Faith And Patience In Serving
QUANTITY of service is of far less
importance than quality. To do well, rather than to do much, will be the
motto of him whose main purpose is to please God. Our Lord bade His disciples
tarry until endued with power from on high, because it is such enduement that
gives to all witness and work the celestial savour and flavour of the Spirit.
Before we come to the closing scenes, we may well look back over the
life-work of George Mueller, which happily illustrates both quantity and
quality of service. It may be doubted whether any other one man of this
century accomplished as much for God and man, and yet all the abundant
offerings which he brought to his Master was characterized by a heavenly
The orphan work was but one branch of that tree―the Scriptural Knowledge
Institution―which owed its existence to the fact that its founder devised
large and liberal things for the Lord's cause. He sought to establish or at
least to aid Christian schools wherever needful, to scatter Bibles and
Testaments, Christian books and trade; to aid missionaries who were
witnessing to the truth and working on a scriptural basis in destitute parts;
and though each of these objects might well have engrossed his mind, they
were all combined in the many-sided work which his love for souls suggested.
An aggressive spirit is never content with what has been done, but is prompt
to enter any new door that is providentially opened. When the Paris
Exposition of 1867 offered such rare opportunities, both for preaching to the
crowds passing through the French capital, and for circuIating among them the
Holy Scriptures, he gladly availed himself of the services of two brethren
whom God had sent to labour there, one of whom spoke three, and the other,
eight, modern languages; and through them were circulated, chiefly at the
Exposition, and in thirteen different languages, nearly twelve thousand
copies of the word of God, or portions of the same. It has been estimated
that at this International Exhibition there were distributed in all over one
and a quarter million Bibles, in sixteen tongues, which were gratefully
accepted, even by Romish priests. Within six months those who thus entered
God's open door scattered more copies of the Book of God than in ordinary
circumstances would have been done by ten thousand colporteurs in twenty
times that number of months, and thousands of souls are known to have found
salvation by the simple reading of the New Testament. Of this glorious work,
George Mueller was permitted to be so largely a promoter.
At the Havre Exhibition of the following year, 1868, a similar work was done;
and in like manner, when a providential door was unexpectedly opened into the
Land of the Inquisition, Mr. Mueller promptly took measures to promote the
circulation of the Word in Spain. In the streets of Madrid the open Bible was
seen for the first time, and copies were sold at the rate of two hundred and
fifty in an hour, so that the supply was not equal to the demand. The facts
substantially repeated when free Italy furnished a field for sowing the seed
of the Kingdom. This wide-awake servant of God watched the signs of the times
and, while others slept, followed the Lord's signals of advance.
One of the most fascinating features of the Narrative is found in the letters
from his Bible distributors. It is interesting also to trace the story of the
growth of the tract enterprise, until, in 1874, the circulation exceeded
three and three-quarter millions, God in His faithfulness supplying abundant
*Narrative, IV. 244.
The good thus effected by the distributors
of evangelical literature must not be overlooked in this survey of the many
useful agencies employed or assisted by Mr. Mueller. To him the world was a
field to be sown with the seed of the Kingdom, and opportunities were eagerly
embraced for widely disseminating the truth. Tracts were liberally used,
given away in large quantities at open-air services, fairs, races and
steeplechases, and among spectators at public executions, or among passengers
on board ships and railway trains, and by the way. Sometimes, at a single
gathering of the multitudes, fifteen thousand were distributed judiciously
and prayerfully, and this branch of the work has, during all these years,
continued with undiminished fruitfulness to yield its harvest of good.
All this was, from first to last, and of necessity, a work of faith. How far
faith must have been kept in constant and vigorous exercise can be
appreciated only by putting one's self in Mr. Mueller's place. In the year
1874, for instance, about forty-four thousand pounds were needed, and he was
compelled to count the cost and face the situation. Two thousand and one
hundred hungry mouths were daily to be fed, and as many bodies to be clad and
cared for. One hundred and eighty-nine missionaries were needing assistance;
one hundred schools, with about nine thousand pupils, to be supported; four
million pages of tracts and tens of thousands of copies of the Scriptures to
be yearly provided for distribution; and beside all these ordinary expenses,
inevitable crises or emergencies, always liable to arise in connection with
the conduct of such extensive enterprises, would from time to time call for
extraordinary outlay. The man who was at the head of the Scriptural Knowledge
Institution had to look at this array of unavoidable expenses, and at the
same time face the human possibility and probability of an empty treasury
whence the last shilling had been drawn.
