Salvation to the Uttermost
A Sermon Delivered on Sabbath Evening, June, 8, 1856, by the
At Exeter Hall, Strand
"Where he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them."Hebrews 7:25.
Salvation is a doctrine peculiar to revelation.
Revelation affords us a complete history of it, but nowhere else can we find any trace
thereof. God has written many books, but only one book has had for its aim the teaching of
the ways of mercy. He has written the great book of creation, which is our duty and our
pleasure to read. It is a volume embellished on its surface with starry gems and rainbow
colours, and containing in its inner leaves marvels at which the wise may wonder for age,
and yet find a fresh theme for their conjectures. Nature is the spelling-book of man, in
which he may learn his Maker's name, he hath studded it with embroidery, with gold, with
gems. There are doctrines of truth in the mighty stars, and there are lessons written on
the green earth and in the flowers upspringing from the sod. We read the books of God when
we see the storm and tempest, for all things speak as God would have them; and if our ears
are open we may hear the voice of God in the rippling of every rill, in the roll of every
thunder, in the brightness of every lightning, in the twinkling of every star, in the
budding of every flower. God has written the great book of creation, to teach us what he
ishow great, how mighty. But I read nothing of salvation in creation. The rocks tell
me, "Salvation is not in us;" the winds howl, but they howl not salvation: the
waves rush upon the shore, but among the wrecks which they wash up, the reveal no trace of
salvation; the fathomless caves of ocean bear pearls, but they bear no pearls of grace;
the starry heavens have their flashing meteors, but they have no voices of salvation. I
find salvation written nowhere, till in this volume of my Father's grace I find his
blessed love unfolded towards the great human family, teaching them that they are lost,
but that he can save them, and that in saving them he can be "just, and yet the
justifier of the ungodly." Salvation, then, is to be found in the Scriptures, and in
the Scriptures only; for we can read nothing of it elsewhere. And while it is to be found
only in Scripture, I hold that the peculiar doctrine of revelation is salvation. I believe
that the Bible was sent not to teach me history, but to teach me gracenot to give me
a system of philosophy, but to give me a system of divinitynot to teach worldly
wisdom, but spiritual wisdom. Hence I hold all preaching of philosophy and science in the
pulpit to be altogether out of place. I would check no man's liberty in this matter, for
God only is the Judge of man's conscience; but it is my firm opinion that if we profess to
be Christians, we are bound to keep to Christianity; if we profess to be Christian
ministers, we drivel away the Sabbath-day, we mock our hearers, we insult God, if we
deliver lectures upon botany, or geology, instead of delivering sermons salvation. He who
does not always preach the gospel, ought not to be accounted a true-called minister of
Well, then it is salvation I desire to preach to you. We have, in our text, two or three
things. In the first place, we are told who they are who will be saved, "them
that come into God by Jesus Christ;" in the second place we are told the extent of
the Saviour's ability to save, "He is able to save to the uttermost;" and in
the third place, we have the reason given why he can save, "seeing he ever
liveth to make intercession for them."
I. First, we are told THE PEOPLE WHO ARE TO BE SAVED. And the people who are to be saved
are "those who come unto God by Jesus Christ." There is no limitation here of
sect or denomination: it does not say, the Baptist, the Independent, or the Episcopalian
that come unto God by Jesus Christ, but it simply says, "them," by which
I understand men of all creeds, men of all ranks, men of all classes, who do but come to
Jesus Christ. They shall be saved, whatever their apparent position before men, or
whatever may be the denomination to which they have linked themselves.
