The Down Grade Controversy
"Mr. Spurgeon's Confession of Faith"
From the August 1891 Sword and Trowel
Quite a stir has been caused lately by the publication of the following document, which has been erroneously called "Mr. Spurgeon's Confession of Faith," or "Manifesto":
We, the undersigned, banded together in
Fraternal Union, observing with growing pain and sorrow the loosening hold of many upon
the Truths of Revelation, are constrained to avow our firmest belief in the Verbal
Inspiration of all Holy Scripture as originally given. To us, the Bible does not merely
contain the Word of God, but is the Word of God. From beginning to end, we accept it,
believe it, and continue to preach it. To us, the Old Testament is no less inspired than
the New. The Book is an organic whole. Reverence for the NEW Testament accompanied by
scepticism as to the OLD appears to us absurd. The two must stand or fall together. We
accept Christ's own verdict concerning "Moses and all the prophets" in
preference to any of the supposed discoveries of so-called higher criticism.
We hold and maintain the truths generally known as "the doctrines of grace." The
Electing Love of God the Father, the Propitiatory and Substitutionary Sacrifice of his
Son, Jesus Christ, Regeneration by the Holy Ghost, the Imputation of Christ's
Righteousness, the Justification of the sinner (once for all) by faith, his walk in
newness of life and growth in grace by the active indwelling of the Holy Ghost, and the
Priestly Intercession of our Lord Jesus, as also the hopeless perdition of all who reject
the Savior, according to the words of the Lord in Matthew 25:46, "These shall go away
into eternal punishment,"are, in our judgment, revealed and fundamental truths.
Our hope is the Personal Pre-millennial Return of the Lord Jesus in glory.
J.A. BROWN, M.D. |
J.G. COX |
W. R. LANE |
Because Mr. Spurgeon's name was appended to this avowal of belief, it was supposed that he
wrote it, and issued it to the world. Some, very wise people even discovered that this was
the creed that Mr. Spurgeon wanted to force down the unwilling throat of the Baptist
Union! Poor souls, it is really a pity to be obliged to dispel such blissful ignorance!
Yet dispelled it will be, as soon as the simple but true story of the manifesto is told.
About eighteen months ago, the seven brethren, whose names appear at the head of the above
list, banded themselves together as a "Fraternal"; and from time to time they
have invited other like-minded brethren to join them. Membership is not confined to
Baptists. Dr. Sinclair Paterson belongs to the brotherhood, as did the late Dr. Adolph
Saphir, until he was called to the presence of the Lord he had so long and faithfully
served. Several public meetings have been held, at which clear testimony upon the
fundamental doctrines of the gospel has been given by various members. In addition, many
private gatherings for prayer and consultation upon the Word and work of the Lord have
taken place. At one of these, it was suggested (not, however, by Mr. Spurgeon) that the
time had arrived when attention should be called, through the religious and secular press
of the country, to certain truths which, in many quarters, are either ignored or rejected.
The suggestion met with general approval, a committee was appointed to prepare the
document; in due time it was submitted to the whole company, and when the exact wording
had been settled, each member signed it in the form in which it has been published to the
church and the world. It might just as well be called "Mr. Archibald Brown's
Confession of Faith," or Mr. White's, or Mr. Hooper's, or Dr. Paterson's. It is as
much theirs as it is Mr. Spurgeon's, and as much his as theirs; but no more appertaining
to any one of the thirty than to all the rest.
