
At least 48 Baptist Associations existed and became interested
in foreign missions.
January 10, William Carey moved to Serampore.
December 28, Baptized Krishna Pal, first Bengali convert.
William Carey elected Professor of Sanskrit and Bengali
languages in Williams College.
William Carey completes the New Testament in Bengali, February
The General Association of General Baptists dates to the work of
Benoni Stinson. He was a member of a United Baptist group formed
in Kentucky by the union of Separate Baptists and Regular
Baptists. These United Baptists adopted an article of faith that
allowed Arminian preaching, which emphasized free will, not
Organization of Massachusetts Baptist Missionary Society, the first
state convention to be organized in America.
The principles of Conventionism were borrowed from our English
Baptist Brethren and born in America, when the Massachusetts Baptist
Missionary Society was organized to "extend the influence of the
Gospel. Article IV states: The object of this society shall be to
furnish occasional preaching and to promote the knowledge of
evangelic truth in the new settlements within these United States;
or farther if circumstances should render it proper.
General Conference of Seventh Day Baptists created.
The First African Church multiplied until 1802, when on the 26th of
December the Second Baptist Church, Savannah, GA, (colored) was
organized with two hundred members.
The Massachusetts Baptist Missionary Society votes to publish a
missionary magazine now known as The American Baptist, the oldest
surviving religious magazine in the U.S.
William Carey, self-supporting missionary organization founded.
William Carey completes translation of Bible in Bengali, June 24.
Adoniram Judson, the same year he joined the Congregational church,
became burdened to become a missionary. He found some friends from
Williams College with the same burden and often met with them at a
haystack on the college grounds to earnestly pray for the salvation
of the heathen and petition God to open doors of ministry as
missionaries to them. That spot has been marked as the birthplace of
missions in America.
Adoniram and Ann Judson (after having only been married for 2 weeks)
along with Samuel and Harriet Newell sailed for India on the
A Congregationalist and paedo-Baptist, Adoniram was convinced
believer's baptism was the only Biblically correct view and was
converted. His wife, Ann was not immediately convinced but later
Jacob Bowers is converted. Two years later, Jacob became a Baptist
minister. In his long, hardworking life, he rode over forty thousand
miles carrying the gospel to others, organizing churches and
ordaining new ministers. He had to overcome serious opposition from
Baptists opposed to mission work.
Organization of General Union of Baptist Ministers and Churches in
England, forerunner of Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland.
Luther Rice was an appointed Congregational missionary, who like his
contemporary. Arrives in Georgia to promote foreign missions.
Adoniram Judson, became a convinced Baptist after leaving America.
After his baptism in Calcutta, Rice set sail back to America for the
purpose of gathering support for the mission effort among Baptists.
Adoniram and Ann (Nancy) Judson were forced to leave Madras, India
and boarded the only ship in harbor ready to sail, which was bound
for Rangoon, Burma; they arrived at that port July 13, 1813. It
would be 6 years before they would baptize their first convert.
Conversion of Adoniram Judson to Baptist principles.
Formation of the Triennial Convention (General Convention of the
Baptist Denomination in the United States for Foreign Missions) in
Philadelphia. Convened in order to pool resources for the support of
Baptist foreign missionaries Luther Rice and Adoniram Judson. A
completely voluntary organization that exercised no control over
matters of theology. Its sole purpose was he financial support of
foreign missions, and upporters of its work could be found in local
churches nd associations throughout Southern and Northern tates. In
response to appeals made by Luther Rice, among American Baptists, to
raise support for Adoniram Judson in India, "The General Convention
of the Baptist Denomination in the United States for Foreign
Missions" was organized May 1814 at Philadelphia. Because this
convention met every three years, it came to be known as "The
Triennial Convention".
Organization of the Irish Missionary Society.
American Baptist Home Mission Society.
American Baptist Publication Society.
First recorded baptism of a Chinese convert, Cai Gao; American
Baptist Foreign Mission Society formed.
Netherlands Bible Society founded; four Native Americans from beyond
the Rocky Mountains come east to St. Louis seeking information on
the "palefaces' religion".
First missionaries arrive in New Zealand led by Samuel Marsden.