1. Now, I must have you notice, in the first place, where these people come to.
They "come unto God." By coming to God we are not to understand the mere
formality of devotion, since this may be but a solemn means of sinning. What a splendid
general confession is that in the Church of England Prayer Book: "We have erred and
strayed from thy ways like lost sheep; we have done those things which we ought not to
have done, and we have left undone those things which we ought to have done, and there is
no health in us." There is not to be found a finer confession in the English
language. And yet how often, my dear friends, have the best of us mocked God by repeating
such expressions verbally, and thinking we have done our duty! How many of you go to
chapel, and must confess your own absence of mind while you have bowed your knee in
prayer, or uttered a song of praise! My friends, it is one thing to go to church or
chapel; it is quite another thing to go to God. There are many people who can pray
right eloquently, and who do so; who have learned a form of prayer by heart, or, perhaps,
use an extemporary form of words of their own composing: but who, instead of going to God,
are all the while going from God. Let me persuade you all not to be content with mere
formality. There will be many damned who never broke the Sabbath, as they thought, but
who, all their lives were Sabbath-breakers. It is as much possible to break the Sabbath in
a church as it is to break the Sabbath in the park; it is as easy to break it here in this
solemn assembly as in your own houses. Every one of you virtually break the Sabbath when
you merely go through a round of duties, having done which, you retire to your chambers,
fully content with yourselves, and fancy that all is overthat you have done your
day's workwhereas, you have never come to God at all, but have merely come to the
outward ordinance and to the visible means, which is quite another thing from coming to
God himself.
And let me tell you, again, that coming to God is not what some of you
supposenow and then sincerely performing an act of devotion, but giving to the
world the greater part of your life. You think that if sometimes you are sincere, if
now and then you put up an earnest cry to heaven, God will accept you; and though your
life may be still worldly, and your desires still carnal, you suppose that for the sake of
this occasional devotion God will be pleased, in his infinite mercy, to blot out your
sins. I tell you, sinners, there is no such thing as bringing half of yourselves to God,
and leaving the other half away. If a man has come here, I suppose he has brought his
whole self with him; and so if a man comes to God, he cannot come, half of him, and half
of him stay away. Our whole being must be surrendered to the service of our Maker. We must
come to him with an entire dedication of ourselves, giving up all we are, and all we ever
shall be, to be thoroughly devoted to his service, otherwise we have never come to God
aright. I am astonished to see how people in these days try to love the world and love
Christ too; according to the old proverb, they "hold with the hare and run with the
hounds." They are real good Christians sometimes, when they think they ought to be
religious; but they are right bad fellows at other seasons, when they think that religion
would be a little loss to them. Let me warn you all. It is of no earthly use for you to
pretend to be on two sides of the question. "If God be God, serve him; If Baal be
God, serve him." I like an out-and-out man of any sort. Give me a man that is a
sinner: I have some hope for him when I see him sincere in his vices, and open to
acknowledging his own character; but if you give me a man who is half-hearted, who is not
quite bold enough to be all for the devil, nor quite sincere enough to be all for Christ,
I tell you, I despair of such a man as that. The man who wants to link the two together is
in an extremely hopeless case. Do you think, sinners, you will be able to serve two
masters, when Christ has said you cannot? Do you fancy you can walk with God and walk with
mammon too? Will you take God on one arm, and the devil on the other? Do you suppose you
can be allowed to drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of Satan at the same time? I tell
you, ye shall depart, as cursed and miserable hypocrites, if so you come to God. God will
have the whole of you come, or else you shall not come at all. The whole man must seek
after the Lord; the whole soul must be poured out before him; otherwise it is no
acceptable coming to God at all. Oh, halters between two opinions, remember this and
I think I hear one say, "Well, then, tell us what it is to come to God." I
answer, coming to God implies, leaving something else. If a man comes to God, he
must leave his sins; he must leave his righteousness; he must leave both his bad works and
his good ones, and come to God, leaving them entirely.
Again, coming to God implies, there is no aversion towards him; for a man will not
come to God while he hates God; he will be sure to keep away. Coming to God signifies
having some love to God. Again: coming to God signifies desiring God,
desiring to be near to him. And, above all, it signifies praying to God and putting
faith in him. This is coming to God; and those that have come to God in that fashion
are among the saved. The come to God: that is the place to which their eager
spirits hasten.