It is certainly a "confession of faith" in this sense, that the brethren whose
names are appended to it do believe what they there state, and they are not ashamed to
confess their faith before any number of witnesses; but no one of them would think of
regarding this short statement as a full declaration of all that he believes about the
great verities of God. As for "Mr. Spurgeon's Confession of Faith," any one who
wants to read that will find it "writ large" in the thirty-six volumes of The
Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit. If the reading of two thousand two hundred sermons is too
great a task for the searcher after "Mr. Spurgeon's Confession of Faith," he
will be able to get a condensation of it in the President's Address delivered at the last
College Conference We venture to repeat here almost the last words written by Mr. Spurgeon
before his illness:
Greatest Fight in the World is our testimony for the present moment. It is to be had
in a neat form, and at a very small pricenamely, sixpence. Nothing would please us
more than to see it scattered by scores of thousands, and rousing a controversy on
essential truths . . .. Those of our readers who abhor modern heresies, will be our true
allies if they will help us in scattering this bombshell where it may do execution. In
this address we speak without bitterness, but also without reserve. The present policy of
the Down-grade men is to be quiet and cautious; but we shall no more copy their method
than their doctrine. Our speech is outspoken. Friends will be pleased to know that the
demand for the first edition far exceeds our expectations. Why not go in for fifty
A translation of "Mr. Spurgeon's Confession of Faith," that even men of the
world can understand, will be found at the Stockwell Orphanage, where living faith shows
itself in works of mercy for the widow and the fatherless (James 2:14-18).
The manifesto has not met with universal approval. The Christian World ridiculed "The
'Faithful' Few," by the quotation marks in the heading of a short article, in which
it said:" It is a document which few will read without a feeling of perplexity
and sadness. These thirty gentlemen appear to regard themselves as a little band of
faithful adherents to the truth amidst a faithless church. The profoundest thought, the
highest learning, the devoutest inquiry, are by implication branded as treason to the
truth, if they have reached conclusions different from those propounded in this manifesto.
Infallibility would seem to be the reward of the resolute refusal to allow the light of
science and scholarship to fall upon the divine Word. All must be wrong except the few who
can pronounce this Shibboleth" Thank you, dear Christian World; but your censure is a
choice compliment and commendation to every member of the Fraternal! The Echo called the
manifesto "A Voice from Dark Ages." A northern newspaper wrote as
follows:"No one who does not possess the power to an alarming extent of
persuading himself anything, can possibly, if he have any real acquaintance with the
controversy, hold the views as to the sense in which the Bible is divine revelation which
prevailed,in almost all the churches fifty years ago, It is not that theories have been
formed; but facts have been brought to light which must modify old-fashioned opinions, and
have already modified them to a considerable extent. It did not, however, require any new
discoveries of criticism to disprove the dogma of verbal inspiration upon which Mr.
Spurgeon and his friends insist as one of the prime essentials of Christianity. If it be
an essential, then Christianity is no better than a myth. And these men, with all their
boasted loyalty to religion, ought surely to see that in associating the Christian belief
with unnecessary, unprovable, and directly disprovable dogma, they are doing the work of
the atheist and unbeliever, who stand by smiling to see the process of destruction going
on from within. If religion and verbal inspiration must stand or fall together, then it is
the latter alternative which will happenassuredly they will fall." The italics
are ours.
The Baptist, in publishing the manifesto, said:"It is perhaps remarkable, not
so much for the signatories, as for the names which are conspicuous by their
absence." Similar remarks have been made by other papers; but the writers of them
appear not to have noticed the first words of the document :" We, the
undersigned, banded together in Fraternal Union." It is just what it professes to be,
an avowal of belief made by the members of a Fraternal. If it is asked, "Why is Mr.
So-and-so's name not there?" the answer is," He is not a member of the
Fraternal, and therefore his name has no right to be there." Many clergymen and
ministers have written, expressing their willingness to sign the manifesto; and various
signs indicate that there is a very widespread desire for some kind of union in which
lovers of the old faith might join with brethren like-minded, without being compromised by
association with those who are not one with them in the faith. That, however, was not the
object of those who signed this paper. Fraternals have been used often enough for the
spread of Down-grade error; it therefore seemed right to make use of a Fraternal for the
declaration of belief in Up-grade truth. If any Down-graders are not satisfied with what
has been done, let them accept the challenge of the editor of Word and Work, himself one
of the signatories of the document :"Such a manifesto as this is at least
timely, and the men who sign it make no secret of their creed. Is it too much to expect
that those who have changed their beliefs will be honest enough to express in language
similarly plain the extent of the change, that all the world may see clearly where they
stand? It is a fair challenge; will it elicit a fair response?"
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