First recorded baptism of a Chinese convert, Cai Gao.
Lott Carey, a Black Baptist missionary, sails with 28 colleagues
from Norfolk, VA to Sierra Leone.
Lott Carey was born a slave in Virginia. He became pastor of the
800-member African Baptist Church in Richmond, Va., and in 1815 led
in the formation of the Richmond African Baptist Missionary Society.
After collecting $700, Carey and his wife sailed for Sierra Leone in
1821 and established a mission among the mandingoes. He dies in 1828
during a battle with inhabitants in Liberia. Carey is credited with
being the first American missionary to Africa.
William Carey publishes New Testament in Punjabi.
American Bible Society founded.
Organization of the Church of God by John Winebrenner in
Philadelphia. Peck and Welch sent out as home missionaries to the Middle West by
the Triennial Convention.
James Thompson begins distributing Bibles throughout Latin America. General Baptist Missionary Society formed.
The Mississippi Baptist Association convened with Bogue Chitto
church, Pike county, October 18th to 21st. David Cooper preached the
opening sermon from II Timothy, 2:15. Letters from thirty-one
churches were received and read. The moderator and clerk were David
Cooper and Benjamin Davis. Five churches asked for admission, as
follows: Vermion, New Chapel, Canaan, Green's Creek and the First
Church of Natchez. A. Harper and H. Tilman were from New Chapel; J.
Stringer and W. Cooper from Green's Creek, while B. Davis and N.
Robinson came from Natchez. No names are given from Vermion and
Canaan. The Lord's day services were conducted by Elders
Scarborough, Davis, Ranaldson and Courtney.
Founding of Hamilton Literary and Theological Institution in New
William Carey publishes Old Testament in Sanskrit.
Mississippi Baptist Association meeting was with New Providence
church, Amite county, commencing October 17th. Elder Josiah Flowers
delivered the first sermon, his text being Matt. 16: 17, 18.
Thirty-one churches were represented, and eight others received, as
follows: Pinckneyville, Sharon, Dilling's Creek, Beulah, Bala
Chitto, Silver Creek, east of Pearl river, Friendship and New
Orleans. The messengers were: T. Hunter and J. Ellsberry, from
Pinckneyville; J. A. Ranaldson and E. Estes, from Sharon; J, P.
Martin and J. Barnes, from Dilling's Creek; H. Bond and William
Cook, from Bala Chitto; William Sparks and William Stamps, from
Silver Creek, east of Pearl; T. Matthews, from Beulah; N.Williams,
from Friendship, and B. Davis, from New Orleans.
Organization of the first Baptist church in France.
June 27, Judson baptized the first Burmese believer, Moung Nau.
Judson jotted in his journal: "Oh, may it prove to be the beginning
of a series of baptisms in the Burman empire which shall continue in
uninterrupted success to the end of the age."
The Sabbath Recorder (Seventh Day Baptist) created, an unbroken
publication since 1844.
Serampore college opened (William Carey).
Founding of Newton Theological Institution near Boston, oldest
Baptist Seminary in America.
William Carey Completes Dictionary of Bengali and English.
The Bethel Baptist Association, located in and around Logan County,
Kentucky, was formed in answer to a controversy. A contentious
spirit of disagreement had lately begun to enter the Red River
Association concerning the issues of limited atonement and the
preaching of the gospel to the unregenerate.
Origin of Old Two-Seed-in-the-Spirit Predestinarian Baptists, (date
approximate). Government gave William Carey "Grant in Aid" for education.
The Division of the Red River Association, written by a committee of
the following: Reuben Ross, Pastor of Spring Creek West Fork,
William Tandy, ordained Minister of Bethel, Sugg Fort, pastor of Red
William Cathcart (Baptist Historian, author) was born in the County
of Londonderry, in the north of Ireland, November 8.
Thomas Walsh becomes the first recorded recipient of an educational
scholarship from the Georgia Baptist Convention.
Campbellites and Separate Baptists division in Auburn Baptist
Church, Cannon County, TN. Although combined at the beginning,
divided and held separate services. Elder Clark Hubbard and others
went over to the Campbellites while the United Baptists (as the
Regular Baptists were then called) remained with Salem Association
and Separatists affiliated with Concord No. 2 of Separate Baptists.