2. But notice, next, how they come. The "come unto God by Jesus Christ."
We have known many persons who call themselves natural religionists. They worship the God
of nature, and they think that they can approach God apart from Jesus Christ. There be
some men we wot of who despise the mediation of the Saviour, and, who, if they were in an
hour of peril, would put up their prayer at once to God, without faith in the Mediator. Do
such of you fancy that you will be heard and saved by the great God your Creator, apart
from the merits of his Son? Let me solemnly assure you, in God's most holy name, there
never was a prayer answered for salvation, by God the Creator, since Adam fell, without
Jesus Christ the Mediator. "No man can come unto God but by Jesus Christ;" and
if any one of you deny the Divinity of Christ, and if any soul among you do not come to
God through the merits of a Saviour, bold fidelity obliges me to pronounce you condemned
persons; for however amiable you may be, you cannot be right in the rest, unless you think
rightly of him. I tell you, ye may offer all the prayers that ever may be prayed, but ye
shall be damned, unless ye put them up through Christ. It is all in vain for you to take
your prayers and carry them yourself to the throne. "Get thee hence, sinner; get thee
hence," says God; "I never knew thee. Why didst not thou put thy prayer into the
hands of a Mediator? It would have been sure of an answer. But as thou presentest it
thyself, see what I will do with it!" And he read your petition, and casts it to the
four winds of heaven; and thou goest away unheard, unsaved. The Father will never save a
man apart from Christ; there is not one soul now in heaven who was not saved by Jesus
Christ; there is not one who ever came to God aright, who did not come through Jesus
Christ. If you would be at peace with God, you must come to him through Christ, as the
way, the truth, and the life, making mention of his righteousness, and of his only.
3. But when these people come, what do they come for? There are some who think they
come to God, who do not come for the right thing. Many a young student cries to God to
help him in his studies; many a merchant comes to God that he may be guided through a
dilemma in his business. They are accustomed, in any difficulty, to put up some kind of
prayer which, if they knew its value, they might cease from offering, for "the
sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord." But the poor sinner, in
coming to Christ, has only one object. If all the world were offered to him, he would not
think it worth his acceptance if he could not have Jesus Christ. There is a poor man,
condemned to die, locked up in the condemned cell: the bell is tolling: he will soon be
taken off to die on the gallows. There, man, I have brought you a fine robe. What! not
smile at it? Look! it is stiff with silver! Mark you not how it is bedizened with jewels?
Such a robe as that cost many and many a pound, and much fine workmanship was expended on
it. Contemptuously he smile at it! See here, man, I present thee something else: here is a
glorious estate for thee, with broad acres, fine mansions, parks and lawns; take that
title deed, 'tis thine. What! not smile, sir? Had I given that estate to any man who
walked the street, less poor than thou art, he would have danced for very joy. And wilt
not thou afford a smile, when I make thee rich and clothe thee with gold? Then let me try
once more. There is Caesar's purple for thee; put it on thy shouldersthere is his
crown; it shall sit on no other head but thine. It is the crown of empires that know no
limit. I'll make thee a king; thou shalt have a kingdom upon which the sun shall never
set; thou shalt reign from pole to pole. Stand up; call thyself Caesar. Thou art emperor.
What! no smile? What dost thou want? "Take away that bauble," says he of the
crown; "rend up that worthless parchment; take away that robe; ay, cast it to the
winds. Give it to the kings of the earth who live; but I have to die, and of what use are
these to me? Give me a pardon, and I will not care to be a Caesar. Let me live a beggar,
rather than die a prince." So is it with the sinner when he comes to God: he comes
for salvation. He says
"Wealth and honor I disdain;
Earthly comforts, Lord, are vain,
These will never satisfy,
Give me Christ, or else I die."
Mercy is his sole request. O my friends, if
you have ever come to God, crying out for salvation, and for salvation only, then you have
come unto God aright. It were useless then to mock you. You cry for bread: should I give
you stones? You would but hurl them at me. Should I offer you wealth? It would be little.
We must preach to the sinner who comes to Christ, the gift for which he asksthe gift
of salvation by Jesus Christ the Lordas being his own by faith.
