The Power of Christ's Resurrection
by George Whitefield
"That I may know Him, and the power of his resurrection."
Philippians 3:10
The apostle, in the verses before the text, had been cautioning the
Philippians to "beware of the concision," Judaizing teachers, who endeavored to
subvert them from the simplicity of the gospel, by telling them, they still
ought to be subject to circumcision, and all the other ordinances of Moses. And
that they might not think he spoke out of prejudice, and condemned their tenets,
because he himself was a stranger to the Jewish dispensation, he acquaints them,
that if any other man thought he had whereof he might trust in the flesh, or
seek to be justified by the outward privileges of the Jews, he had more: For he
was "circumcised the eighth day; of the stock of Israel (not a proselyte, but a
native Israelite); of the tribe of Benjamin (the tribe which adhered to Judah
when the others revolted); an Hebrew of the Hebrews (a Jew both on the father's
and mother's side); and as touching the law, a Pharisee," the strictest sect
amongst all Israel. To show that he was no Gallio in religion, through his
great, though misguided zeal, he had persecuted the church of Christ; and "as
touching the righteousness of the law (as far as the Pharisees exposition of it
went, he was) blameless," and had kept it from his youth. But, when it pleased
God, who separated him from his mother's womb, to reveal his Son in him, "What
things were gain to me," (he says) those privileges I boasted myself in, and
sought to be justified by, "I counted loss for Christ." And that they might not
think he repented that he had done so, he tells them, he was now more confirmed
than ever in his judgment. For, says he, "yea doubtless (the expression in the
original rises with a holy triumph) and I do count all things but loss for the
excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord." And that they might not
object that he said, and did not, he acquaints them, he had given proofs of the
sincerity of these professions, because for the sake of them, he had suffered
the loss of all his worldly things, and still was willing to do more; for, "I
count them but dung (no more than offals thrown out to dogs) so that I may win,
(or have a saving interest in) Christ, and be found in him( as the manslayer in
the city of refuge) not having my own righteousness which is of the law, (not
depending on having Abraham for my father, or on any works of righteousness
which I have done, either to atone or serve as a balance for my evil deeds) but
that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by
faith," a righteousness of God's appointing, and which will be imputed to me, if
I believe in Christ, "that I may know him, and the power of his resurrection;"
that I may have an experimental knowledge of the efficacy of his resurrection,
by feeling the influences of his blessed Spirit on my soul. In which words two
things are implied.
FIRST, That Jesus Christ did rise from the dead.
SECONDLY, That it highly concerns us to know the power of his rising again.
Accordingly, in the following discourse I shall endeavor to show,
FIRST, That Christ is risen indeed from the dead; and that it was necessary for
him so to do; and,
SECONDLY, That it highly concerns us to know and experience the power of his
FIRST, Christ is indeed risen.
That Jesus should rise from the dead was absolutely necessary;
1. FIRST, On his own account. He had often appealed to this as the last and most
convincing proof he would give them that the was the Messiah, "There shall no
other sign be given you, than the sign of the prophet Jonas." And again,
"Destroy this temple of my body, and in three days I will build it up." Which
words his enemies remembered, and urged it as an argument, to induce Pilate to
grant them a watch, to prevent his being stolen out of the grave. "We know that
deceiver said, whilst he was yet alive, after three days I will rise again." So
that had he not risen again, they might have justly said, we know that this man
was an impostor.
2. SECONDLY, It was necessary on our account. "He rose again" (says the apostle)
for our justification;" or that the debt we owed to God for our sins, might be
fully satisfied and discharged.
It had pleased the Father (for ever adored be his infinite love and free grace)
to wound his only Son for our transgressions, and to arrest and confine him in
the prison of the grave, as our surety for the guilt we had contracted by
setting at nought his commandments. Now had Christ continued always in the
grave, we could have had no more assurance that our sins were satisfied for,
than any common debtor can have of his creditor's being satisfied, whilst his
surety is kept confined. But he being released from the power of death, we are
thereby assured, that with his sacrifice God was well pleased, that our
atonement was finished on the cross, and that he hath made a full, perfect, and
sufficient sacrifice, oblation, and satisfaction for the sins of the world.
3. THIRDLY, It was necessary that our Lord Jesus should rise again from the
dead, to assure us of the certainty of the resurrection of our own bodies.
