God's Witness To The Work
THE eleventh chapter of Hebrews―that
"Westminster Abbey" where Old Testament saints have a memorial before God―gives a hint of a peculiar reward which faith enjoys, even in this life, as
an earnest and foretaste of its final recompense.
By faith
"the elders obtained a good report,"
that is, they had witness borne to them
by God in return for witness borne to Him. All the marked examples of faith
here recorded show this twofold testimony. Abel testified to his faith in
God's Atoning Lamb, and God testified to his gifts. Enoch witnessed to the
unseen God by his holy walk with Him, and He testified to Enoch, by his
translation, and even before it, that he pleased God. Noah's faith bore
witness to God's word, by building the ark and preaching righteousness, and
God bore witness to him by bringing a flood upon a world of the ungodly and
saving him and his family in the ark.
George Mueller's life was one long witness to the prayer-hearing God; and,
throughout, God bore him witness that his prayers were heard and his work
accepted. The pages of his journal are full of striking examples of this
witness―the earnest or foretaste of the fuller recompense of reward
reserved for the Lord's coming.
Compensations for renunciations, and rewards for service, do not all wait for
the judgment-seat of Christ, but, as some men's sins are "open beforehand,"
going before to judgment, so the seed sown for God yields a harvest that is
open beforehand to joyful recognition. Divine love graciously and richly
acknowledged these many years of self-forgetful devotion to Him and His needy
ones, by large and unexpected tokens of blessing. Toils and trials, tears and
prayers, were not in vain even this side of the Hereafter.
For illustrations of this we naturally turn first of all to the orphan work.
Ten thousand motherless and fatherless children had found a home and tender
parental care in the institution founded by George Mueller, and were there
fed, clad, and taught, before he was called up higher. His efforts to improve
their state physically, morally, and spiritually were so manifestly owned of
God that he felt his compensation to be both constant and abundant, and his
journal, from time to time, glows with his fervent thanksgivings.
This orphan work would amply repay all its cost during two thirds of a
century, should only its temporal benefits be reckoned. Experience
proved that, with God's blessing, one half of the lives sacrificed among the
children of poverty would be saved by better conditions of body―such as
regularity and cleanliness of habits, good food, pure air, proper clothing,
and wholesome exercise. At least two thirds, if not three fourths, of the
parents whose offspring have found a shelter on Ashley Down had died of
consumption and kindred diseases; and hence the children had been largely
tainted with a like tendency. And yet, all through the history of this orphan
work, there has been such care of proper sanitary conditions that there has
been singular freedom from all sorts of ailments, and especially epidemic
diseases; and when scarlet fever, measles, and such diseases have found
entrance, the cases of sickness have been comparatively few and mild, and the
usual percentage of deaths exceedingly small.
This is not the only department of training in which the recompense has been
abundant. Ignorance is everywhere the usual handmaid of poverty, and there
has been very careful effort to secure proper mental culture. With
what success the education of these orphans has been looked after will
sufficiently appear from the reports of the school inspector. From year to
year these pupils have been examined in reading, writing, arithmetic,
Scripture, dictation, geography, history, grammar, composition, and singing;
and Mr. Horne reported in 1885 an average per cent of all marks as high as
91.1, and even this was surpassed the next year when it was 94, and, two
years later, when it was 96.1.
But in the moral and spiritual welfare of these orphans which has been
primarily sought, the richest recompense has been enjoyed. The one main aim
of Mr. Mueller and his whole staff of helpers, from first to last, has been
to save these children―to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of
the Lord. The hindrances were many and formidable. If the hereditary taint of
disease is to be dreaded, what of the awful legacy of sin and crime! Many of
these little ones had no proper bringing up till they entered the orphan
houses; and not a few had been trained indeed, but only in Satan's schools of
drink and lust. And yet, notwithstanding all these drawbacks, Mr. Mueller
records, with devout thankfulness, that
"the Lord had constrained them, on the whole, to behave exceedingly well, so much so as to attract the attention of observers."
Better still, large numbers have, throughout
the whole history of this work, given signs of a really regenerate state, and
have afterwards maintained a consistent character and conduct, and in some
cases have borne singular witness to the grace of God, both by their complete
transformation and by their influence for good.