4. One more thought upon this coming to Christ. In what style do these persons come?
I will try and give you a description of certain persons, all coming to the gate of mercy,
as they think, for salvation. There comes one, a fine fellow in a coach and six! See how
hard he drives, and how rapidly he travels; he is a fine fellow: he has men in livery, and
his horses are richly caparisoned; he is rich, exceeding rich. He drives up to the gate,
and says, "Knock at that gate for me; I am rich enough, but still I dare say it would
be as well to be on the safe side; I am a very respectable gentleman; I have enough of my
own good works and my own merits, and this chariot, I dare say, would carry me across the
river death, and land me safe on the other side; but still, it is fashionable to be
religious, so I will approach the gate. Porter! undo the gates, and let me in; see what an
honorable man I am." You will never find the gates undone for that man; he does not
approach in the right manner. There comes another; he has not quite so much merit, but
still he has some; he comes walking along, and having leisurely marched up, he cries,
"Angel! open the gate to me; I am come to Christ: I think I should like to be saved.
I do not feel that I very much require salvation; I have always been a very honest,
upright, moral man; I do not know myself to have been much of a sinner; I have robes of my
own; but I would not mind putting Christ's robes on; it would not hurt me. I may as well
have the wedding garment; then I can have mine own too." AH! the gates are still hard
and fast, and there is no opening of them. But let me show you the right man. There he
comes, sighing and groaning, crying and weeping al the way. He has a rope on his neck, for
he thinks he deserves to be condemned. He has rags on him, he comes to the heavenly
throne; and when he approaches mercy's gate he is almost afraid to knock. He lifts up his
eyes and he sees it written, "Knock, and it shall be opened to you;" but he
fears lest he should profane the gate by his poor touch; he gives at first a gentle rap,
and if mercy's gate open not, he is a poor dying creature; so he gives another rap, then
another and another; and although he raps times without number, and no answer comes, still
he is a sinful man, and he knows himself to be unworthy; so he keeps rapping still; and at
last the good angel smiling from the gate, says, "Ah! this gate was built for beggars
not for princes; heaven's gate was made for spiritual paupers, not for rich men. Christ
died for sinners, not for those who are good and excellent. Hoe came into the world to
save the vile.
'Not the righteous
Sinners, Jesus came to call.'
Come in, poor man! Come in. Thrice
welcome!" And the angels sin, "Thrice welcome!" How many of you, dear
friends, have come to God by Jesus Christ in that fashion? Not with the pompous pride of
the Pharisee, not with the cant of the good man who thinks he deserves salvation, but with
the sincere cry of a penitent, with the earnest desire of a thirsty soul after living
water, panting as the thirsty hart in the wilderness after the water-brooks, desiring
Christ as they that look for the morning; I say, more than they that look for the morning.
As my God who sits in heaven liveth, if you have not come to God in this fashion, you have
not come to God at all; but if you have thus come to God, here is the glorious word for
you"He is able to save to the uttermost them that come unto God by him."
II. Thus we have disposed of the first point, the coming to God; and now, secondly, WHAT
IS THE MEASURE OF THE SAVIOUR'S ABILITY? This is a question as important as if it were for
life or deatha question as to the ability of Jesus Christ. How far can salvation go?
What are its limits and its boundaries? Christ is a Saviour: how far is he able to save?
He is a Physician: to what extent will his skill reach to heal diseases? What a noble
answer the text gives! "He is able to save to the uttermost." Now, I will
certainly affirm, and no one can deny it, that no one here knows how far the uttermost is.
David said, if he took the wings of the morning, to fly to the uttermost parts of the sea,
even there should God reach him. But who knoweth where the uttermost is? Borrow the
angel's wing, and fly far, far beyond the most remote star: go where wing has never
flapped before, and where the undisturbed ether is as serene and quiet as the breast of
Deity itself; you still, beyond the bounds of creation, where space itself falls, and
where chaos takes up its reign: you will not come to the uttermost. It is too far for
mortal intellect to conceive of; it is beyond the range of reason or of thought. Now, our
text tells us that Christ is "able to save to the uttermost."