The doctrine of the resurrection of the body was entirely exploded and set at
nought among the Gentiles, as appears from the Athenians mocking at, and calling
St. Paul "a babbler and a setter forth of strange doctrines," when he preached
to them Jesus, and the resurrection. And though it was believed by most of the
Jews, as is evident from many passages of scripture, yet not by all; the whole
sect of the Sadducees denied it. But the resurrection of Jesus Christ put it out
of dispute. For as he acted as our representative, if he our head be risen, then
must we also, who are his members, rise with him. And as in the first Adam we
all died, even so in him our second Adam we must all, in this sense, be made
As it was necessary, upon these accounts, that our blessed Lord should rise from
the dead; so it is plain beyond contradiction, that he did. Never was any matter
of fact better attested; never were more precautions made use of to prevent a
cheat. He was buried in a sepulcher, hewn out of a rock, so that it could not be
said that any digged under, and conveyed him away. It was a sepulcher also
wherein never man before was laid; so that if any body did rise from thence, it
must be the body of Jesus of Nazareth. Besides, the sepulcher was sealed; a
great stone rolled over the mouth of it; and a band of soldiers (consisting not
of friends, but of his professed enemies) was set to guard it. And as for his
disciples coming by night and stealing him away, it was altogether improbable:
For it was not long since, that they had all forsaken him, and they were the
most backward in believing his resurrection. And supposing it was true, that
they came whilst the soldiers slept; yet the soldiers must be cast into a deep
sleep indeed, that the rolling away so great a stone did not awake some of them.
And our blessed Lord's afterwards appearing at sundry times, and in divers
manners, to his disciples, as when they were assembled together, when they were
walking to Emmaus, when they were fishing: nay, and condescending to show them
his hands and feet, and his appearing to above five hundred brethren at once,
put the truth of his resurrection out of all dispute.
Indeed, there is one objection that may be made against what has been said, that
the books wherein these facts are recorded were written by his disciples.
And who more proper persons than those who were eye-witnesses of what they
related, and eat and drank with him after his resurrection? "But they were
illiterate and ignorant men." Yet as good witnesses of a plain matter of fact,
as the most learned masters in Israel. Nay, this rendered them more proper
witnesses. For being plain men, they were therefore less to be suspected of
telling or making a lie, particularly, since they laid down their lives for a
testimony of the truth of it. We read indeed of Jacob's telling a lie, though he
was a plain man, in order to get his father's blessing. But it was never heard
since the world began, that any man, much less a whole set of men, died martyrs,
for the sake of an untruth, when they themselves were to reap no advantage from
No, this single circumstance proves them to Israelites indeed, in whom was no
guile. And the wonderful success God gave to their ministry afterwards, when
three thousand were converted by one sermon; and twelve poor fishermen, in a
very short time enabled to be more than conquerors over all the opposition men
or devils could make, was as plain a demonstration, that Christ was risen,
according to their gospel, as that a divine power, at the sound of a few ram's
horns, causes the walls of Jericho to fall down.
But what need we any farther witnesses? Believe you the resurrection of our
blessed Lord? I know that you believe it, as your gathering together on this
first day of the week in the courts of the Lord's house abundantly testifies.
What concerns us most to be assured of, and which is the
SECOND thin I was to speak to, is, Whether we have experimentally known the
power of his resurrection; that is, Whether or not we have received the Holy
Ghost, and by his powerful operations on our hearts have been raised from the
death of sin, to a life of righteousness and true holiness.
It was this, the great apostle was chiefly desirous to know. The resurrection of
Christ's body he was satisfied would avail him nothing, unless he experienced
the power of it in raising his dead soul.
For another, and that a chief end of our blessed Lord's rising from the dead,
was to enter heaven as our representative, and to send down the Holy Ghost to
apply that redemption he had finished on the cross, to our hearts, by working an
entire change in them.
Without this, Christ would have died in vain. For it would have done us no
service to have had his outward righteousness imputed to us, unless we had an
inward inherent righteousness wrought in us. Because, being altogether conceived
and born in sin, and consequently unfit to hold communion with an infinitely
pure and holy God, we cannot possibly be made meet to see or enjoy him, till a
thorough renovation has passed upon our hearts.
Without this, we leave out the Holy Ghost in the great work of our redemption.
But as we were made by the joint concurrence and consultation of the blessed
trinity; and as we were baptized in their name, so must all of them concur in
our salvation: As the Father made, and the Son redeemed, so must the Holy Ghost
sanctify and seal us, or otherwise we have believed in vain.