Let him tell us how he met such a prospect:
"God, our infinitely rich Treasurer, remains to us. It is this which gives me peace... Invariably, with this probability before me, I have said to myself: 'God who has raised up this work through me; God who has led me generally year after year to enlarge it; God, who has supported this work now for more than forty years, will still help and will not suffer me to be confounded, because I rely upon Him. I commit the whole work to Him, and He will provide me with what I need, in future also, though I know not whence the means are to come.'"*
*Narrative, IV. 886, 887.
Thus he wrote in his journal, on July 28, 1874. Since then twenty-four years have passed, and to this day the work goes on, though he who then had the guidance of it sleeps in Jesus. Whoever has had any such dealings with God, on however small a scale, cannot even think of the Lord as failing to honour a faith so simple, genuine, and childlike, a faith which leads a helpless believer thus to cast himself and all his cares upon God with utter abandonment of all anxiety. This man put God to proof, and proved to himself and to all who receive his testimony that it is blessed to wait only upon Him. The particular point which he had in view, in making these entries in his journal, is the object also of embodying them in these pages, namely, to show that, while the annual expenses of this Institution were so exceedingly large and the income so apparently uncertain, the soul of this believer was, to use his words,
"THROUGHOUT, without the least wavering, stayed upon Gold, believing that He who had through him begun the Institution, enlarged it almost year after year, and upheld it for forty years in answer to prayer by faith, would do this still and not suffer this servant of His to be confounded."*
Believing that God would still help, and supply the means, George Mueller was willing, and THOROUGHLY in heart prepared, if necessary, to pass again through similar severe and prolonged seasons of trial as he had already endured.
*Narrative, IV. 389.
The Living God had kept him calm and
restful, amid all the ups and downs of his long experience as the
superintendent and director of this many-sided work, though the tests of
faith had not been light or short of duration. For more than ten years at a
time―as from August, 1838, to April, 1849, day by day, and for months
together from meal to meal it was necessary to look to God, almost without
cessation, for daily supplies. When, later on, the Institution was twentyfold
larger and the needs proportionately greater, for months at a time the Lord
likewise constrained His servant to lean from hour to hour, in the
dependence, upon Him. All along through these periods of unceasing want, the
Eternal God was his refuge and underneath were the Everlasting Arms. He
reflected that God was aware of all this enlargement of the work and its
needs; he comforted himself with the consoling thought that he was seeking
his Master's glory; and that if in this way the greater glory would accrue to
Him for the good of His people and of those who were still unbelievers, it
was no concern of the servant; nay, more than this, it behooved the servant
to be willing to go on in this path of trial, even unto the end of his
course, if so it should please his Master, who guides His affairs with divine
The trials of faith did not cease even until the end. July 28, 1881, finds
the following entry in Mr. Mueller's journal:
"The income has been for some time past only about a third part of the expenses. Consequently all we have for the support of the orphans is nearly gone; and for the first four objects of the Institution we have nothing at all in hand. The natural appearance now is that the work cannot be carried on. But I BELIEVE that the Lord will help, both with means for the orphans and also for other objects of the Institution, and that we shall not be confounded; also that the work shall not need to be given up. I am fully expecting help, and have written this to the glory of God, that it may be recorded hereafter for the encouragement of His children. The result will be seen. I expect that we shall not be confounded, though for some years we have not been so poor."
While faith thus leaned on God, prayer took
more vigorous hold. Six, seven, eight times a day, he and his dear wife were
praying for means, looking for answers, and firmly persuaded that their
expectations would not be disappointed. Since that entry was made, seventeen
more years have borne their witness that this trust was not put to shame. Not
a branch of this tree of holy enterprise has been cut off by the sharp blade
of a stern necessity.
