1 Baptist
hymnal Edited by Walter Hines Sims (Nashville, TN: Convention Press, 1956) 238
2 J.I. Packer and R.O. Johnston, Historical and
Theological Introduction to The Bondage of the Will by Martin Luther, tr. by Packer
and Johnston (Cambridge: Jas. Clark & Co. Ltd., 1957) 4043
3 Zacharias Ursinas, Commentary on the Heidelburg
Catechism (Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian & Reformed, [Reproduction of second American
edition, Columbus, Ohio, 1852]) 65
4 Ibid.
5 Robert Shaw, An Exposition of the Westminster
Confession of Faith (Scotland: Christian Focus Publications, 1992) 116
6 As quoted in the Evangelical Times, April 1996
7 J.I Packer, Evangelism & the Sovereignty of God
(Downers Grove, Illinois: Inter-Varsity Press, 1961) 18-24
8 (Den bulk Foundation) 347348
9 (Nashville: The Sunday School Board of the Southern
Bapist Convention, 1963) 12
10 SBC Today, 1:9, 23
11 Ibid.
12 (Mueller, History of Southern Seminary (Nashville:
Broadman Press) 238
13 An Interpretation of the English Bible: Colossians,
Ephesians, and Hebreus (Nashville: Broadman, 1948) 140141, 150
14 Simon and Schuster, 199
15 A dissertation, Southern Baptist Theological
Seminary, 1963
16 266, 339, 343, 344, 348, 43437
17 Taken from W.C. Harrell, class notes, The Southern
Baptist Theological Seminary
18 (Valley Forge, Pennsylvania: Judson Press, 1917)
19 Michael A. G. Haykin, One Heart and One Soul
(Durham, England: Evangelical Press, 1994) 48
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