Suttee (former Indian funeral practice in which the widow immolated
herself on her husband’s funeral pyre) prohibited thru William
Carey's efforts, December 4.
As early as December 26, 1829, John Smith, James Smith, Charles
Polk, David Patrick, Rhoda Shields and Mary Ross met for
consultation concerning the organization of a Baptist church. As a
result of this preliminary meeting, these same parties and probably
others, met on February 20, 1830, and perfected an organization,
assisted by John Knight and John Lemon from Deer Creek Baptist
church, and Elder Samuel Arthur of Wea church. James Smith was
chosen permanent moderator and Charles Polk, clerk of the church.
The name, Eel River Baptist church, was adopted, often designated as
the First Baptist church. Meetings were held in private houses and
the Old Seminary, a brick structure, the first public building
erected in Logansport, on the northeast corner of Market and Fourth
streets. Elder .James Smith administered to the spiritual wants of
the society once or twice a month at these meetings, assisted by
Elder William Berry, until 1838, when Elder William Corbin was
employed. The latter continued with the congregation until his
death, November 8. 1841, only thirty-two years of age. His wife died
the month previous and both lie at rest in the old cemetery.
The great need of the Baptists was an educated ministry. Many of
their most vigorous and aggressive ministers had gone over to the
Reformers. A number of the enterprising ministers and laymen of the
Baptist persuasion petitioned the state legislature, in January,
1829, for a charter incorporating a board of trustees called ''The
Kentucky Baptist Educational Society." This charter was granted. The
society had in view the establishment of a college under the control
of Kentucky Baptists.
The American Baptist Home Mission Society was organized in the
Meeting House of the Mulberry Street Baptist Church, New York, New
York, on Friday April 27, 1832, during an adjournment of the
Triennial Convention. Article II of its Constitution states: "The
great object of the Society shall be to promote the preaching of the
Gospel in North America," H. C. Vedder in "A Short History of the
Baptists" (page 328) states: ...During its earliest years, Elder
Peck [John Mason Peck] was the Home Mission Society in the West -
its visible embodiment, its chief advisor, and local executive ... William Knibb's agitation against the slave traffic in the British
Colonial Empire.
The Baptist Irish Society and British and Irish Baptist Home Mission
formed. Adoniram Judson translates the New Testament into Burmese.
New Hampshire Confession written to combat the Arminianism of
Free-will Baptists. Baptist work in Thailand begins with John Taylor Jones.
Free-Will Baptist Foreign Missionary Society begins work in India. The Christian Index moves to Georgia.
Organization of the first Australian Baptist church in Sydney.
William Carey died at age 73 on June 9. He was surrounded by Jabez
and William Carey (his sons) who were both also missionaries as well
as Jonathan Carey who had finally gotten saved after much prayers by
his father.
Adoniram Judson completes a translation of the whole Bible into the
Burmese language.
In October 1834, twenty-two members of the Rogers Crossroads Baptist
Church, which is now Wake Crossroads Baptist Church, left their
church (in good standing) to constitute a regular Baptist church in
Rolesville. On December 26, 1834, a presbytery consisting of the
Rev. Dr. Samuel Wait, the Rev. Amos J. Battle, and the Rev. John
Armstrong met with the twenty-two dismissed members of the Rogers
Crossroads Church in Rolesville. The Rev. John Armstrong delivered
the first sermon. The Rev. Dr. Samuel Wait, of Wake Forest College,
gave the prayer of blessing and extended the welcoming right hand of
fellowship to the members of the newly constituted church.
Organization of the Primitive Baptists in New York and Pennsylvania.
Appointment of Oneken as an agent for the Triennial Convention in
Germany. North Carolina Baptist State Convention appoints a committee “to
consider the establishment of a female seminary of high order.”
Finney's Lectures on Revivals.
The Providence Missionary Baptist District Association was formed,
one of at least six national organizations among African American
Baptist whose sole objective was African missions.
Plymouth Brethren begin work in Madras, India.
George Müller begins his work with orphans in Bristol, England.