Though faith had thus tenaciously held fast to the promises, the pressure
was, not at once relieved. When, a fortnight after these confident records of
trust in God had been spread on the pages of the journal, the balance for the
orphans was less than it had been for twenty-five years, it would have seemed
to human sight as though God had forgotten to be gracious. But, on August
22d, over one thousand pounds came in for the support of the orphans and thus
relief was afforded for a time.
Again, let us bear in mind how in the most unprecedented straits God alone
was made the confidant, even the best friends of the Institution, alike the
poor and the rich, being left in ignorance of the pressure of want. It would
have been no sin to have made known the circumstances, or even to have made
an appeal for aid to the many believers who would gladly have come to the
relief of the work. But the testimony to the Lord was to be jealously
guarded, and the main object of this work of faith would have been imperiled
just so far as by any appeal to men this witness to God was weakened.
In this crisis, and in every other, faith triumphed, and so the testimony to
a prayer-hearing God grew in volume and power as the years went on. It was
while as yet this period of testing was not ended, and no permanent relief
was yet supplied, that Mr. Mueller, with his wife, left Bristol on August
23d, for the Continent, on his eighth long preaching tour. Thus, at a time
when, to the natural eye, his own presence would have seemed well-nigh
indispensable, he calmly departed for other spheres of duty, leaving the work
at home in the hands of Mr. Wright and his helpers. The tour had been already
arranged for under God's leading and it was undertaken, with the supporting
power of a deep conviction that God is as near to those who in prayer wait on
Him in distant lands, as on Ashley Down, and needs not the personal presence
of any man in any one place, or at any time, in order to carry on His word.
In an American city, a half-idiotic boy who was bearing a heavy burden asked
a drayman, who was driving an empty cart, for a ride. Being permitted, he
mounted the cart with his basket, but thinking he might so relieve the horse
a little, while still himself riding, lifted his load and carried it. We
laugh at the simplicity of the idiotic lad, and yet how often we are guilty
of similar folly! We profess to cast ourselves and our cares upon the Lord,
and then persist in bearing our own burdens, as if we felt that He would be
unequal to the task of sustaining us and our loads. It is a most wholesome
lesson for Christian workers to learn that all true work is primarily the
Lord's, and only secondarily ours, and that therefore all "carefulness" on
our part is distrust of Him, implying a sinful self-conceit which overlooks
the fact that He is the one Worker and all others are only His instruments.
As to our trials, difficulties, losses, and disappointments, we are prone to
hesitate about committing them to the Lord, trustfully and calmly. We think
we have done well if we take refuge in the Lord's promise to his reluctant
disciple Peter,
"What I do thou knowest not now, but thou shalt know hereafter,"
referring this "hereafter" the future state where we look for the solution of all problems. In Peter's case the hereafter appears to have come when the feet-washing was done and Christ explained its meaning; and it is very helpful to our faith to observe Mr. Mueller's witness concerning all these trying and disappointing experiences of his life, that, without one exception, he had found already in this life that they worked together for his good; so that he had reason to praise God for them all. In the ninetieth psalm we read:
"Make us glad according to
the days wherein Thou hast afflicted us
And the years wherein we have seen evil."
(Psalm xc.15.)
This is an inspired prayer, and such prayer
is a prophecy. Not a few saints have found, this side of heaven, a divine
gladness for every year and day of sadness, when their afflictions and
adversities have been patiently borne.
Faith is the secret of both peace and steadfastness, amid all tendencies to
discouragement and discontinuance in well-doing. James was led by the Spirit
of God to write that the unstable and unbelieving man is like the "wave of
the sea driven with the wind and tossed." There are two motions of the
waves―one up and down, which we call undulation, the other to and fro,
which we call fluctuation. How appropriately both are referred to―"tossed"
up and down, "driven" to and fro! The double-minded man lacks steadiness in
both respects: his faith has no uniformity of experience, for he is now at
the crest of the wave and now in the trough of the sea; it has no uniformity
of progress, for whatever he gains to-day he loses to-morrow.