In August, 1858, an orphan girl, Martha Pinnell, who had been for over twelve
years under Mr. Mueller's care, and for more than five years ill with
consumption, fell asleep in Jesus. Before her death, she had, for two and a
half years, known the Lord, and the change in her character and conduct had
been remarkable. From an exceedingly disobedient and troublesome child with a
pernicious influence, she had become both very docile and humble and most
influential for good. In her unregenerate days she had declared that, if she
should ever be converted, she would be "a thorough Christian," and so it
proved, her happiness in God, her study of His word, her deep knowledge of
the Lord Jesus, her earnest passion for souls, seemed almost incredible in
one so young and so recently turned to God. And Mr. Mueller has preserved in
the pages of his Journal four of the precious letters written by her to other
inmates of the orphan houses.*
*Narrative, III. 258-267.
At times, and frequently, extensive revivals
have been known among them when scores and hundreds have found the Lord. The
year ending May 26, 1858 was especially notable for the unprecedented
greatness and rapidity of the work which the Spirit of God had wrought, in
such conversions. Within a few days and without any special apparent cause
except the very peaceful death of a Christian orphan, Caroline Bailey, more
than fifty of the one hundred and forty girls in Orphan House No. 1 were
under conviction of sin, and the work spread into the other departments, till
about sixty were shortly exercising faith. In July, 1859, again, in a school
of one hundred and twenty girls more than half brought under deep spiritual
concern; and, after a year had passed, shewed the grace of continuance in a
new life. In January and February, 1860, another mighty wave of Holy Spirit
power swept over the institution. It began among little girls from six to
nine years old, then extended to the older girls, and then to the boys,
until, inside of ten days, above two hundred were inquiring and in many
instances found immediate peace. The young converts at once asked to hold
prayer meetings among themselves, and were permitted; and not only so, but
many began to labour and pray for others, and, out of the seven hundred
orphans then in charge, some two hundred and sixty were shortly regarded as
either converted or in a most hopeful state.
Again, in 1872, on the first day of the week of prayer, the Holy Spirit so
moved that, without any unusual occasion for deep seriousness, hundreds were,
during that season hopefully converted. Constant prayer for their souls made
the orphan homes a hallowed place, and by August 1st, it was believed, after
careful investigation, that seven hundred and twenty-nine might be safely
counted as being disciples of Christ, the number of believing orphans being
thus far in excess of any previous period. A series of such blessings have,
down to this date, crowned the sincere endeavours of all who have charge of
these children, to lead them to seek
"first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness."
By far the majority of orphans sent out for
service or apprenticeship, had for some time before known the Lord; and even
of those who left the Institution unconverted, the after-history of many
showed that the training there received had made impossible continuance in a
life of sin.
Thus, precious harvests of this seed-sowing, gathered in subsequent years,
have shown that God was not unrighteous to forget this work of faith, and
labour of love, and patience of hope.
In April, 1874, a letter from a former inmate of the orphanage enclosed a
thank offering for the excellent Bible teaching there received which had
borne fruit years after. So carefully had she been instructed in the way of
salvation that, while yet herself unrenewed, she had been God's instrument of
leading to Christ a fellow servant who had long been seeking peace, and so,
became like a sign-board on the road, the means of directing another to the
true path, by simply telling her what she had been taught, though not then
following the path herself.
Another orphan wrote, in 1876, that often, when tempted to indulge the sin of
unbelief, the thought of that six years' sojourn in Ashley Down came across
the mind like a gleam of sunshine. It was remembered how the clothes there
worn, the food eaten, the bed slept on, and the very walls around, were the
visible answers to believing prayer, and the recollection of all these things
proved a potent prescription and remedy for the doubts and waverings of the
child of God, a shield against the fiery darts of satanic suggestion.
During the thirty years between 1865 and 1895, two thousand five hundred and
sixty-six orphans were known to have left the institution as believers, an
average of eighty-five every year; and, at the close of this thirty years,
nearly six hundred were yet in the homes on Ashley Down who had given
credible evidence of a regenerate state.
Mr. Mueller was permitted to know that not only had these orphans been
blessed in health, educated in mind, converted to God, and made useful
Christian citizens, but many of them had become fathers or mothers of
Christian households. One representative instance may be cited. A man and a
woman who had formerly been among these orphans became husband and wife, and
they have had eight children, all earnest disciples, one of whom went as a
foreign missionary to Africa.