The Providence Missionary Baptist District Association is formed,
one of at least six national organizations among African Baptists
whose sole objective was missionary work in Africa.
Formation of the Bible Translation Society in England.
The Convention accepts ownership of The Christian Index.
Rev. Isaac McCoy, a Baptist clergyman, published "History of Baptist
Indian Missions; embracing remarks on the former and present
condition of the aboriginal tribes, their settlement within the
Indian Territory, and their future prospects.
Organization of the first Lithuanian Baptist church under Oncken's
guidance. 1842
Campbellites and Separate Baptists who divided in 1827 at the Auburn
Baptist Church, reunited into one body representing the Concord
Micajah Cicero Barnett was pastor of the Gilead Baptist Church
(Grindal Shoals, Union Co., South Carolina 1770 – 1870) in 1863 and
continued in this capacity through 1866. He was ordained to the
gospel ministry by the Cedar Spring Baptist Church in Spartanburg
County, S. C., on December 24, 1842.
American and Foreign Free Baptist Missionary Society organized by
abolitionists in Boston.
A Baptist pastor from Vermont named William Miller calculated that
Christ's second coming would occur this year. He later revised the
date to 1844. The Seventh Day Adventist church started from these
false predictions.
Baptist John Taylor Jones translates New Testament into Siamese.
B. H. Carroll, pastor of the First Baptist church, Waco, Texas, and
associate editor of the Texas Baptist, was born December, in Carroll
Co., Miss.
Baptists split North and South, never re-united.
On May 8, 1845 about 293 Baptist leaders of the South, met in the
First Baptist Church, Augusta, Georgia and organized the Southern
Baptist Convention. While this division between Northern and
Southern Baptists was several years in the making, the final
catalyst came in 1844, when Georgia Baptists were refused an
appointment for a missionary, who was a slaveholder. Later that same
year, Alabama Baptists asked if the American Baptist Home Mission
Society would appoint a slaveholder as Missionary, the answer was
no. This resulted in Virginia Baptists calling for Baptists of the
South to meet at Augusta, Georgia in early May, 1845.
The Triennial Convention renamed American Baptist Missionary Union.
Southern Baptist Convention formed, splitting from the Triennial
Convention in support of slavery because of opposition to appointing
slave holding missionaries by the Triennial Convention.
International Mission Board, originally referred to as the Foreign
Mission Board, is founded.
William Bullein Johnson, of South Carolina, becomes the first
President of the Southern Baptist convention.
Jeremiah Bell Jeter called the first meeting of the Board of
Managers of the International Mission Board. The members gathered in
the library of Second Baptist Church, Richmond, Virginia. Their
primary concern was to secure a permanent Corresponding Secretary.
May 20, Jeremiah Bell Jeter called the first meeting of the Board of
Managers. The members gathered in the library of Second Baptist
Church, Richmond, Virginia. Their primary concern was to secure a
permanent Corresponding Secretary.
June 30, China was chosen as the first mission field.
September 1, the board appointed the first missionary, Samuel C.
The Baptist General Missionary Convention reorganizes as the
American Baptist Missionary Union (ABMU).
James Robinson Graves organized the Nashville Indian and Missionary
Association. James B. Taylor (1846-1871) was appointed the first Corresponding
Secretary of Foreign Mission Board.
The Foreign Mission Board appointed two African-Americans to serve
in Liberia. Brother John Day occupied a mission station at Grand
Bassa and Brother A. L. Jones at Cape Palmas on the west coast of
The board appointed the first medical missionary, Dr. J. Sexton
James, to serve in China.
The monthly publication, Southern Baptist Missionary Journal, began.
William Catchart was baptized by Rev. R. H. Carson, of Tubbermore,
in January.
Establishment of the first Baptist church in Sweden.
The design of Baptist associations was discussed by members of the
Bethal Baptist Association, as it relates to the church, S. Baker,
pastore of Russellville. The author stresses that a church ought
always to retain her independence while cooperating with other
sister churches in the Lord's work.
Beginning of Baptist work in Hungary.
Robert Hill was sent to Liberia by the Southern Baptist Convention.
The board began publication of The Commission. Monthly circulation
of the periodical reached 7,000 by April 1850.
