The Down Grade Controversy
From the June 1889 Sword and Trowel
Owing to the extreme pressure upon us this month, the
notes are necessarily brief.
In The Freeman, April 19, in an article referring to the appearance in South Place Chapel
of the then President of the Baptist Union, it was said, "these lectures, it should
be stated, are arranged by 'The Ethical Society,' of which the Archbishop of Canterbury is
the president." Something else also should be stated. In answer to a letter, asking
if the Archbishop was indeed in connection with the Ethical Society meeting in South
Place, Finsbury, we received for answer: "His Grace is much obliged to you for giving
him the opportunity of correcting the rumor as to his connection with the Ethical Society
you mention. The report is, as you suppose, quite untrue— this being the first time
the Archbishop has heard of the Society in question." It does not matter much, but we
may as well know the truth.
We receive daily notes concerning the departure from the truth of preachers in
England and Scotland; and though the subject is wearisome to our heart, we
cannot forbear entreating the Lord's people to pray day and night for the
afflicted church of God. He alone can stay the ever-growing evil, but he would
have his people cry to him concerning it. The evil is by no means imaginary, but
all too real. Our protest came not too soon, nor could it be too forcible. At
this moment, those who have quitted the old faith may do what they please to
silence papers and periodicals, but the evil reeks before high heaven. We trust
it will not be long before the lovers of the gospel will awake to the danger,
and speak out so as to be heard.
In the first week in June there are to be two special services at the Tabernacle. On
Tuesday evening, 4th inst., Mr. John Courtnay and the Southwark Choral Society are to help
us praise the Lord with some of the grand old fugal tunes that ought never to have gone
out of use. We shall be glad to see a large muster of friends who love those ancient
On Thursday evening, June 6, C. H. S. has promised to preach another sermon for the
British and Foreign Sailors' Society, when Mr. Matthews, the energetic secretary of the
Society, has promised to bring as many sailors as he can muster. He is anxious to
distribute the sermon, when it is published, among those that go down to the sea in ships;
and he will be very grateful for all contributions that are given to him for that object.
The secretary of the Tram-car and 'Bus Scripture Text Mission, Mrs. Wood, 53, Paternoster
Row, E.C., asks us to call our readers' attention to the fact that for 10s. a text can be
placed in a tram or 'bus, and maintained in a good position for a year. She will be very
glad to receive donations.
COLLEGE.—Mr. A. G. Haste has settled at Carrickfergus; and Mr. Joseph Young has
sailed for Jamestown, St. Helena.
Mr. F. R. Bateman has removed from Twickenham to Henley-in-Arden. Mr. F. Dann, who
returned from Minnesota some months since, for his health's sake, has now sailed again for
the United States.
Will all the members of the Pastors' College Evangelical Association kindly note that
Monday, June 24, has been fixed for the day of SPECIAL UNITED PRAYER? Will our brethren
everywhere try to make this a day of real wrestling prayer? If all the churches take it up
heartily, we may look for large blessing.
EVANGELISTS.—Mr. J. E. Mathieson closes a very appreciative report of Messrs.
Fullerton and Smith's services at Mildmay Park Conference Hall, as follows:—"I
had not previously met with your valued evangelists, but I soon learned to appreciate and
to love them . . ... I know of no two brethren more fitted for great and important work
for the Master than these two. I wish friends in every large town in our land would seek
to share in the benefit which a visit from them is likely to impart."
Since the Conference, our brethren have been at Dr. Barnardo's Mission-hall, The Edinburgh
Castle, where great crowds attended the services, and many received the truth. They also
conducted services on two afternoons and evenings at Beulah Chapel, Thornton Heath, where
much blessing resulted.
Their future engagements are: June 1-9, Kilburn Hall; June 15-23, Bath Street Chapel,
Poplar; June 30, Mildmay Park
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