1. Sinner, I shall address thee first; and saints of God, I shall address you afterwards.
Sinner, Christ is "able to save to the uttermost;" by which we understand that the
uttermost extent of guilt is not beyond the power of the Saviour. Can any one tell
what is the uttermost amount to which a man might sin? Some of us conceive that Palmer has
gone almost to the uttermost of human depravity; we fancy that no heart could be much more
vile than that which conceived a murder so deliberate, and contemplated a crime so
protracted; but I can conceive it possible that there might be even worse men than he, and
that if his life were spared, and he were set at large, he might become even a worse man
than he is now. Yea, supposing he were to commit another murder, and then another, and
another, would he have gone to the uttermost? Could not a man be yet more guilty? As long
as ever he lives, he may become more guilty than he was the day before. But yet my text
says, Christ is "able to save to the uttermost." I may imagine a person has
crept in here, who thinks himself to be the most loathsome of all beings, the most
condemned of all creatures. "Surely," says he, "I have gone to the utmost
extremity of sin; none could outstrip me in vice." My dear friend, suppose you had
gone to the uttermost, remember that even then you would not have gone beyond the reach of
divine mercy; for he is "able to save to the uttermost," and it is possible that
you yourself might go a little further, and therefore you have not gone to the uttermost
yet. However far you may have goneif you have gone to the very artic regions of
vice, where the sun of mercy seems to scatter but a few oblique rays, there can the light
of salvation reach you. If I should see a sinner staggering on in his progress to hell, I
would not give him up, even when he had advanced to the last stage of iniquity. Though his
foot hung trembling over the very verge of perdition, I would not cease to pray for him;
and though he should in his poor drunken wickedness go staggering on till one foot were
over hell, and he were ready to perish, I would not despair of him. Till the pit had shut
her mouth upon him I would believe it still possible that divine grace might save him. See
here! he is just upon the edge of the pit, ready to fall; but ere he falls, free grace
bids, "Arrest that man!" Down mercy comes, catches him on her broad wings, and
he is saved, a trophy of redeeming love. If there be any such in this vast
assemblyif there be any here of the outcast of society, the vilest of the vile, the
scum, the draff of this poor world,oh! ye chief of sinners! Christ is "able to
save to the uttermost." Tell that everywhere, in every garret, in every cellar, in
every haunt of vice, in every kennel of sin; tell it everywhere! "To the
uttermost!" "He is able to save them to the uttermost."
2. Yet again: not only to the uttermost of crime, but to the uttermost of rejection.
I must explain what I mean by this. There are many of you here who have heard the gospel
from your youth up. I see some here, who like myself are children of pious parents. There
are some of you upon whose infant forehead the pure heavenly drops of a mother's tears
continually fell; there are many of you here who were trained up by one whose knee,
whenever it was bent, was ever bent for you, her first-born son. Your mother has gone to
heaven, it may be, and all the prayers she ever prayed for you are as yet unanswered.
Sometimes you wept. You remember well how she grasped your hand, and said to you,
"Ah! John, you will break my heart by this your sin, if you continue running on in
those ways of iniquity: oh! if you did but melt, and you would fly to Christ." Do you
not remember that time? The hot sweat stood upon your brow, and you saidfor you
could not break her heart"Mother, I will think of it;" and you did think
of it; but you met your companion outside, and it was all gone: your mother's
expostulation was brushed away; like the thin cobwebs of the gossamer, blown by the swift
north wind, not a trace of it was left. Since then you have often stepped in to hear the
minister. Not long ago you heard a powerful sermon; the minister spoke as though he were a
man just started from his grave, with as much earnestness as if he had been a sheeted
ghost come back from the realms of despair, to tell you his own awful fate, and warn you
of it. You remember how the tears rolled down your cheeks. while he told you of sin, of
righteousness, and of judgment to come; you remember how he preached to you Jesus and
salvation by the cross, and you rose up from your seat in that chapel, and you said,
"Please God I am spared another day, I will turn to him with full purpose of
heart." And there you are, still unchangedperhaps worse than you were; and you
have spent your Sunday afternoon the angel knows where: and your mother's spirit knows
where you have spent it too, and could she weep, she would weep over you who have this day
despised God's Sabbath, and trampled on his Holy Word. But doest thou feel in thine heart
to-night the tender motions of the Holy Spirit? Dost thou feel something say,
"Sinner! come to Christ now?" Dost thou hear conscience whispering to thee,
telling thee of thy past transgression? And is there some sweet angel voice, saying,
"Come to Jesus, come to Jesus; he will save you yet?" I tell you, sinner, you
may have rejected Christ to the very uttermost; but he is still able to save you. There
are a thousand prayers on which you have trampled, there are a hundred sermons all wasted
on you, there are thousands of Sabbaths which you have thrown away; you have rejected
Christ, you have despised his Spirit; but still he ceases not to cry, "Return,
return!" He is "able to save thee to the uttermost," if thou comest unto
God by him.
