The Down Grade Controversy
From the November 1888 Sword and Trowel
The following resolution of sympathy with us
in our action in the "Down-Grade" controversy came to hand just too late for
last month's magazine. We feel sure that our readers will be glad to see it, even now. It
was unanimously passed at the annual meeting of the Baptist Convention of the Maritime
Provinces of Canadai.e., Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island:
"Whereas the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon has for more than thirty years been known to the
Christian world as a most devoted man of God, a noble defender of the faith, and a man
greatly honored of God, in the wonderful success which has constantly attended his labors
in the gospel, and in the many religious and philanthropic works he has originated, and in
which he is still most earnestly engaged; and whereas he has felt it to be his duty of
late to sever his connection with the Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland, and also
with the London Baptist Association, on account of the laxity of doctrine of some of the
brethren, and the unwillingness on the part of the said societies to adopt such articles
of faith as would commit the membership to orthodoxy, and have a tendency to check the
'Down- Grade' drift in the churches; therefore resolved that this Baptist Convention of
the Maritime Provinces of Canada, now in annual session, this twenty-fifth day of August,
1888, representing some forty-four thousand members of Baptist churches, take this
opportunity to place on record the high esteem in which our honored brother, Pastor
Spurgeon, is held by us; and we hereby express our hearty sympathy with him in his bold
and unflinching contention for the truths of the gospel; and it is our earnest prayer to
Almighty God that his faith may remain unshaken, and that he may long be spared to wield
valiantly the sword of the Spirit, and that in the future, as in the past, God may
continue to make the weapons of his warfare mighty to the pulling down of the strongholds
of Satan, and the building up of the kingdom of our Lord and Savior in the world."
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