From the first, God set His seal upon this religious training in the orphan
houses. The first two children received into No. 1 both became true
believers and zealous workers: one, a Congregational deacon, who, in a
benighted neighbourhood, acted the part of a lay preacher; and the other, a
laborious and successful clergyman in the Church of England, and both largely
used of God in soul-winning. Could the full history be written of who have
gone forth from these orphan homes, what volume of testimony would be
furnished, since these are but a few scattered examples of the conspicuously
useful service to which God has called those whose after-career can be
In his long and extensive missionary tours, Mr. Mueller was permitted to see,
gather, and partake of many widely scattered fruits of his work on Ashley
Down. While preaching in Brooklyn, N. Y., in September, 1877, he learned that
in Philadelphia a legacy of a thousand pounds was waiting for him, the
proceeds of a life-insurance which the testator had willed to the work, and
in city after city he had the joy of meeting scores of orphans brought up
under his care.
He minutely records the remarkable usefulness of a Mr. Wilkinson, who, up to
the age of fourteen and a half years had been taught at the orphanage. Twenty
years had elapsed since Mr. Mueller had seen him, when, in 1878, he met him
in Calvary Church, San Francisco, six thousand five hundred miles from
Bristol. He found him holding fast his faith in the Lord Jesus, a happy and
consistent Christian. He further heard most inspiring accounts of this man's
singular service during the Civil War in America. Being on the gunboat
Louisiana, he had there been the leading spirit and recognized head of a
little Bethel church among his fellow seamen, who were by him led to engage
in the service of Christ as to exhibit a devotion that, without a trace of
fanatical enthusiasm, was full of holy zeal and joy. Their whole conversation
was of God. It further transpired that, months previous, when the cloud of
impending battle overhung the ship's company, he and one of his comrades had
met for prayer in the "chain-locker"; and thus began a series of most
remarkable meetings which, without one night's interruption, lasted for some
twenty months. Wilkinson alone among the whole company had any previous
knowledge of the word of God, and he became not only the leader of the
movement, but the chief interpreter of the Scriptures as they met to read the
book of God and exchange views upon it. Nor was he satisfied to do thus much
with his comrades daily, but at another stated hour he, with some chosen
helpers, gathered the coloured sailors of the ship to teach them reading,
writing, etc.
A member of the Christian Commission, Mr. J. R. Hammond, who gave these facts
publicity, and who was intimately acquainted with Mr. Wilkinson and his work
on shipboard, said that he seemed to be a direct
"product of Mr. Mueller's faith, his calm confidence in God, the method in his whole manner of life, the persistence of purpose, and the quiet spiritual power,"
which so characterized the founder of the
Bristol orphanage, being eminently reproduced in this young man who had been
trained under his influence. When in a sail-loft ashore, he was compelled for
two weeks to listen to the lewd and profane talk of two associates detailed
with him for a certain work. For the most part he took refuge in silence; but
his manner of conduct, and one sentence which dropped from his lips, brought
both those rough and wicked sailors to the Saviour he loved, one of whom in
three months read the word of God from Genesis to Revelation.
Mr. Mueller went nowhere without meeting converted orphans or hearing of
their work, even in the far-corners of the earth. Sometimes in great cities
ten or fifteen would be waiting at the close of an address to shake the hand
of their "father," and tell him of their debt of gratitude and love. He found
them in every conceivable sphere of service, many of them having strong holds
in which the principles taught in the orphan house were dominant, and engaged
in the learned professions as well as humbler walks of life.
God gave His servant also the sweet compensation seeing great blessing
attending the day-schools supported by the Scriptural Knowledge Institution.
The master of the school at Clayhidon, for instance, wrote of a poor lad, a
pupil in the day-school, prostrate with rheumatic fever, in a wretched home
and surrounded by bitter opposers of the truth. Wasted to a skeleton, and in
deep anxiety about his own soul, he was pointed to Him who says,
"Come unto Me, and I will give you rest."
While yet this conversation was going on, as though suddenly he had entered into a new world, this emaciated boy began to repeat texts such as
"Suffer the little children to come unto me,"
and burst out singing:
"Jesus loves me, this I know,
For the Bible tells me so."