3. There is another case which demands my particular attention to-night. It is that of the
man who has gone to the uttermost of despair. There are some poor creatures in the
world, who from a course of crime have become hardened, and when at last aroused by
remorse and the pricklings of conscience, there is an evil spirit which broods over them,
telling them it is hopeless for such as they are to seek salvation. We have met with some
who have gone so far that they have thought that even devils might be saved rather than
they could. They have given themselves up for lost, and signed their own death-warrant,
and in such a state of mind have positively taken the halter in their hand, to end their
unhappy lives. Despair has brought many a man to a premature death; it hath sharpened many
a knife, and mingled many a cup of poison. Have I a despairing person here? I know him by
his sombre face and downcast looks. He wishes he were dead, for he thinks that hell itself
could be scarce worse torment than to be here expecting it. Let me whisper to him words of
consolation. Despairing soul! hope yet, for Christ is able to save to the uttermost;"
and though thou art put in the lowest dungeon of the castle of despair, though key after
key hath been turned upon thee, and the iron grating of thy window forbids all filing, and
the height of thy prison-wall is so awful that thou couldst not expect to escape, yet let
me tell thee, there is one at the gate who can break every bolt, and undo every lock;
there is one who can lead thee out to God's free air and save thee yet, for though the
worst may come to the worst, he "is able to save thee to the uttermost."
4. And now a word to the saint, to comfort him: for this text is his also. Beloved brother
in the gospel! Christ is able to save thee to the uttermost. Art thou brought very low by distress?
hast thou lost house and home, friend and property? Remember, thou hast not come "to
the uttermost" yet, Badly off as thou art, thou mightest be worse. He is able to save
thee; and suppose it should come to this, that thou hadst not a rag left, nor a crust, nor
a drop of water, still he would be able to save thee, for "he is able to save to the
uttermost." So with temptation. If thou shouldst have the sharpest temptation
with which mortal was ever tried, he is able to save thee. If thou shouldst be brought
into such a predicament that the foot of the devil should be upon thy neck, and the fiend
should say, "Now I will make an end of thee," God would be able to save thee
then. Ay, and in the uttermost infirmity shouldst thou live for many a year, till
thou art leaning on thy staff, and tottering along thy weary life, if thou shouldst
outlive Methusaleh, thou couldst not live beyond the uttermost, and he would save thee
then. Yes, and when thy little bark is launched by death upon the unknown sea of
eternity, he will be with thee; and though thick vapours of gloomy darkness gather round
thee, and thou canst not see into the dim future, though thy thoughts tell thee that thou
wilt be destroyed, yet God will be "able to save thee to the uttermost."
Then, my friends, if Christ is able to save a Christian to the uttermost, do you suppose
he will ever let a Christian perish? Wherever I go, I hope always to bear my hearty
protest against the most accursed doctrine of a saint's falling away and perishing. There
are some ministers who preach that a man may be a child of God (now, angels! do not hear
what I am about to say, listen to me, ye who are down below in hell, for it may suit you)
that a man may be a child of God to-day, and a child of the devil to-morrow; that God may
acquit a man, and yet condemn himsave him by grace, and then let him
perishsuffer a man to be taken out of Christ's hands, though he has said such a
thing shall never take place. How will you explain this? It certainly is no lack of power.
You must accuse him of a want of love, and will you dare to do that? He is full of love;
and since he has also the power, he will never suffer one of his people to perish. It is
true, and ever shall be true, that he will save them to the very uttermost.