This then is what the apostle means by the "Power of Christ's resurrection," and
this is what we are as much concerned experimentally to know, as that He rose at
Without this, though we may be moralists, though we may be civilized,
good-natured people, yet we are no Christians. For he is not a true Christian,
who is only one outwardly; nor have we therefore a right, because we daily
profess to believe that Christ rose again the third day from the dead. But he is
a true Christian who is one inwardly; and then only can we be stiled true
believers, when we not only profess to believe, but have felt the power of our
blessed Lord's rising from the dead, by being quickened and raised by his
Spirit, when dead in trespasses and sins, to a thorough newness both of heart
and life.
The devils themselves cannot but believe the doctrine of the resurrection, and
tremble; but yet they continue devils, because the benefits of this resurrection
have not been applied to them, nor have they received a renovating power from
it, to change and put off their diabolical nature. And so, unless we not only
profess to know, but also feel that Christ is risen indeed, by being born again
from above, we shall be as far from the kingdom of God as they: our faith will
be as ineffectual as the faith of devils.
Nothing has done more harm to the Christian world, nothing has rendered the
cross of Christ of less effect, than a vain supposition, that religion is
something without us. Whereas we should consider, that every thing that Christ
did outwardly, must be done over again in our souls; or otherwise, the believing
there was such a divine person once on earth, who triumphed over hell and the
grave, will profit us no more, than believing there was once such a person as
Alexander, who conquered the world.
As Christ was born of the Virgin's womb, so must he be spiritually formed in our
hearts. As he died for sin, so must we die to sin. And as he rose again from the
dead, so must we also rise to a divine life.
None but those who have followed him in this regeneration, or new-birth, shall
sit on thrones as approvers of his sentence, when he shall come in terrible
majesty to judge the twelve tribes of Israel.
It is true, as for the outward work of our redemption, it was a transient act,
and was certainly finished on the cross, but the application of that redemption
to our hearts, is a work that will continue always, even unto the end of the
So long as there is an elect man breathing on the earth, who is naturally
engendered of the offspring of the first Adam, so long must the quickening
spirit, which was purchased by the resurrection of the second Adam, that Lord
from heaven, be breathing upon his soul.
For though we may exist by Christ, yet we cannot be said to exist in him, till
we are united to him by one spirit, and enter into a new state of things, as
certainly as he entered into a new state of things, after that he rose from the
We may throng and crowd about Christ, and call him "Lord, Lord," when we come to
worship before his footstool; but we have not effectually touched him, till by a
lively faith in his resurrection, we perceive a divine virtue coming out of him,
to renew and purify our souls.
How greatly then do they err who rest in a bare historical faith of our Savior's
resurrection, and look only for external proofs to evidence it? Whereas were we
the most learned disputers of this world, and could speak of the certainty of
this fact with the tongue of men and angels, yet without this inward testimony
of it in our hearts, though we might convince others, yet we should never be
saved by it ourselves.
For we are but dead men, we are like so many carcasses wrapt up in grave
clothes, till that same Jesus who called Lazarus from his tomb, and at whose own
resurrection many that slept arose, doth raise us also by his quickening Spirit
from our natural death, in which we have so long lain, to a holy and heavenly
We might think ourselves happy, if we had seen the Holy Jesus after He was risen
from the dead, and our hands had handled that Lord of life. But more happy are
they who have not seen him, and yet having felt the power of his resurrection,
therefore believe in him. For many saw our divine master, who were not saved by
him; but whosoever has thus felt the power of his resurrection, has the earnest
of his inheritance in his heart, he has passed from death to life, and shall
never fall into final condemnation.
I am very sensible that this is foolishness to the natural man, as were many
such like truths to our Lord's own disciples, when only weak in faith, before he
rose again. But when these natural men, like them, have fully felt the power of
his resurrection, they will then own that this doctrine is from God, and say
with the Samaritans, "Now we believe not because of thy saying," for we
ourselves have experienced it in our hearts.
And O that all unbelievers, all letter-learned masters of Israel, who now look
upon the doctrine of the power of Christ's resurrection, or our new birth, as an
idle tale, and condemn the preachers of it as enthusiasts and madmen, did but
thus feel the power of it in their souls, they would no longer ask, how this
thing could be? But they would be convinced of it, as much as Thomas was, when
he saw the Lord's Christ; and like him, when Jesus bud him reach out his hands
and thrust them into his side, in a holy confession they would cry out, "My Lord
and my God!"