He seemed transported with ecstasy, and
recited text after text and hymn after hymn, learned at that school. No
marvel is it if that schoolmaster felt a joy, akin to the angels, in this one
proof that his labour in the Lord was not in vain. Such examples might be
indefinitely multiplied, but this handful of first-fruits of a harvest may
indicate the character of the whole crop.
Letters were constantly received from missionary labourers in various parts
of the world who were helped by the gifts of the Scriptural Knowledge
Institution. The testimony from this source alone would fill a good-sized
volume, and therefore its incorporation into this memoir would be
impracticable. Those who would see what grand encouragement came to Mr.
Mueller from fields of labour where he was only represented by others, whom
his gifts aided, should read the annual reports. A few examples may be given
of the blessed results of such wide scattering of the seed of the kingdom, as
specimens of thousands.
Mr. Albert Fenn, who was labouring in Madrid, wrote of a civil guard who,
because of his bold witness for Christ and renunciation of the Romish
confessional, was sent from place to place and most cruelly treated, and
threatened with banishment to a penal settlement. Again he writes of a
convert from Rome who, for trying to establish a small meeting, was summoned
before the governor.
"Who pays you for this? "
"No one."
"What do you gain by it?"
"How do you live?"
"I work with my hands in a mine."
"Why do you hold meetings?"
"Because God has blessed my soul, and I wish others to be blessed."
"You? you were made a miserable day-labourer; I prohibit the meetings."
"I yield to force," was the calm reply, "but as long as I have a mouth to speak I shall speak for Christ."
How like those primitive disciples who boldly faced the rulers at Jerusalem, and, being forbidden to speak in Jesus' name, firmly answered:
"We ought to obey God rather
than man
whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you
more than unto God judge ye:
for we cannot but speak the things
which we have seen and heard."
A missionary labourer writes from India, of
three Brahman priests and scores of Santhals and Hindus, sitting down with
four Europeans to keep the supper of the Lord―all fruits of his ministry.
Within a twelvemonth, sixty-two men and women, including head men of
villages; four Brahman women, wives of priests and of head men, were
baptized, representing twenty-three villages in which the gospel had been
preached. At one time more than one hundred persons were awakened in one
mission in Spain; and such harvests as these were not infrequent in various
fields to which the founder of the orphan work had the joy of sending aid.
In 1885, a scholar of one of the schools at Carrara, Italy, was confronted by
a priest.
"In the Bible," said he, "you do not find the commandments of the church."
"No, sir," said the child, "for it is not for the church of God to command, but to obey."
"Tell me, then," said the priest, "these commandments of God,"
"Yes, sir," replied child;"'I am the Lord thy God.
Thou shalt have no other God before me.
Neither shalt thou make any graven image.'""Stop! stop!" cried the priest, "I do not understand it so."
"But so," quietly replied the child, "it is written in God's word."
This simple incident may illustrate both the
character of the teaching given in the schools, and the character often
developed in those who were taught.
Out of the many pages of Mr. Mueller's journal, probably about one-fifth are
occupied wholly with extracts from letters like these from missionaries,
teachers, and helpers which kept him informed of the progress of the Lord's
work at home and in many lands where the labourers were by him enabled to
continue their service. Bible-carriages, open-air services, Christian
schools, tract distribution, and various other forms of holy labour for the
benighted souls near and far, formed part of the many-branching tree of life
that was planted on Ashley Down.
Another of the main encouragements and rewards which Mr. Mueller enjoyed in
this life was the knowledge that his example had emboldened other believers
to attempt like work for God, on like principles. This he himself regarded as
the greatest blessing resulting from his life-work, that hundreds of
thousands of children of God had been led in various parts of the world to
trust in God in all simplicity; and when such trust found expression in
similar service to orphans, it seemed the consummation of his hopes, for the
work was thus proven to have its seed in itself after its kind, a
self-propagating life, which doubly demonstrated it to be a tree of the
Lord's own planting, that He might be glorified.
In December, 1876, Mr. Mueller learned, for instance, that a Christian
evangelist, simply through reading about the orphan work in Bristol, had it
laid on his heart to care about orphans, and encouraged by Mr. Mueller's
example, solely in dependence on the Lord, had begun in 1863 with three
orphans at Nimwegen in Holland, and had at that date, only fourteen years
after, over four hundred and fifty in the institution. It pleased the Lord
that he and Mrs. Mueller should, with their own eyes, see this institution,
and he says that in "almost numberless instances" the Lord permitted him to
know of similar fruits of his work.