The board’s first single woman, Miss Harriet A. Baker of Powhatan
County, Virginia, was appointed to China.
Organization of the American Bible Union.
Mary Sharp College for Women Winchester, TN is organized.
Adoniram Judson dies and is buried at sea in the Bay of Bengal on
April 12.
Hudson Taylor was the only passenger in the sailing vessel,
Dumfries. He had a tempestuous voyage as the ship on two occasions
was within a few feet of being wrecked. One harrowing experience is
worth remembering. The sailing vessel was becalmed in the vicinity
of New Guinea. The captain despaired as a four knot current carried
them swiftly toward sunken reefs near shore. "Our fate is sealed!"
Cannibals were eagerly awaiting with delight and fires burning
ready. Taylor and three others retired to pray and the Lord
immediately sent a strong breeze that sent them on their way. Again
one of his favorite texts, John 14:13 was proven. He finally reached
Shanghai, China, March 1.
The German Baptist Church of Wilmington was founded by Rev. Jeremiah
Grimmell, who in 1855 devoted his leisure to fostering the religious
interests of the German Baptists, whom he invited to meet at his
house, where he conducted worship. At the first service there were
thirteen persons present, and these comprised the original members
of the German Baptist Church, which was organized in 1856. His house
being too small to accommodate those attracted by his preaching,
Rev. Grimmell was offered a room in the residence of John Swager,
corner Fourth and Pine Streets, where services were continued for
quite a period. Rev. Leonard Fleishman preached to the converts of
Mr. Grimmell on several occasions and encouraged him in his
religious labors. In March, 1856, nine of them were baptized in the
Second Baptist Church. Through the efforts of Miss Annie Semple, who
manifested a zealous interest in the work, the church corner of
Fifth and Walnut Streets was purchased for three thousand dollars.
Here the congregation was organized April 17, 1856, by Rev. Mr.
Grimmell and his wife, Edward Austermúhl, John Mühlhausen and
Sophia, his wife, John Swager and Elizabeth, his wife, Peter
Braunstein and Susan, his wife, Frederick Neutze, Mrs. Elizabeth
Kaiser, Mrs. Theresa Herzel and Catherine Braunstein. A
Sunday-school was also organized the same year.
Spurgeon leased the Surrey Music Hall in the Royal Surrey Gardens
for services. This was London's "largest, most commodious and most
beautiful building, erected for public amusements, carnivals of wild
beasts and wilder men." Many criticized Spurgeon for leasing a
building designed for worldly amusements, but the hall held ten to
twelve thousand people and that number packed the building for the
first service on this day, October 19th. It seemed at least as many
people were outside the building as were inside. The service had
only gone a few minutes when there was the frightening cry of "Fire!
the galleries are giving away, the place is falling!" In the ensuing
panic to flee the building, many people were trampled. Seven died
and others were seriously injured. Spurgeon was tremendously
depressed over the event, and his grief was so deep some feared his
reason had left him. He spent hours "in tears by day, and dreams of
terror by night." Within two weeks, however, Spurgeon had recovered
sufficiently to preach again. The crowds were even bigger than
Approximately 12,000 Baptist Churches in America.
Organization of the first Baptist church in Norway.
First baptism on Latvian soil.
1861-1865 – Throughout the Civil War the Foreign Mission Board
continued limited operations in China and Africa and most
missionaries were self-supporting.
Tai Ping rebels in Yentai, Shantung Province, China, murdered
Missionary J. Landrum Holmes.
In the spring of 1861, the Metropolitan Tabernacle was completed;
this was to be Spurgeon's pulpit for the next thirty-one years.
Throughout those years an average of five thousand people attended
each morning and evening Sunday service. Spurgeon's was the
megachurch of nineteenth century London.
Fusion of the Bible Translation Society and the Irish Missionary
Society into the British and Irish Baptist Home Mission Society.The
Foreign Mission Board had no available funds so the Treasurer was
authorized to charge to profit and loss the Confederate bonds so as
to balance his books.
Exhortation to enter the work with renewed energy in light of the
war having ended, G. W. Inman, pastor of Spring Creek Baptist church
(Bethel Baptist Association) B. H. Carroll is ordained.
