might become partakers of the divine nature, having
escaped from the corruption that is in the world" (2 Pet. 1:4). This
identification of the people of Christ with their Lord, this unity with the
Father and the Son, finds continual expression in the Epistles. Believers are
said to be in Christ, and Christ is said to be in them; they have died with him,
so that, if any one be in Christ, he is a new creation; if any man, no matter
what he is or has been, wise or ignorant, moral or immoral, if he be in Christ,
he is a new creature; old things have passed away, all things are become new.
The change when one becomes a Christian is no reformation, no evolution; it is a
new creation.
This unity of life, of spirit,
and of nature makes the church the body of Christ. A body is that by which the
spirit acts on the world. All the proper acts and functions of Christ on the
world are performed by means of his body?the church. He is he head, inspiring,
directing, ruling, but doing all things through his body. "And gave him to
be head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fulness of him who
filleth all in all" (Eph. 1:22). "All this grace and fulness must find
means of expression and dispensation through the church." Through the
church his redeeming and saving purposes are fulfilled; for it is through those
who believe that he, the source of life, becomes the source of life to others.
"He that believeth on me, as the Scriptures have said, out of him shall
flow rivers of living water" (John 7:30). They are partakers in his death
and resurrection; they have died to sin and risen to newness of life, and,
although this death and life are not yet consummated, and will not be until the
complete and final triumph over death at the resurrection at the last day, they
have been so united to Christ that they bring forth the fruit of the vine of
whose life they partake.
It would seem unnecessary to
discuss farther the place which regeneration holds in the divine economy. The
scriptural definition of a Christian, the nature of a Christian life, the
relation of the church to Christ, the office and functions of the church, the
uniform and abundant teachings of the Epistles, the example of our Lord, who in
his revelation of heavenly things begins with the absolute necessity of
regeneration, all bear testimony to the great fundamental truth. And in this all
evangelical churches agree. For that matter, the great majority of nominal
Christians, whether evangelical or not, unite in asserting the absolute
necessity of regeneration; the difference between them lies in the method of
regeneration. The sacramentalists teach that "in baptism we were made
members of Christ, the children of God, and inheritors of the kingdom of
heaven." Evangelicals say that the church and its ordinances are for those
who have been born again by the Holy Spirit, and that a church should be
composed of the regenerate. This is abundantly declared in their official
documents and by their acknowledged representatives. I quote only from those
authorities which happen to be in my library.
Dr. Henry M. Dexter is the
acknowledged exponent of American Congregationalism. His works are standard. In
his treatise on Congregationalism, in his definition of a true church, he says:
"A true church must be composed of those who believe themselves to
be and publicly profess to be Christians." He argues this by a citation of
those texts which (1) describe the church as being a holy body; (2) those which
describe the vital union between Christ and the church; (3) those which announce
the design which Christ has in regard to the church; (4) those which affirm a
radical distinction between the church and the world; (5) those which require
such preparation for the reception of church ordinances as only believers can
have; (6) those which require the discipline of unworthy members. Dr. Ross, in
his lectures on Congregationalism, delivered before the Andover Theological
Seminary, says (page 104): "The local, particular church should be composed
of believers, or holy persons"; and to the proof of this devotes six octavo
pages. The venerable Dr. Charles Hodge has an elaborate article in the Princeton
Review (1853) on "The Idea of the Church," in which he argues at great
length that "the church must consist of true believers." About the
year 1842, Dr. Hodge gave to the public a book, published by the American
Sunday-School Union, entitled, "The Way of Life." It was prepared for
"those who are anxious to know what they must believe and what they must
experience in order to be saved." The first sentence in the preface is:
"It is one of the clearest principles of divine revelation that holiness is
the fruit of truth"; and the book is in accord with that sentence. It is
full of evangelical truth, admirably expressed. His statements concerning the
ordinances of the church are in exact harmony with our contention that a church
should be composed of the regenerate. Witness the following, from page 267:
"The Scriptures teach that the ordinances are not appointed to convey in
the first instance pardon and sanctification, but to be signs and seals of these
blessings to the penitent believer; and that to him, and to him only, are they
efficacious means of grace." Again (page 279): "Thus a knowledge of
the truth concerning God, concerning sin, atonement, and regeneration is
essential to a proper participation of the ordinance of baptism." A dozen