Fluctuations in income and apparent prosperity did not take George Mueller by
surprise. He expected them, for if there were no crises and critical
emergencies how could there be critical deliverances? His trust was in God,
not in donors or human friends or worldly circumstances: and because he
trusted in the Living God who says of Himself,
"I am the Lord, I change not,"
amid all other changes, his feet were upon
the one Rock of Ages that no earthquake shock can move from its eternal
Two facts Mr. Mueller gratefully records at this period of his life:
(Narrative, IV. 411, 418.)
First. "For above fifty years I have now walked, by His grace, in a path of complete reliance upon Him who is the faithful one, for everything I have needed; and yet I am increasingly convinced that it is by His help alone I am enabled to continue in this course; for, if left to myself, even after the precious enjoyment so long experienced of walking thus in fellowship with God, I should yet be tempted to abandon this path of entire dependence upon Him. To His praise, however, I am able to state that for more than half a century I have never had the least desire to do so."
Second. From May, 1880, to May 1881, a gracious work of the Spirit had visited the orphans on Ashley Down and in many of the schools. During the three months spent by Mr. Mueller at home before sailing for America in September, 1880, he had been singularly drawn out in prayer for such a visitation of grace, and had often urged it on the prayers of his helpers. The Lord is faithful, and He cheered the heart of His servant in his absence by abundant answers to his intercessions. Before he had fairly entered on his work in America, news came from home of a blessed work of conversion already in progress, and which went on for nearly a year, until there was good ground for believing that in the five houses five hundred and twelve orphans had found God their Father in Christ, and nearly half as many more were in a hopeful state.
The Lord did not forget His promise, and He
did keep the plant He had permitted His servant to set in His name in the
soil on Ashley Down. Faith that was tried, triumphed. On June 7, 1884, a
legacy of over eleven thousand pounds reached him, the largest single gift
ever yet received, the largest donations which had preceded being
respectively one thousand, two thousand, three thousand, five thousand, eight
thousand one hundred, and nine thousand and ninety-one pounds.
This last amount, eleven thousand, had been due for over six years from an
estate, but had been kept back by the delays of the Chancery Court. Prayer
had been made day by day that the bequest might be set free for its uses, and
now the full answer had come; and God had singularly timed the supply to the
need, for there was at that time only forty-one pounds ten shillings in hand,
not one half of the average daily expenses, and certain sanitary improvements
were just about to be carried out which would require an outlay of over two
thousand pounds.
As Mr. Mueller closed the solemn and blessed records of 1884, he wrote:
"Thus ended the year 1884, during which we had been tried, greatly tried, in various ways, no doubt for the exercise of our faith, and to make us know God more fully; but during which we had also been helped and blessed, and greatly helped and blessed. Peacefully, then, we were able to enter upon the year 1885, fully assured that, as we had God FOR US and WITH US, ALL, ALL would be well."
John Wesley had in the same spirit said a century before,
"Best of all, God is with us."
Of late years the orphanage at Ashley Down
has not had as many inmates as formerly, and some four or five hundred more
might now be received. Mr. Mueller felt constrained, for some years previous
to his death, to make these vacancies known to the public, in hopes that some
destitute orphans might find there a home. But it must be remembered that the
provision for such children has been greatly enlarged since this orphan work
was begun. In 1834 the total accommodation for all orphans, in England,
reached thirty-six hundred, while the prisons contained nearly twice as many
children under eight years of age. This state of things led to the rapid
enlargement of the work until over two thousand were housed on Ashley Down
alone; and this colossal enterprise stimulated others to open similar
institutions until, fifty years after Mr. Mueller began his work, at least
one hundred thousand orphans were cared for in England alone. Thus God used
Mr. Mueller to give such an impetus to this form of philanthropy, that
destitute children became the object of a widely organized charity both on
the part of individuals and of societies, and orphanages now exist for
various classes.