The first African-American Baptist associations in Georgia were
established. Francis Wayland dies, September 30th.
Mission Society by the American Baptist Missionary Union.
In the proceedings of the First Baptist Antioch Association which
met in December, 1868, we find the appointment of a Missionary
Board, which was empowered to appoint missionaries and fix their
salaries. Thus showing that they realized their responsibility in
helping to carry out the great commission.
Begins the journey of Baptist Women in Ministry.
Women, it would seem did not actually attend the annual meeting of
the SBC until 1868, when the convention was in Baltimore. Even then
they were not there as messengers. Most were there to accompany
their husbands but they held a separate meeting in the home of Mrs.
Ann Graves, who read to the gathering some letters from her son
Rosewell Graves, a missionary to China. Rosewell's letter talked of
the need for women missionaries in China, for custom there required
women to reach Chinese women for Christ (Southern Baptist Sisters:
in Search of Status, 1845-2000, p.53, by David T. Morgan.
Canadian Baptist missionary Americus Timpany begins work among the
Telugus in India.
Formation of the Baptist Union of Scotland.
Organization of the first Baptist church in Finland.
On July 12, 1869, one year after the organization of the first
associational gathering The Baptist Missionary Convention, now known
as The General Baptist Missionary Convention of Mississippi, held
its first session at Port Gibson. Revs. R. Pollard and H. P. Jacobs
were elected temporary and permanent presidents, respectively. An
account of this gathering appears in Thompson's History and shows
prominent Baptist preachers from Missouri and Louisiana were
Organization of the Woman's Baptist Foreign Mission Society
(forerunners to the Board of International Ministries (BIM) of the
Mercer University moves from Penfield, GA where it was founded in
1833. James B. Taylor died (Foreign Missions Board).
The first Baptist church was organized in Brazil, on the 10th of
September, 1871, in the City of Santa Barbara, State of São Paulo.
This was a church founded by North-American colonists who, after the
Secession War (1861-1865) established several colonies in Brazil. In
Santa Barbara the Presbyterians, the Methodists and the Baptists
organized churches.
Lottie Moon becomes a Georgia Baptist while teaching in
view of the Centennial year of our national independence, the
Baptist Ministerial Union, of Pennsylvania, appointed Dr. Cathcart
to prepare a paper, to be read at their meeting in Meadville in
1876, on "The Baptists in the Revolution." This paper, by
enlargement, became a duodecimo volume, entitle "The Baptists and
the American Revolution."
September 13th, Dr. James M. Haswell died after forty-one years of
missionary service in Burma with his dear wife Jane Mason, who he
had married on August 23, 1835, and sailed for their chosen field
one month later. He was more fruit from the Hamilton Theological
Institute in Bennington, Vermont. Dr.Haswell mastered the Burmese
language and then turned to the Pegulan dialect to reach the 80,000
of that tribe. He only took two furloughs, one in 1849 and another
in 1867, and those were used to spur interest in missions. He was
most diligent that his son James should follow him which he did, but
tragically died of cholera a year after him in 1877. But the Haswell
vision lived on through their daughter Susan who founded the
Maulmein Leper Colony in which she invested sixty years of her life.
The government gave the land and the lepers themselves built the
thatched roof buildings with, in some cases, stumps for hands and
feet. It stood for years as a memorial to her and the faith of the
lepers. Untold thousands were saved.
On Tuesday, October 24, 45 delegates, from 23 churches, met at
Goshen Bridge and organized the Augusta Baptist Association.
Twenty-four churches from the counties of Allegheny, Augusta, Bath,
Rockbridge, and Rockingham formed the Association, 10 of the
churches coming from the Valley Association and 14 from the
Albemarle Association.
Organization of the Women's Baptist Home Mission Society of the
East; also organization of the Women's Baptist Home Mission Society
of the West.
The Georgia State Mission board is constituted.
Second meeting of Augusta Association, held at Laurel Hill.
Important decision of the Southern Baptist Convention to maintain
its organization apart from the American Baptist Missionary Union.
Beginning of first permanent mission work in Spain.
Baptist Foreign Mission merged and formed the National Baptist
Convention USA.
