international reformed baptist church directory
Bardstown Christian Fellowship Church
310 North 2nd Street
Bardstown, KY, 40004
We are a Reformed and Baptistic church plant in the heart of Kentucky. Our
sponsoring church is Capitol Hill Baptist Church in D.C. and we practice the
Nine Marks. Join us for worship at 10am.
Cornerstone Baptist Church
1000 Old Union Church Rd
London, KY 40741
Having been led by the Spirit to receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior,
and upon our public display of faith, having been baptized in the name of the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we as a body bought by the blood of Christ
to be His own possession, covenant together with joyful expectation as a local,
autonomous, body of believers. We therefore set ourselves toward the goal of
Christian unity with the aid of the Holy Spirit to live our lives for the glory
of our God the Father. We will affectionately care for one another in truth and
in love being slow to speech and anger and quick to listen. We will admonish and
build one another toward Godliness so that the name of our God may be praised.
Upon the need of discipline we will exercise the commands of our Lord for the
sake of His name, and the salvation of our brother’s soul. We here bind
ourselves to pray for one another in sickness and prosperity. We will preach the
Gospel near and far, in season and out of season to make disciples of all
nations. We will give aid to the needy, food to the hungry, and money to the
poor as we are motivated by our love for our Savior. We engage ourselves in
building a Church sound in doctrine, and in practice as we are bound by the Word
of God to teach and teach well. We will promote holiness, joy, readiness,
worship, and a desire for growth in sanctification. We commit ourselves to
worship outside of our gathering together being involved in daily personal and
family worship. We will not forsake the gathering together of this body. May God
grant His blessings upon us as we stand together for the Truth, for His name,
and for the nations.
Covenant Baptist Church
2900 US Highway 41 N
Henderson, KY, 42420
Sunday School - 9:30AM Sunday Service - 10:45AM Wednesday Prayer - 6:30PM
1495 Bacon Creek Road
Elizabethtown, KY, 42701
CrossPoint is a Reformed Baptist Church
in the Heartland of Kentucky. Join us
morning at
Grace Family Fellowship
170 Stephen's Ridge Road
Russell Springs, KY 42642
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
1501 East 26th Street
Owensboro, KY 42303
Pastor Sam Waldron
Deaf Reformed Baptist Church
586 Carman Lane
Stanford, KY 40484
Rev Chester Brock
We might add that Calvinism stresses the five great doctrines rediscovered in
the Protestant Reformation, namely Sola Scriptura (Scripture alone), Sola Gratia
(grace alone), Sola Fide (faith alone), Solo Christo (Christ alone), and Soli
Deo Gloria (to God alone be the glory). Since we believe that all doctrines must
be tested by Scripture (Acts 17:11; 1 Thess. 5:21; Isa. 8:20), you are invited
to search the Scriptures and see if Calvinism is indeed the teaching of the Word
of God.
First Baptist Church
1050 Claylick
Marion, KY 42064
Mickey Myers
270.965.2579 (home) 270.965.5002 (fax)
Green River Area Deaf Fellowship
Meets at New Life Church
400 Crabtree Ave.
Owensboro, Kentucky
1.270.926.7912 TTY (KY Relay Service, dail 711 and give the # to the CA)
The service conducts in America Sign Language. We currently hold to the historic
Baptist faith which known as Baptist Confession of Faith 1689.
Heritage Baptist Church
3585 Thruston-Dermont Rd.
Owensboro, KY, 42303
Pastor Keith Maddy, email
We believe that every church ought to freely confess its doctrinal understanding
of God's Word. We are a Reformed Baptist church and embrace the London Baptist
Confession of Faith of 1689 as our primary confession of faith. We also consider
the Canons of Dortrecht, the Abstract of Principles, and the Baptist Faith and
Message of 2000 as excellent expressions of the teaching of the God's Word. We
find them to be a confirmation in faith, a means of edification in righteousness
and a basis for church unity should controversy arise. We acknowledge, however,
the inerrant Scriptures to be the supreme authority in all matters of faith,
morals and order.
Kosmosdale Baptist Church
7012 Shipley Ln.
Louisville, KY, 40272
Meadowthorpe Baptist
330 Larch Lane
Lexington, KY 40511
Go to web site for information.
Reformed Baptist Church of
Elizabethtown, KY
Pastor: Russ Brown
Reformed Baptist Church of Louisville
PO Box 991257
Louisville, KY 40269-1257
Jim Savastio - email
Bob Brown - email
John Grevious - email
Sovereign Grace Baptist Church
229 North Miles St.
Elizabethtown, Kentucky
Worship Times:
Sunday Bible School: 10:00 AM
Sunday Worship Services: 11:00AM
Sunday Bible Study: 6:00PM
We are an elder led, Reformed Baptist Church that embraces the Doctrines of
Grace and the Solas of the Reformation. Our statement of faith is the 1689
London Baptist Confession. Contact Pastor Sonny Hernandez by cell 270.319.7772,
or email at:
for any questions.
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