But how shall an unbeliever, how shall the formal Christian come thus to "know
Christ, and the power of his resurrection?" God, who cannot lie, has told us, "I
am the resurrection and the life, whosoever liveth and believeth in me, though
he were dead, yet shall he live." Again, says the apostle, "By faith we are
saved, and that not of ourselves, it is the gift of God."
This, this is the way, walk in it. Believe, and you shall live in Christ, and
Christ in you; you shall be one with Christ, and Christ one with you. But
without this, your outward goodness and professions will avail you nothing.
But then, by this faith we are not to understand a dead speculative faith, a
faith in the head; but a living principle wrought in the heart by the powerful
operations of the Holy Ghost, a faith that will enable us to overcome the world,
and forsake all the affection for Jesus Christ. For thus speaks our blessed
Master, "Unless a man forsake all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple."
And so the apostle, in the words immediately following the text, says, "being
made conformable to his death;" thereby implying, that we cannot know the power
of Christ's resurrection, unless we are made conformable to him in his death.
If we can reconcile light and darkness, heaven and hell, then we may hope to
know the power of Christ's resurrection without dying to ourselves and the
world. But till we can do this, we might as well expect that Christ will have
concord with Belial.
For there is such a contrariety between the spirit of this world, and the Spirit
of Jesus Christ, that he who will be at friendship with the one, must be at
enmity with the other: "We cannot serve God and mammon."
This may, indeed, seem a hard saying; and many, with the young man in the
gospel, may be tempted to go away sorrowful. But wherefore should this offend
them? For what is all that is in the world, the lust of the eye, the lust of the
flesh, and the pride of life, but vanity and vexation of spirit?
God is love; and therefore, could our own wills, or the world, have made us
happy, he never would have sent his own dear Son Jesus Christ to die and rise
again, to deliver us from the power of them. But because they only torment, and
cannot satisfy, therefore God bids us to renounce them.
Had any one persuaded profane Esau not to lose so glorious a privilege, merely
for the sake of gratifying a present corrupt inclination, when he saw him about
to sell his birth-right for a little red pottage, would not one think that man
to have been Esau's friend? And just thus stands the case between God and us. By
the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we are new-born to an heavenly
inheritance amongst all them which are sanctified; but our own corrupt wills,
would tempt us to sell this glorious birth-right for the vanities of the world,
which, like Esau's red pottage, may please us for a while, but will soon be
taken away from us. God knows this, and therefore rather bids us renounce them
for a reason, than for the short enjoyment of them lost the privilege of that
glorious birth-right, to which, by knowing the power of the resurrection of
Jesus Christ, we are entitled.
O the depth of the riches and excellency of Christianity! Well might the great
St. Paul count all things but dung and dross for the excellency of the knowledge
of it. Well might he desire so ardently to know Jesus, and the power of his
resurrection. For even on this side eternity it raises us above the world, and
makes us to sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
Well might that glorious company of worthies, recorded in the Holy scriptures,
supported with a deep sense of their heavenly calling, despise the pleasures and
profits of this life, and wander about in sheep-skins, and goat-skins, in dens
and caves of the earth, being destitute, afflicted, tormented.
And O that we were all like minded! That we felt the power of Christ's
resurrection as they did! How should we then "count all things as dung and dross
for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord!" How should we
then recover our primitive dignity, trample the earth under our feet, and with
our souls be continually gasping after God?
And what hinders but we may be thus minded? Is Jesus Christ, our great High
Priest, altered from what he was? No, "he is the same yesterday, today, and for
ever." And though he is exalted to the right hand of God, yet he is not ashamed
to call us brethren. The power of his resurrection is as great now as formerly,
and the Holy Spirit, which was assured to us by his resurrection, as ready and
able to quicken us who are dead in trespasses and sins, as any saint that ever
lived. Let us but cry, and that instantly, to Him that is mighty and able to
save; let us, in sincerity and truth, without secretly keeping back the least
part, renounce ourselves and the world; then we shall be Christians indeed. And
though the world may cast us out, and separate from our company, yet Jesus
Christ will walk with, and abide in us. And at the general resurrection of the
last day, when the voice of the archangel and trump of God shall bid the sea and
the graves to give up their dead, and all nations shall appear before him, then
will he confess us before his Father and the holy angels, and we shall receive
that invitation which he shall then pronounce to all who love and fear him,
"Come, ye blessed children of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you
from the beginning of the world.
Grand this, O Father, for thy dear Son's sake, Jesus Christ our Lord; to whom,
with Thee and the Holy Ghost, &c.
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