Brazil was being considered as a Mission field.
Another church was organized for North-American colonists, called
Station Baptist Church, also in Santa Barbara, and in this same year
Elijah Hoton Quillin, pastor of the first church in Santa Barbara,
wrote to Richmond, affirming his desire to be recognized as a
self-sustaining missionary, for the purpose of carrying on
missionary work in the surrounding country, both among emigrants
from the Unites States and native Brazilians.
Fourth meeting of Association, held at Mt. Crawford.
Bible controversy settled in the Bible Convention at Saratoga, N. Y. G. B. Rogers was educated at Mississippi College. His ordination to
the ministry occurred December 23, 1883, in the Baptist church at
Clinton, Miss., the ordaining council being composed of Elders W. S.
Webb, J. B. Gambrell, A. V. Rowe, J. W. Collins, T. J. Walne and
George Whitfield. His first pastorate was at Woodville, Miss., where
he served two years, afterwards accepting an appointment by the
State Mission Board as missionary on the Mississippi Valley
Organization of the American Baptist Education Society at
Washington, D. C. American Baptist Education Society founded to promote higher
education, Becomes the American Baptist Board of Education (ABBE) (a
forerunner of the Board of Educational Ministries (BEM) of the
Lottie Moon is able to have the first Christmas offering started.
This offering provided support for three additional persons to aid
Lottie Moon in China.
Southern Baptist work in Japan actually begun.
After a delay due to the Civil War and Reconstruction as well as the
general lack of interest in women's education, Leonidas Polk
introduces a resolution to the Convention for a Baptist female
college. His resolution is adopted unanimously.
Formation of the Baptist Union for Great Britain and Ireland; a
merger of the Particular Baptists and the New Connexion of General
James Marion Frost goes to Nashville, TN to begin his secretariship
of the Sunday School Board. He founded the Sunday Lifeway Christian
Resources is founded.
Organization of the Baptist Young People's Union of America.
The state legislature grants a charter for the Baptist Female
Participation of Baptists in the National Free Church Council in
Landmark leader, J.R. Graves, died in Memphis.
The Baptist Sunday School Board begins the practice of contributing
funds toward the support of other denominational agencies.
Dr. T. P. Bell is elected second chief executive.
To raise money for the Baptist Female University, Oliver Larkin
Stringfield begins traveling across the state and Fannie E. S. Heck
organizes the Woman's Executive Committee of the Baptist Female
The National Baptist Convention. Several Baptist organizations
combined to form the National Baptist Convention of the U.S.A.; the
Baptist church is the largest black religious denomination in the
United States.
William Heth Whitsett is President of Southern Baptist Theological
WMU adopted the Sunbeams, the children’s missions organization begun
in 1886 by the Foreign Mission Board.
Dr. J.M. Frost is re-elected as chief executive.
Christian Flag is created on Sunday September 26. The speaker for a
Sunday School Rally at Brighton Chapel in Coney Island, NY does not
show up. This impromptu opportunity for Charles C. Overton to fill
the space gave way to the flag. There was an American flag draped
across the pulpit he spoke from, thus inspiring him to discuss its
symbolism. The symbolism was then stressed as necessary for the
Christians to also have a flag that expresses their presence in the
The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) formed a Centennial Committee
for preparation of the new century.
Baptist Sunday School Board publishes its first book, a venture
which later results in Broadman Press.
Salem Baptist Church (Dobson, NC) was organized on December 26,
1898, by a Presbytery composed of C.H. Stone, chairman, A.J.
Williams, spokesman, and C.L. Jarvis, clerk. Some of the first
members were S.L. Edmonds, Allen Kidd, J.E. Edmonds and Lucy Kidd.
C.H. Stone was elected the first pastor. Services were held in the
old Edmonds one-room schoolhouse during the winter and under a brush
arbor in the summer.
Edgar Young Mullins becomes President of Southern Baptist
Theological Seminary. He, without consent, succeeds William Heth
Baptist Female University opens in September with nineteen
faculty/staff members and more than 200 students. James C.
Blasingame is president. A college year is three terms of three
months each. Room and board costs $36 per term, and tuition is
$17.50, with additional fees for music and art.