At his first visit to Tokyo, Japan, he gave an account of it, and as the
result, Mr. Ishii, a native Christian Japanese, started an orphanage upon a
similar basis of prayer, faith, and dependence upon the Living God, and at
Mr. Mueller's second visit to the Island Empire he found this orphan work
prosperously in progress.
How generally fruitful the example thus furnished on Ashley Down has been in
good to the church and the work will never be known on earth. A man living at
Horfield, in sight of the orphan buildings, has said that, whenever he felt
doubts of the Living God creeping into his mind, he used to get up and look
through the night at the many windows lit up on Ashley Down, and they gleamed
out through the darkness as stars in the sky.
It was the witness of Mr. Mueller to a prayer-hearing God which encouraged
Rev. J. Hudson Taylor in 1863, thirty years after Mr. Mueller's great step
was taken, to venture wholly on the Lord, in founding the China Inland
Mission. It has been said that to the example of A. H. Franck? in Halle, or
George Mueller in Bristol, may be more or less directly traced every form of
"faith work," prevalent since.
The Scriptural Knowledge Institution was made in all its departments a means
of blessing. Already in the year ending May 26, 1860, a hundred servants of
Christ had been more or less aided, and far more souls had been hopefully
brought to God through their labours than during any year previous. About six
hundred letters, received from them, had cheered Mr. Mueller's heart during
twelvemonth, and this source of joy overflowed during all his life. In
countless cases children of God were lifted to a higher level of faith and
life, and unconverted souls were turned to God through the witness borne to
God by the institutions on Ashley Down. Mr. Mueller has summed up this long
history of blessing by two statements which are worth pondering.
First, that the Lord, was pleased to give him far beyond all he at first expected to accomplish or receive;
And secondly, that he was fully persuaded that all he had seen and known would not equal the thousandth part of what he should see and know when The Lord should come, His reward with Him, to give every man according that his work shall be.
The circulation of Mr. Mueller's
Narrative was a most conspicuous means of untold good.
In November, 1856, Mr. James McQuilkin, a young Irishman, was converted, and
early in the next year, read the first two volumes of that Narrative. He said
to himself:
"Mr. Mueller obtains all this simply by prayer; so may I be blessed by the same means,"
and he began to pray. First of all he
received from the Lord, in answer, a spiritual companion, and then two more
of like mind; and they four began stated seasons of prayer in a small
schoolhouse near Kells, Antrim, Ireland, every Friday evening. On the first
day of the new year, 1858, a farm-servant was remarkably brought to the Lord
in answer to their prayers, and these five gave themselves anew to united
supplication. Shortly a sixth young man was added to their number by
conversion, and so the little company of praying souls slowly grew, only
believers being admitted to these simple meetings for fellowship in reading
of the Scriptures, prayer, and mutual exhortation.
About Christmas, that year, Mr. McQuilkin, with the two brethren who had
first joined him―one of whom was Mr. Jeremiah Meneely, who is still at work
for God―held meeting by request at Ahoghill. Some believed and some mocked,
while others thought these three converts presumptuous; but two weeks later
another meeting was held, at which God's Spirit began to work most mightily
and conversions now rapidly multiplied. Some converts bore the sacred coals
and kindled the fire elsewhere, and in many places revival flames began to
burn; and in Ballymena, Belfast, and at other points the Spirit's gracious
work was manifest.
Such was the starting-point, in fact, of one of the most widespread and
memorable revivals ever known in our century, and which spread the next year
in England, Wales, and Scotland. Thousands found Christ, and walked in
newness of life; and the results are still manifest after more than forty
As early as 1868 it was found that one who had thankfully read this Narrative
had issued a compendium of it in Swedish. We have seen how widely useful it
has been in Germany; and in many other languages its substance at least has
been made available to native readers.
Knowledge came to Mr. Mueller of a boy of ten years who got hold of one of
these Reports, and, although belonging to a family of unbelievers, began to
"God, teach me to pray like George Mueller, and hear me as Thou dost hear George Mueller."
