The doctrine concerning God harmonizes
with the affections of the pious heart, and tends to cherish them. The moral nature of
those who do not love God, demonstrates his existence and their obligation to love him and
consequently, their nature is at war with itself. There is a conflict within, between
conscience and the depraved affections. The moral principle is in the unrenewed heart,
overrun with unholy passions; and it cannot be duly developed, until the affections are
sanctified. When, by this change, harmony has been produced in the inner man, all that is
within will harmonize with the doctrine concerning God. The mind, in its proper and
healthy action, joyfully receives the doctrine, and finds in God the object of its highest
love. The pious man rejoices that God exists, and that his attributes are what nature and
revelation proclaim them to be. "Whom have I in heaven but thee? And there is none
upon earth that I desire beside thee."[1]
The doctrine concerning God not only harmonizes with inward piety, but tends to
cherish it. If love to God exists when he is but partially known, it will increase as our
knowledge of him increases. As the pious man studies the character of God, the beauty and
glory of that character open to his view, and his heart is drawn out towards it with more
intense affection. With such soul-ravishing views the Psalmist had been favored, when he
exclaimed, " O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for
thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is; to see thy
power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary."[2]
The love of God, which is increased by a true knowledge of him, is not a mere
feeling of gratitude for blessings received. Many persons talk of God's goodness, and
profess to love him, who have no pleasure in contemplating his holiness and justice, and
to whom these are unwelcome attributes. When such persons stand before him in the last
judgment, there is reason to fear that they will find him to be a different God from that
which they loved and praised on earth. Love to the true God is love to the God of holiness
and justice, the God in whom every moral perfection is united; and if our love is of this
kind, we shall delight to survey the glories of the divine character, and, apart from all
views of the benefits received from him, shall be enamored of his essential loveliness.
The love to God which increases by a true knowledge of him, is pervaded with a
deep-felt reverence for his character. The familiar levity with which he is sometimes
approached and addressed, by no means comports with the awful exhibitions of himself which
he has made in his works and in his word. They who, while they profess to love him, have
no solemn sense of his infinite grandeur and holiness, have yet to learn the fear of God,
which is the beginning of wisdom. The true knowledge of God will rectify this evil in the
The true love of God is accompanied with humility. When we are absorbed in the
contemplation of the human mind, we may well be filled with admiration of its powers and
capacities. But lately, it rose into being, from the darkness of nonentity, a spark so
feebly glimmering, that an omniscient eye only could perceive its light. In the short
period which has intervened, it has gradually increased in splendor, and has probably
astonished the world by its brilliance. What was once the feeblest ray of intellect, has
become a Newton, a Locke, a Howard, or a Napoleon. And when we conceive of this immortal
mind, as continuing to expand its powers throughout a boundless future, we are ready to
form a high estimate of human greatness. But when we remember that man, whatever he is,
and whatever he is capable of, is a creature formed by the hand of God, and endowed by him
with all these noble faculties; when we consider that, with all his advancement through
eternal ages, he will forever be as nothing, compared with the infinitude of God; and when
we look back into past eternity, and contemplate God as existing with all this
boundlessness of perfection, ages of ages before our feeble existence commenced; we may
well turn away from all admiration of human greatness, and exclaim, "Lord, what is
man, that thou art mindful of him?"
But the strongest incentive to humility is found in contrasting our depravity with
God's holiness. Noble as the human intellect is, it is ruined by its apostasy from God.
Every depraved son of Adam, who has studied the attributes of God, and has attained to
some knowledge of his immaculate holiness, may well exclaim in deep humility, "Woe is
me! A man of unclean lips; for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts."[3]
The true knowledge of God gives confidence in him. In view of his truth, we learn
to put unwavering trust in the manifestations of himself which he has made, and the
promises which he has given, for the foundation of our hope. There are times when the good
man loses his sensible enjoyment of the divine favor, and when the sword of justice
appears pointed at his breast; but even then, with the true knowledge and love of God in
his heart, he can say, "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him."
The doctrine concerning God which the Bible teaches, confirms its claim to be
regarded as the word of God.
This doctrine, as we have seen, is precisely adapted to man's moral nature, and
calls forth the moral and religious principles with which his Creator has endowed him,
into their best and noblest exercise. If viewed apart from his relation to God, man, the
creature so wonderfully endowed, is an enigma in the universe; but the doctrine concerning
God solves the mystery. The tendency of this doctrine to exert a sanctifying influence, at
the very origin of all human feeling and action, demonstrates that it comes from God. He
who experiences its sanctifying power on his heart, has a proof of its truth that noting
else can give. For this doctrine, we are chiefly indebted to the Bible. Here God, who has
dimly exhibited himself in his works, comes forth in a direct communication, and like the
sun in the heavens, makes himself visible by his own light. If the religious principle
within us acted as it ought, the doctrine of the Bible would be as precisely adapted to us
as the light of the sun is to the eye; and we should have as thorough conviction that the
God of the Bible exists, as we have that the sun exists, when we see him shining forth
with all his splendor in the mid-heavens.
The proof that the Bible is the word of God, will accumulate as we make progress in
our investigation of religious truth. We have advanced one step, by our inquiries into the
existence and attributes of God; and the glory of the Bible-doctrine concerning God, has
shone on our path with dazzling brightness. Let us continue to prosecute our studies,
guided by this holy book; and if we open our hearts to the sanctifying power of its truth,
we shall have increasing proof, in its influence on our souls, that it comes from the God
of holiness.
[1] Ps. lxxiii. 25.
[2] Ps. lxiii. 1, 2.
[3] Isaiah vi. 5.
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