UTTERMOST?" The answer is, that he "ever liveth to make intercession for
them." This implies that he died, which is indeed the great source of his
saving power. Oh! how sweet it is to reflect upon the great and wonderous works which
Christ hath done, whereby he hath become "the high priest of our profession,"
able to save us! It is pleasant to look back to Calvary's hill, and to behold that
bleeding form expiring on the tree; it is sweet, amazingly sweet, to pry with eyes of love
between those thick olives, and hear the groanings of the Man who sweat great drops of
blood. Sinner, if thou askest me how Christ can save thee, I tell thee thishe can
save thee, because he did not save himself; he can save thee, because he took thy guilt
and endured thy punishment. There is no way of salvation apart from the satisfaction of
divine justice. Either the sinner must die, or else some one must die for him. Sinner,
Christ can save thee, because, if thou comest to God by him, then he died for thee. God
has a debt against us, and he never remits that debt; he will have it paid. Christ pays
it, and then the poor sinner goes free.
And we are told another reason why he is able to save: not only because he died, but because
he lives to make intercession for us. That Man who once died on the cross is alive;
that Jesus who was buried in the tomb is alive. If you ask me what he is doing; I bid you
listen. Listen, if you have ears! Did you not hear him, poor penitent sinner? Did you not
hear his voice, sweeter than harpers playing on their harps? Did you not hear a charming
voice? Listen! what did it say? "O my Father! forgive!" Why, he mentioned
your own name! "O my Father, forgive him; he knew not what he did. It is true he
sinned against light, and knowledge, and warnings; sinned wilfully and woefully; but,
Father, forgive him!" Penitent, if thou canst listen, thou wilt hear him praying for
thee. And that is why he is able to save.
A warning and a question, and I have done. First, a warning. Remember, there is a limit
to God's mercy. I have told you from the Scriptures, that "he is able to
save to the uttermost;" but there is a limit to his purpose to save. If I read the
Bible rightly, there is one sin which can never be forgiven. It is the sin against the
Holy Ghost. Tremble, unpardoned sinners, lest ye should commit that. If I may tell you
what I think the sin against the Holy Ghost is, I must say that I believe it to be
different in different people; but in many persons, the sin against the Holy Ghost
consists in stifling their convictions. Tremble, my hearers, lest to-night's sermon should
be the last you hear. Go away and scorn the preacher, if you like; but do not neglect his
warning. Perhaps the very next time thou laughest over a sermon, or mockest at a prayer,
or despisest a text, the very next oath thou swearest, God may say, "He is given to
idols, let him alone; my Spirit shall no more strive with that man; I will never speak to
him again." That is the warning.
And now, lastly, the question. Christ has done so much for you: what have you ever done
for him? Ah! poor sinner, if thou knewest that Christ died for theeand I know
that he did, if thou repentestif thou knewest that one day thou wilt be his, wouldst
thou spit upon him now? wouldst thou scoff at God's day, if thou knewest that one day it
will be thy day? wouldst thou despise Christ, if thou knewest that he loves thee now, and
will display that love by-and-bye? Oh! there are some of you that will loathe yourselves
when you know Christ because you did not treat him better. He will come to you one of
these bright mornings, and he will say, "Poor sinner, I forgive you;" and you
will look up in his face, and say. "What! Lord, forgive me? I used to curse thee, I
laughed at thy people, I despised everything that had to do with religion. Forgive
me?" "Yes," says Christ, "give me thy hand; I loved thee when thou
hatedst me: come here!" And sure there is nothing will break a heart half so much as
thinking of the way in which you sinned against one who loved you so much.
Oh! beloved, hear again the text,"He is able to save to the uttermost them that
come unto God by him." I am no orator, I have no eloquence; but if I were the one,
and had the other, I would preach to you with all my soul. As it is, I only talk right on,
and tell you what I do know; I can only say again,
"He is able;
He is willing: doubt no more.
Come, ye thirsty, come and welcome,
God's free bounty glorify:
True belief and true repentance,
Every grace that brings us nigh
Without money,
Come to Jesus Christ, and buy."
For he is able to save to the uttermost them that come unto God by him." O Lord! make sinners come! Spirit of God! make them come! Compel them to come to Christ by sweet constraint, and let not our words be in vain, or our labour lost; for Jesus Christ's sake! Amen.
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