He further declared his wish to be a preacher, which his widowed mother very strongly opposed, objecting that the boy did not know enough to get into the grammar-school, which is the first step towards such a high calling. The lad, however, rejoined:
"I learn and pray, and God will help me through as He has done George Mueller."
And soon, to the surprise of everybody, the
boy had successfully passed his examination and was received at the school.
A donor writes, September 20, 1879, that the reading of the Narrative totally
changed his inner life to one of perfect trust and confidence in God. It led
to the devoting of at least a tenth of his earnings to the Lord's purposes,
and showed him how much more blessed it is to give than to receive; and it
led him also to place a copy of that Narrative on the shelves of a Town
Institute library where three thousand members and subscribers might have
access to it.
Another donor suggests that it might be well if Prof. Huxley and his
sympathizers, who had been proposing some new arbitrary "prayer-gauge,"
would, instead of treating prayer as so much waste of breath, try how long
they could keep five orphan houses running, with over two thousand orphans,
and without asking any one for help,―either "GOD or MAN."
In September, 1882, another donor describes himself as
"simply astounded at the blessed results of prayer and faith,"
and many others have found this brief narrative
"the most wonderful and complete refutation of skepticism it had ever been their lot to meet with"―
an array of facts constituting the most undeniable
"evidences of Christianity."
There are abundant instances of the power exerted by Mr. Mueller's testimony, as when a woman who had been an infidel, writes him that he was
"the first person by whose example she learned that there are some men who live by faith,"
and that for this reason she had willed to
him all that she possessed.
Another reader found these Reports
"more faith-strengthening and soul-refreshing than many a sermon,"
particularly so after just wading through
the mire of a speech of a French infidel who boldly affirmed that of all of
the millions of prayers uttered every day, not one is answered. We should
like to have any candid skeptic confronted with Mr. Mueller's unvarnished
story of a life of faith, and see how he would on any principle of "compound
probability" and "accidental coincidences," account for the tens of thousands
of answers to believing prayer! The fact is that one half of the infidelity
in the world is dishonest, and the other half is ignorant of the daily proofs
that God is, and is a Rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.
From almost the first publication of his Narrative, Mr. Mueller had felt a
conviction that it was thus to be greatly owned of God as a witness to His
faithfulness; and, as early as 1842, it was laid on his heart to send a copy
of the Annual Report gratuitously to every Christian minister of the land,
which the Lord helped him to do, his aim being not to get money or even
awaken interest in the work, but rather to stimulate faith and quicken
Twenty-two years later, in 1868, it was already so apparent that the
published accounts of the Lord's dealing was used so largely to sanctify and
edify saints and even to convert sinners and convince infidels, that he
records this as the greatest of all the spiritual blessings hitherto
resulting from his work for God. Since then thirty years more have fled, and,
during this whole period, letters from a thousand sources have borne
increasing witness that the example he set has led others to fuller faith and
firm confidence in God's word, power, and love; to a deep persuasion that,
though Elijah has been taken up, God, the God of Elijah, is still working His
And so, in all departments of his work for God, the Lord to whom he witnessed
bore witness to him in return and anticipated his final reward in a
recompense of present and overflowing joy. This was especially true in the
long tours undertaken, when, past threescore and ten, to sow in lands afar
the seeds of the Kingdom! As the sower went forth to sow he found not fallow
fields only, but harvest fields also, from which his arms were filled with
sheaves. Thus, in a new sense the reaper overtook the ploughman, and the
harvester, him that scattered the seed. In every city of the United Kingdom
and in the "sixty-eight cities" where, up to 1877, he had preached on the
continents of Europe and America, he had found converted orphans, and
believers to whom abundant blessing had come through reading his reports.
After this date, twenty-one years more yet remained crowded with experiences
of good.
Thus, before the Lord called George Mueller higher, He had given him a
foretaste of his reward, in the physical, intellectual and spiritual profit
of the orphans; in the fruits of his wide seed-sowing in other lands as well
as Britain; in the scattering of God's word and Christian literature; in the
Christian education of thousands of children in the schools he aided; in the
assistance afforded to hundreds of devoted missionaries; in the large
blessing imparted by his published narrative, and in his personal privilege
of bearing witness throughout the world to the gospel of grace.
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