In all this manifold work which Mr. Mueller did he was, to the last,
self-oblivious. From the time when, in October, 1830, he had given up all
stated salary, as pastor and minister of the gospel, he had never received
any salary, stipend nor fixed income, of any sort, whether as a pastor or as
a director of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution. Both principle and
preference led him to wait only upon God for all personal needs, as also for
all the wants of his work. Nevertheless God put into the hearts of His
believing children in all parts of the world, not only to send gifts in aid
of the various branches of the work which Mr. Mueller superintended, but to
forward to him money for his own uses, as well as clothes, food, and other
temporal supplies. He never appropriated one penny which was not in some way
indicated or designated as for his own personal needs, and subject to his
personal judgment. No straits of individual or family want ever led him to
use, even for a time, what was sent to him for other ends. Generally gifts
intended for himself were wrapped up in paper with his name written thereon,
or in other equally distinct ways designated as meant for him. Thus as early
as 1874 his year's income reached upwards of twenty-one hundred pounds. Few
nonconformist ministers, and not one in twenty of the clergy of the
establishment, have any such income, which averages about six pounds for
every day in the year―and all this came from the Lord, simply in answer to
prayer, and without appeal of any sort to man or even the revelation of
personal needs. If we add legacies paid at the end of the year 1873, Mr.
Mueller's entire income in about thirteen months exceeded thirty-one hundred
pounds. Of this he gave, out and out to the needy, and to the work of God,
the whole amount save about two hundred and fifty, expended on personal and
family wants; and thus started the year 1875 as poor as he had begun
forty-five years before; and if his personal expenses were scrutinized it
would be found that even what he ate and drank and wore was with equal
conscientiousness expended for the glory of God, so that in a true sense we
may say he spent nothing on himself.
In another connection it has already been recorded that, when at Jubbulpore
in 1890, Mr. Mueller received tidings of his daughter's death. To any man of
less faith that shock might have proved, at his advanced age, not only a
stunning but a fatal blow. His only daughter and only child, Lydia, the
devoted wife of James Wright, had been called home, in her fifty-eighth year,
and after nearly thirty years of labour at the orphan houses. What this death
meant to Mr. Mueller, at the age of eighty-four, no one can know who has not
witnessed the mutual devotion of that daughter and that father: and what that
loss was to Mr. Wright, the pen alike fails to portray. If the daughter
seemed to her father humanly indispensable, she was to her husband a sort of
inseparable part of his being; and over such experiences as these it is the
part of delicacy to draw the curtain of silence. But it should be recorded
that no trait in Mrs. Wright was more pathetically attractive than her
humility. Few disciples ever felt their own nothingness as she did, and it
was this ornament to a meek and quiet spirit―the only ornament she wore―that made her seem so beautiful to all who knew her well enough for this
hidden man of the heart to be disclosed to their vision. Did not that
ornament in the Lord's sight appear as of great price? Truly
"the beauty of the Lord her God was upon her."
James Wright had lived with his beloved Lydia for more than eighteen years, in "unmarred and unbroken felicity." They had together shared in prayers and tears before God, bearing all life's burdens in common. Weak as she was physically, he always leaned upon her and found her a tower of spiritual strength in time of heavy responsibility. While, in her lowly-mindedness, she thought of herself as a "little useless thing," he found her both a capable and cheerful supervisor of many most important domestic arrangements where a competent woman's hand was needful: and, with rare tact and fidelity, she kept watch of the wants of the orphans as her dear mother had done before her. After her decease, her husband found among her personal effects a precious treasure―a verse written with her own hand:
"I have seen the face of Jesus,
Tell me not of aught beside;
I have heard the voice of Jesus,
All my soul is satisfied."
This invaluable little fragment, like that
other writing found by this beloved daughter among her mother's effects,
became to Mr. Wright what that had been to Mr. Mueller, a sort of last legacy
from his departed and beloved wife. Her desires were fulfilled; she had seen
the face and heard the voice of Him who alone could satisfy her soul.
In the Fifty-third Report, which extends to May 26, 1892, it is stated that
the expenses exceeded the income for the orphans by a total of over
thirty-six hundred pounds, so that many dear fellow labourers, without the
least complaint, were in arrears as to salaries. This was the second time
only, in fifty-eight years, that the income thus fell short of the expenses.
Ten years previous, the expenses had been in excess of the income by four
hundred and eighty-eight pounds, but, within one month after the new
financial year had begun, by the payment of legacies three times as much as
the deficiency was paid in; and, adding donations, six times as much. And now
the question arose whether God would not have Mr. Mueller contract rather
than expand the work.
