No one appreciates the worth of the schools more than does the missionary, who comes in such close touch with ignorance. The school and the missionary are mutual helps. The missionary is in a position to help the pupil use rightly the knowledge he has acquired. This is needed because there is so much unused or misused knowledge. We forget that we are stewards of the wisdom we have acquired as well as the money and other talents. And also am I thankful for my acquaintance with the students and teachers of Leland University, New Orleans, La. Many other schools have been especially friendly to my work, and helpful in many ways. I have spent much time in visiting schools of all denominations throughout the South, because I realized that from their ranks I should get my most efficient helpers. It is true we have many very faithful workers in the mission field who only know how to read their Bibles, and can scarcely write a letter, but one great need is intelligent, consecrated leaders. These are being trained in our schools. I am only helping a very little by my visits, and getting inspiration from pupils and teachers for my own heart as I work among the lowly. I know it is God who has opened the door for me into these schools and into the state schools. They have all endorsed my Fireside School plan. I have Bible bands in several. The State Normal school in Petersburg, Va., has used our Bible lessons in HOPE for the last six years; also the Normal Industrial school in Normal, Ala., for three years. A group of members of a Bible Band in the school mentioned last may be seen on page 205. Prof. Council, the president, says that these bands have helped greatly in the discipline. This spring 62 students have been converted, a result largely due to daily, prayerful, practical Bible study. Atlanta Baptist College, Arkansas, has had a flourishing Bible Band for two years. In Shaw University, North Carolina, our Bible band numbered sixty for last year. HOPE has been thus used in Arkadelphia Academy, Ark., during the past eight years. In each of these schools the teachers give a special course of Bible study extending through the year, besides
Our Bible band is only introduced that the students may have a prepared lesson to use during vacation and that they may know how to establish Bible bands among their neighbors, and thus give daily Bible instruction to those who cannot attend the schools. Yes, we need daily Bible study; the Sabbath school lessons are not sufficient to religiously educate old or young.
The boards of education in some cities have given me permission to address the pupils of the public schools. It means much for the cause of Christ, to come thus in touch with the young life of the nation. The teachers appreciate the need of this work, and we are hoping that in the near future teachers will hold parents' meetings. This is certainly necessary in order to secure the co-operation of the parents, especially along the line of religious and moral reform.
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