similar statements might be quoted from the chapter on "Profession of
In the British and Foreign
Evangelical Review, October, 1860, is an article by Principal Cunningham,
principal and professor of Church History, New College, Edinburgh, on "Zwingli
and the Doctrine of the Sacraments." The article, with others from the same
author, has been republished in a volume entitled, "The Reformers and
Theology of the Reformation." Principal Cunningham argues that "the
Reformers, in preparing their confessions of faith, proceeded on the assumption
that those partaking in the ordinances were duly qualified and rightly prepared;
and more particularly that the persons baptized, in whom the true and full
operation of baptism was exhibited, were adults?adult believers." In
support of this position he quotes Martin Vitringa?s "complete and
comprehensive summary of the doctrine of the Reformed churches upon this point;
that the sacraments have been instituted only for those who have already
received the grace of God?the called, the regenerate, the believing, the
converted, those who are in covenant with God" (page 264). Vitringa has
produced his evidence at length. His quotations fill about twenty pages, and are
certainly amply sufficient to establish his position. They prove that the
quotation we have cited contains a correct summary of the doctrine of the
Reformed churches in regard to the proper subjects of the sacraments. Vitringa
gives extracts from eight or ten of the confessions of the Reformation period,
and from about fifty of the most eminent divines of that and the succeeding
century (pages 265, 266). Two or three of his authorities we quote. Samuel
Rutherford: "Baptism is not that whereby we are entered into Christ?s
mystical and invisible body as such, for it is presupposed we be members of
Christ?s body and our sins pardoned already, before baptism comes to be a seal
of sin pardoned" (page 279). Thomas Boston: "The sacraments are not
converting, but confirming, ordinances; they are appointed for the use and
benefit of God?s children, not of others; they are given to believers as
believers, so that none others are capable of the same before the Lord"
(page 282). Dr. John Erskine, "probably the greatest divine in the Church
of Scotland in the latter part of the last century": "Baptism, then,
is a seal of spiritual blessings; and spiritual blessings it cannot seal to the
unconverted" (page 283).
How the positions thus avowed can
be reconciled with the practice of infant baptism is not for me to say.
Principal Cunningham says: "The views we have set forth on this subject
may, at first sight, appear to be large concessions to those who deny the
lawfulness of the baptism of infants," and he devotes two or three pages to
the endeavor to show that these concessions are only in appearance. He says that
infant baptism holds a peculiar place, and the ignorance or disregard of this
fact has introduced much error and confusion into men?s views upon this whole
subject. "The peculiarity is that infant baptism really occupies a sort of
subordinate and exceptional position."
We have probably said enough by
way of establishing our proposition. History illustrates the importance of
adhering to the scriptural position and practice in this matter. New England was
settled by a people who held evangelical doctrine above all price. To attain it
and retain it, they sacrificed everything. In an evil hour their descendants
lost sight of the true nature of the church, adopted what was styled "The
Half-way Covenant," and admitted to church membership those who gave no
evidence of regeneration. The natural result followed. In the beginning of the
present century, the pulpits which once resounded with the gospel preached by
the Mathers, the Eliots, the Shephards, were occupied by men of an alien faith.
With a single exception, every old Puritan pulpit in Boston and vicinity was in
the possession of men who scorned the evangelical creed. Preaching by the
Baptists of the truth, "Ye must be born again," awoke men from the
slumbers of spiritual death and dotted New England hills with Baptist churches.
The various sections which bear
the Christian name are discriminated by the respective need of human nature to
which they specially appeal and for which they specially provide. One appeals to
the religious nature; another to the intellectual; another to the spiritual. The
question and test of the first is, Do you conform to the religious requirements
of the church? Of the second, Do you adhere to the doctrinal confessions and
standards? In the third, the first question always asked of applicants for
admission to the church or ministry is, Are you regenerate?
1 The
identification of the church with the kingdom is one of the fatal errors of the
Roman Catholic Church. It has given the keys of the church to Peter, an
interpretation which destroys the relation of the church to the kingdom, but
which is in strict accord with the theory of that church?s relation to the
world. If any one is disposed to acquiesce in this identification, let him
substitute "church" for "kingdom" in the passages in the New
Testament in which the latter word occurs, beginning with the first, "Thy
kingdom come," and ending with the last (except the Apocalypse), "For
so will be richly supplied to you the entrance into the eternal kingdom of our
Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ," and see what sense he will make.
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