He says:
"The Lord's dealings with us during the last year indicate that it is His will we should contract our operations, and we are waiting upon Him for directions as to how and to what extent this should be done; for we have but single object―the glory of God. When I founded this Institution, one of the principles stated was,
'that there would be no enlargement of the work by going into debt':
and in like manner we cannot go on with that which already exists if we have not sufficient coming in to meet the current expenses."
Thus the godly man who loved to expand his
service for God was humble enough to bow to the will of God if its
contraction seemed needful.
Prayer was much increased, and faith did not fail under the trial, which
continued for weeks and months, but was abundantly sustained by the promises
of an unfailing Helper. This distress was relieved in March by the sale of
ten acres of land, at one thousand pounds an acre, and at the close of the
year there was in hand a balance of over twenty-three hundred pounds.
The exigency, however, continued more or less severe until again, in 1893-4,
after several years of trial, the Lord once more bountifully supplied means.
And Mr. Mueller is careful to add that though the appearance during the years
of trial was many times as if God had forgotten or forsaken them and would
never care any more about the Institution, it was only in appearance, for he
was as mindful of it as ever, and he records how by this discipline faith was
still further strengthened, God was glorified in the patience and meekness
whereby He enabled them to endure the testing, and tens of thousands of
believers were blessed in afterward reading about these experiences of divine
*Fifty-fifth Report, p. 82.
Five years after Mrs. Wright's death, Mr. Mueller was left again a widower. His last great mission tour had come to an end in 1892, and in 1895, on the 13th of January, the beloved wife who in all these long journeys had been his constant companion and helper, passed to her rest, and once more left him peculiarly alone, since his devoted Lydia had been called up higher. Yet by the same grace of God which had always before sustained him he was now upheld, and not only kept in unbroken peace, but enabled to
"kiss the Hand which administered the stroke."
At the funeral of his second wife, as at
that of the first, he made the address, and the scene was unique in interest.
Seldom does a man of ninety conduct such a service. The faith that sustained
him in every other trial held him up in this. He lived in such habitual
communion with the unseen world, and walked in such uninterrupted fellowship
with the unseen God, that the exchange of worlds became too real for him to
mourn for those who had made it, or to murmur at the infinite Love that
numbers our days. It moved men more deeply than any spoken word of witness to
see him manifestly borne up as on everlasting Arms.
I remember Mr. Mueller remarking that he waited eight years before he
understood at all the purpose of God in removing his first wife, who seemed
so indispensable to him and his work. His own journal explains more fully
this remark. When it pleased God to take from him his second wife, after
twenty-three years of married life, again he rested on the promise that
"All things work together for good to them that love God"
and reflected his past experiences of its truth. When he lost his first wife after over thirty-nine years of happy wedlock, while he bowed to the Father's will, how that sorrow and bereavement could work good had been wholly a matter of faith, for no compensating good was apparent to sight; yet he believed God's word and waited to see how it would be fulfilled. That loss seemed one that could not be made up. Only a little before, two orphan houses had been opened for nine hundred more orphans, so that there were total accommodations for over two thousand; she, who by nature, culture, gifts, and graces, was so wonderfully fitted to be her husband's helper, and who had with motherly love cared for these children, was suddenly removed from his side. Four years after Mr. Mueller married his second wife, he saw it plainly to be God's will that he should spend life's evening-time in giving witness to the nations. These mission tours could not be otherwise than very trying to the physical powers of endurance, since they covered over two hundred thousand miles and obliged the travellers to spend a week at a time in a train, and sometimes from four to six weeks on board a vessel. Mrs. Mueller, though never taking part in public, was severely taxed, by all this travel, and always busy, writing letters, circulating books and tracts, and in various wars helping and relieving her husband. All at once, while in the midst of these fatiguing journeys and exposures to varying climates, it flashed upon Mr. Mueller that his first wife, who had died in her seventy-third year, could never have undertaken these tours, and that the Lord had thus, in taking her, left him free to make these extensive journeys. She would have been over fourscore years old when these tours began, and, apart from age, could not have borne the exhaustion, because of her frail health; whereas the second Mrs. Mueller, who, at the time, was not yet fifty-seven, was both by her age and strength fully equal to the strain thus put upon her.
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